
257 lines
8.4 KiB

#ifndef wren_vm_h
#define wren_vm_h
#include "wren_common.h"
#include "wren_compiler.h"
#include "wren_value.h"
#include "wren_utils.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
// The maximum number of temporary objects that can be made visible to the GC
// at one time.
typedef enum
#define OPCODE(name, _) CODE_##name,
#include "wren_opcodes.h"
#undef OPCODE
} Code;
// A handle to a value, basically just a linked list of extra GC roots.
// Note that even non-heap-allocated values can be stored here.
struct WrenHandle
Value value;
WrenHandle* prev;
WrenHandle* next;
struct WrenVM
ObjClass* boolClass;
ObjClass* classClass;
ObjClass* fiberClass;
ObjClass* fnClass;
ObjClass* listClass;
ObjClass* mapClass;
ObjClass* nullClass;
ObjClass* numClass;
ObjClass* objectClass;
ObjClass* rangeClass;
ObjClass* stringClass;
// the interpreter saved context
jmp_buf ctxbuf;
// The fiber that is currently running.
ObjFiber* fiber;
// The loaded modules. Each key is an ObjString (except for the main module,
// whose key is null) for the module's name and the value is the ObjModule
// for the module.
ObjMap* modules;
// The most recently imported module. More specifically, the module whose
// code has most recently finished executing.
// Not treated like a GC root since the module is already in [modules].
ObjModule* lastModule;
// Memory management data:
// The number of bytes that are known to be currently allocated. Includes all
// memory that was proven live after the last GC, as well as any new bytes
// that were allocated since then. Does *not* include bytes for objects that
// were freed since the last GC.
size_t bytesAllocated;
// The number of total allocated bytes that will trigger the next GC.
size_t nextGC;
// The first object in the linked list of all currently allocated objects.
Obj* first;
// The "gray" set for the garbage collector. This is the stack of unprocessed
// objects while a garbage collection pass is in process.
Obj** gray;
int grayCount;
int grayCapacity;
// The list of temporary roots. This is for temporary or new objects that are
// not otherwise reachable but should not be collected.
// They are organized as a stack of pointers stored in this array. This
// implies that temporary roots need to have stack semantics: only the most
// recently pushed object can be released.
Obj* tempRoots[WREN_MAX_TEMP_ROOTS];
int numTempRoots;
// Pointer to the first node in the linked list of active handles or NULL if
// there are none.
WrenHandle* handles;
// Pointer to the bottom of the range of stack slots available for use from
// the C API. During a foreign method, this will be in the stack of the fiber
// that is executing a method.
// If not in a foreign method, this is initially NULL. If the user requests
// slots by calling wrenEnsureSlots(), a stack is created and this is
// initialized.
Value* apiStack;
WrenConfiguration config;
// Compiler and debugger data:
// The compiler that is currently compiling code. This is used so that heap
// allocated objects used by the compiler can be found if a GC is kicked off
// in the middle of a compile.
Compiler* compiler;
// There is a single global symbol table for all method names on all classes.
// Method calls are dispatched directly by index in this table.
SymbolTable methodNames;
// A generic allocation function that handles all explicit memory management.
// It's used like so:
// - To allocate new memory, [memory] is NULL and [oldSize] is zero. It should
// return the allocated memory or NULL on failure.
// - To attempt to grow an existing allocation, [memory] is the memory,
// [oldSize] is its previous size, and [newSize] is the desired size.
// It should return [memory] if it was able to grow it in place, or a new
// pointer if it had to move it.
// - To shrink memory, [memory], [oldSize], and [newSize] are the same as above
// but it will always return [memory].
// - To free memory, [memory] will be the memory to free and [newSize] and
// [oldSize] will be zero. It should return NULL.
void* wrenReallocate(WrenVM* vm, void* memory, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize);
// Invoke the finalizer for the foreign object referenced by [foreign].
void wrenFinalizeForeign(WrenVM* vm, ObjForeign* foreign);
// Creates a new [WrenHandle] for [value].
WrenHandle* wrenMakeHandle(WrenVM* vm, Value value);
// Compile [source] in the context of [module] and wrap in a fiber that can
// execute it.
// Returns NULL if a compile error occurred.
ObjClosure* wrenCompileSource(WrenVM* vm, const char* module,
const char* source, bool isExpression,
bool printErrors);
// Looks up a variable from a previously-loaded module.
// Aborts the current fiber if the module or variable could not be found.
Value wrenGetModuleVariable(WrenVM* vm, Value moduleName, Value variableName);
// Returns the value of the module-level variable named [name] in the main
// module.
Value wrenFindVariable(WrenVM* vm, ObjModule* module, const char* name);
// Adds a new implicitly declared top-level variable named [name] to [module]
// based on a use site occurring on [line].
// Does not check to see if a variable with that name is already declared or
// defined. Returns the symbol for the new variable or -2 if there are too many
// variables defined.
int wrenDeclareVariable(WrenVM* vm, ObjModule* module, const char* name,
size_t length, int line);
// Adds a new top-level variable named [name] to [module], and optionally
// populates line with the line of the implicit first use (line can be NULL).
// Returns the symbol for the new variable, -1 if a variable with the given name
// is already defined, or -2 if there are too many variables defined.
// Returns -3 if this is a top-level lowercase variable (localname) that was
// used before being defined.
int wrenDefineVariable(WrenVM* vm, ObjModule* module, const char* name,
size_t length, Value value, int* line);
// Pushes [closure] onto [fiber]'s callstack to invoke it. Expects [numArgs]
// arguments (including the receiver) to be on the top of the stack already.
static inline void wrenCallFunction(WrenVM* vm, ObjFiber* fiber,
ObjClosure* closure, int numArgs)
// Grow the call frame array if needed.
if (fiber->numFrames + 1 > fiber->frameCapacity)
int max = fiber->frameCapacity * 2;
fiber->frames = (CallFrame*)wrenReallocate(vm, fiber->frames,
sizeof(CallFrame) * fiber->frameCapacity, sizeof(CallFrame) * max);
fiber->frameCapacity = max;
// Grow the stack if needed.
int stackSize = (int)(fiber->stackTop - fiber->stack);
int needed = stackSize + closure->fn->maxSlots;
wrenEnsureStack(vm, fiber, needed);
wrenAppendCallFrame(vm, fiber, closure, fiber->stackTop - numArgs);
// Marks [obj] as a GC root so that it doesn't get collected.
void wrenPushRoot(WrenVM* vm, Obj* obj);
// Removes the most recently pushed temporary root.
void wrenPopRoot(WrenVM* vm);
// Returns the class of [value].
// Defined here instead of in wren_value.h because it's critical that this be
// inlined. That means it must be defined in the header, but the wren_value.h
// header doesn't have a full definitely of WrenVM yet.
static inline ObjClass* wrenGetClassInline(WrenVM* vm, Value value)
if (IS_NUM(value)) return vm->numClass;
if (IS_OBJ(value)) return AS_OBJ(value)->classObj;
switch (GET_TAG(value))
case TAG_FALSE: return vm->boolClass; break;
case TAG_NAN: return vm->numClass; break;
case TAG_NULL: return vm->nullClass; break;
case TAG_TRUE: return vm->boolClass; break;
switch (value.type)
case VAL_FALSE: return vm->boolClass;
case VAL_NULL: return vm->nullClass;
case VAL_NUM: return vm->numClass;
case VAL_TRUE: return vm->boolClass;
case VAL_OBJ: return AS_OBJ(value)->classObj;
return NULL;
// Returns `true` if [name] is a local variable name (starts with a lowercase
// letter).
static inline bool wrenIsLocalName(const char* name)
return name[0] >= 'a' && name[0] <= 'z';
static inline bool wrenIsFalsyValue(Value value)
return IS_FALSE(value) || IS_NULL(value);