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2021-09-09 23:43:50 +02:00
#ifndef wren_utils_h
#define wren_utils_h
#include "wren.h"
#include "wren_common.h"
// Reusable data structures and other utility functions.
// Forward declare this here to break a cycle between wren_utils.h and
// wren_value.h.
typedef struct sObjString ObjString;
// We need buffers of a few different types. To avoid lots of casting between
// void* and back, we'll use the preprocessor as a poor man's generics and let
// it generate a few type-specific ones.
#define DECLARE_BUFFER(name, type) \
typedef struct \
{ \
type* data; \
int count; \
int capacity; \
} name##Buffer; \
void wren##name##BufferInit(name##Buffer* buffer); \
void wren##name##BufferClear(WrenVM* vm, name##Buffer* buffer); \
void wren##name##BufferFill(WrenVM* vm, name##Buffer* buffer, type data, \
int count); \
void wren##name##BufferWrite(WrenVM* vm, name##Buffer* buffer, type data)
// This should be used once for each type instantiation, somewhere in a .c file.
#define DEFINE_BUFFER(name, type) \
void wren##name##BufferInit(name##Buffer* buffer) \
{ \
buffer->data = NULL; \
buffer->capacity = 0; \
buffer->count = 0; \
} \
void wren##name##BufferClear(WrenVM* vm, name##Buffer* buffer) \
{ \
wrenReallocate(vm, buffer->data, 0, 0); \
wren##name##BufferInit(buffer); \
} \
void wren##name##BufferFill(WrenVM* vm, name##Buffer* buffer, type data, \
int count) \
{ \
if (buffer->capacity < buffer->count + count) \
{ \
int capacity = wrenPowerOf2Ceil(buffer->count + count); \
buffer->data = (type*)wrenReallocate(vm, buffer->data, \
buffer->capacity * sizeof(type), capacity * sizeof(type)); \
buffer->capacity = capacity; \
} \
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) \
{ \
buffer->data[buffer->count++] = data; \
} \
} \
void wren##name##BufferWrite(WrenVM* vm, name##Buffer* buffer, type data) \
{ \
wren##name##BufferFill(vm, buffer, data, 1); \
DECLARE_BUFFER(Byte, uint8_t);
DECLARE_BUFFER(String, ObjString*);
// TODO: Change this to use a map.
typedef StringBuffer SymbolTable;
// Initializes the symbol table.
void wrenSymbolTableInit(SymbolTable* symbols);
// Frees all dynamically allocated memory used by the symbol table, but not the
// SymbolTable itself.
void wrenSymbolTableClear(WrenVM* vm, SymbolTable* symbols);
// Adds name to the symbol table. Returns the index of it in the table.
int wrenSymbolTableAdd(WrenVM* vm, SymbolTable* symbols,
const char* name, size_t length);
// Adds name to the symbol table. Returns the index of it in the table. Will
// use an existing symbol if already present.
int wrenSymbolTableEnsure(WrenVM* vm, SymbolTable* symbols,
const char* name, size_t length);
// Looks up name in the symbol table. Returns its index if found or -1 if not.
int wrenSymbolTableFind(const SymbolTable* symbols,
const char* name, size_t length);
void wrenBlackenSymbolTable(WrenVM* vm, SymbolTable* symbolTable);
// Returns the number of bytes needed to encode [value] in UTF-8.
// Returns 0 if [value] is too large to encode.
int wrenUtf8EncodeNumBytes(int value);
// Encodes value as a series of bytes in [bytes], which is assumed to be large
// enough to hold the encoded result.
// Returns the number of written bytes.
int wrenUtf8Encode(int value, uint8_t* bytes);
// Decodes the UTF-8 sequence starting at [bytes] (which has max [length]),
// returning the code point.
// Returns -1 if the bytes are not a valid UTF-8 sequence.
int wrenUtf8Decode(const uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t length);
// Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 sequence starting with [byte].
// If the character at that index is not the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence,
// returns 0.
int wrenUtf8DecodeNumBytes(uint8_t byte);
// Returns the smallest power of two that is equal to or greater than [n].
int wrenPowerOf2Ceil(int n);
// Validates that [value] is within `[0, count)`. Also allows
// negative indices which map backwards from the end. Returns the valid positive
// index value. If invalid, returns `UINT32_MAX`.
uint32_t wrenValidateIndex(uint32_t count, int64_t value);