
103 lines
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// ft.test: Testing tools and status reports
#ifndef _FT_TEST_H_
#define _FT_TEST_H_
#include <gint/display.h>
#include <justui/jwidget.h>
// Test framework
/* ft_test: A series of assertions grouped together in a single function */
typedef struct ft_test {
/* Test name */
char const *name;
/* Test function */
void (*function)(struct ft_test *t);
/* Optional visualization widget; called when the visualization is
requested. The widget can be interactive, but it must not accept EXIT or
MENU events. It is destroyed atfer use. */
jwidget *(*widget)(struct ft_test *test);
/* Test log; this can be displayed by a scrolling widget */
char *log;
uint16_t log_size;
/* Number of passed, skipped and failed assertions in the test */
uint16_t passed;
uint16_t skipped;
uint16_t failed;
/* Whether test was run */
bool run;
} ft_test;
/* ft_test_init(): Init counters and logs for a test */
void ft_test_init(ft_test *test);
/* ft_test_run(): Reset and run a test */
void ft_test_run(ft_test *test);
/* ft_assert(): Record an assertion in a test, return value */
int ft_assert(ft_test *test, int expression,
char const *file, int line, char const *expression_str);
#define ft_assert(test, expression) \
ft_assert(test, expression, __FILE__, __LINE__, #expression)
/* ft_assert_eval(): Evaluate expression, log result and assert result */
#define ft_assert_eval(test, expression, expected, resultfmt) { \
if(ft_assert(test, (expression) == (expected))) \
ft_log(test, #expression " = " #expected "\n"); \
else \
ft_log(test, #expression " = " resultfmt " [wanted " #expected "]\n", \
(expression)); \
/* ft_log(): Write some data in a test's log */
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
void ft_log(ft_test *test, char const *format, ...);
// Test lists (to organize by header)
/* ft_list: A named list of tests with aggregating statistics */
typedef struct {
/* List name (header name) */
char const *name;
/* NULL-terminated list of children */
ft_test **children;
/* Number of passed, skipped and failed assertions in the children */
uint16_t passed;
uint16_t skipped;
uint16_t failed;
} ft_list;
/* ft_list_init(): Init counters and logs for a NULL-terminated test list */
void ft_list_init(ft_list *list);
/* ft_list_run(): Reset and run a list of tests (aggregates automatically) */
void ft_list_run(ft_list *list);
/* ft_list_aggregate(): Update list results based on the children's results */
void ft_list_aggregate(ft_list *l);
// Utilities
/* Colors for each test category */
#define FT_TEST_EMPTY C_RGB(20,20,20)
#define FT_TEST_PASSED C_RGB(6,25,8)
#define FT_TEST_SKIPPED C_RGB(31,20,9)
#define FT_TEST_PENDING C_RGB(15,23,27)
#define FT_TEST_FAILED C_RGB(31,10,7)
/* ft_test_color(): Color for the summary of a test */
int ft_test_color(ft_test const *t);
/* ft_list_color(): Color for the summary of a list of tests */
int ft_list_color(ft_list const *t);
#endif /* _FT_TEST_H_ */