[MAKE] Add of CMake and build script

This commit is contained in:
anhe-odoo 2022-02-07 09:46:28 +01:00
parent e1fafaa146
commit 5c85120bf5
7 changed files with 767 additions and 0 deletions

CMakeLists.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
project(elysius NONE)
add_custom_target(menu ALL)
COMMAND ./pithon.sh ./srcs/0~MENU__.cbs

macroDef.mac Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
/** \file macroDef.mac
* \brief Implementation des macros utilisees dans les autres fichiers */
//#include "numbered.mac"
// MACRO-DEFINITION PERMETTANT DE CONCATENER DEUX COMMANDES ========================================
#if !defined( conct )
# define conct(STR1, STR2) STR1 ## STR2
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS NECESSAIRES A LA CONVERSION EN BOOLEEN ========================================
#if !defined( _bool )
# define _bool(COND) isProbe(_bool ## _ ## COND)
# define _bool_0 a , 0
# define _bool_ a , 0
# define isProbe(...) _second(__VA_ARGS__ , 1)
# define _second(a, b, ...) b
# define _not(a) inline_if(a)( 0 )( 1 )
# define _and(a,b) inline_if(a)(_bool(b))( 0 )
# define _or(a,b) inline_if(a)( 1 )(_bool(b))
# define _xor(a,b) inline_if(a)( _not(b))( b )
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS PERMETTANT LA DEFINITION DU IF-ELSE ===========================================
#if !defined( inline_if )
# define inline_if(...) iif(_bool(__VA_ARGS__))
# define iif(COND) conct(__iif_, COND)
# define __iif_1(...) __VA_ARGS__ _elif_1
# define __iif_0(...) _elif_0
# define _elif_1(...)
# define _elif_0(...) __VA_ARGS__
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS PERMETTANT LE FOREACH =========================================================
#if !defined( foreach )
# define foreach(var,list,cond) \
for var in [var for var in list if cond]
#if !defined(for_each)
# define for_each(...) _getOverride(__VA_ARGS__, _for3, _for2)(__VA_ARGS__)
# define _getOverride(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME
# define __for() fora
# define _for2(data, expr) data(expr)
# define _for3(imin, imax, expr) EVAL(fora(imin, sub(imax,imin), expr))
# define fora(indx, nmbr, expr) /*(*/ \
expr(indx) \
inline_if ( nmbr ) ( \
defer2 (__for) () (inc(indx), dec(nmbr), expr) \
)() \
// MACRO PERMETTANT DE VERIFIER Q'UNE FONCTION A DES ARGUMENTS =====================================
#if !defined(has_args)
# define has_args(...) _tmp(_first(_eof __VA_ARGS__)(0))
# define _first(a, ...) a
# define _eof(...) _tmp(_first(__VA_ARGS__))
# define _tmp(...) _bool(__VA_ARGS__)
// MACRO PERMETTANT D'ALLER CHERCHER UN ELEMENT DANS UNE LISTE =====================================
#if !defined(get_data)
# define get_data(data, indx) tt(indx, data(lst))
# define tt(...) EVAL(got(__VA_ARGS__))
# define lst(a) a,
# define _got() got
# define got(indx, valr, ...) ( \
inline_if ( indx ) ( \
defer2 (_got) () (dec(indx), __VA_ARGS__ ) \
) /*else*/ ( \
valr \
) \
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS DE DEREFERENCE ET D'EVALUATION ================================================
#if !defined(defer)
# define _null()
# define defer(...) __VA_ARGS__ _null()
# define defer2(...) __VA_ARGS__ defer(_null) ()
#if !defined(sub)
# define sub(a, b) EVAL(dif(a, b))
# define _dif() dif
# define dif(NUM1, NUM2) /*(*/ \
inline_if ( NUM2 ) ( \
defer2 (_dif) () (dec(NUM1), dec(NUM2)) \
) /*else*/ ( \
NUM1 \
) \
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS PERMETTANT DE CALCULER UNE ADDITION ===========================================
#if !defined(add)
# define add(a, b) EVAL(_sum(a, b))
# define _add() _sum
# define _sum(NUM1, NUM2) /*(*/ \
inline_if( NUM2 ) ( \
defer2 (_add) () (inc(NUM1), dec(NUM2)) \
) /*else*/ ( \
NUM1 \
) \

pithon.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#echo "≡" | hexdump -C
# | ≡ | ≤ | ≥ | ≠ | √ | → | ∞ | · | ∏ | ∑ | ⌊ ⌋ | ⌈ ⌉ | ⟨ ⟩ | ∀ | ∈ | ∉ |
# | ₀ | ₁ | ₂ | ₃ | ₄ | ₅ | ₆ | ₇ | ₈ | ₉ | ₊ | ₋ | | ₕ | ₖ | ₗ | ₘ | ₙ | ₚ | ₛ | ₜ |
# | ⁰ | ¹ | ² | ³ | ⁴ | ⁵ | ⁶ | ⁷ | ⁸ | ⁹ | ⁺ | ⁻ | ⁱ |
# | Α | Β | Γ | Δ | Ε | Ζ | Η | Θ | Ι | Κ | Λ | Μ | Ν | Ξ | Ο | Π | Ρ | Σ | Τ | Υ | Φ | Χ | Ψ | Ω
# | α | β | γ | δ | ε | ζ | η | θ | ι | κ | λ | μ | ν | ξ | ο | π | ρ | σ/ς | τ | υ | φ/ϕ | χ | ψ | ω
# TODO :
cat "$1" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' > "$out.tmp";
sed -i "/^'/ d" "$out.tmp";
#sed -i -e "s/( *\(.*\) * ? *\(.*\) *: *\(.*\) *)/(\2 if \1 else \3)/g" "$out.tmp";
sed -e 's/\xe2\x88\x9a/sqrt/g' -e 's/\xe2\x88\x87/nabla/g;s/\xe2\x88\x80/for/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x88\x88/in/g;s/\xe2\x88\x89/not in/g;s/\xc2\xb7/<<dot()>>/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x89\xa4/<=/g;s/\xe2\x89\xa5/>=/g;s/\xe2\x89\xa0/!=/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x8c\x8a/int(floor(/g;s/[\xe2\x8c\x8b\xe2\x8c\x89]/))/g;s/\xe2\x8c\x88/int(ceil(/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x80/\xe2\x9f\xa80\xe2\x9f\xa9/g;s/\xe2\x82\x81/\xe2\x9f\xa81\xe2\x9f\xa9/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x82/\xe2\x9f\xa82\xe2\x9f\xa9/g;s/\xe2\x82\x83/\xe2\x9f\xa83\xe2\x9f\xa9/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x84/\xe2\x9f\xa84\xe2\x9f\xa9/g;s/\xe2\x82\x85/\xe2\x9f\xa85\xe2\x9f\xa9/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x86/\xe2\x9f\xa86\xe2\x9f\xa9/g;s/\xe2\x82\x87/\xe2\x9f\xa87\xe2\x9f\xa9/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x88/\xe2\x9f\xa88\xe2\x9f\xa9/g;s/\xe2\x82\x89/\xe2\x9f\xa89\xe2\x9f\xa9/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x98/\xe2\x9f\xa8m\xe2\x9f\xa9/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x82\x99/\xe2\x9f\xa8n\xe2\x9f\xa9/g;s/\xe2\x82\x8a/+/g;s/\xe2\x82\x8b/-/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x81\xb0/**0/g;s/\xc2\xb9/**1/g;s/\xc2\xb2/**2/g;s/\xc2\xb3/**3/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x81\xb4/**4/g;s/\xe2\x81\xb5/**5/g;s/\xe2\x81\xb6/**6/g;s/\xe2\x81\xb7/**7/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x81\xb8/**8/g;s/\xe2\x81\xb9/**9/g;s/\xe2\x81\xba//g;s/\xe2\x81\xbb/**-/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x81\xb1/**i/g' \
-e 's/\xce\xb1/alpha/g;s/\xce\xb2/beta/g;s/\xce\xb3/gamma/g;s/\xce\xb4/delta/g' \
-e 's/\xce\xb5/epsilon/g;s/\xce\xb6/zeta/g;s/\xce\xb7/eta/g;s/\xce\xb8/theta/g' \
-e 's/\xce\xb9/iota/g;s/\xce\xba/kappa/g;s/\xce\xbb/lambda/g;s/\xce\xbc/mu/g;s/\xce\xbd/nu/g' \
-e 's/\xce\xbe/ksi/g;s/\xce\xbf/omicron/g;s/\xcf\x80/pi/g;s/\xcf\x81/rho/g' \
-e 's/\xcf\x82/varsigma/g;s/\xcf\x83/sigma/g;s/\xcf\x84/tau/g;s/\xcf\x85/upsilon/g' \
-e 's/\xcf\x86/phi/g;s/\xcf\x95/varphi/g;s/\xcf\x87/chi/g;s/\xcf\x88/psi/g;s/\xcf\x89/omega/g' \
-e 's/\xe2\x88\x9e/float("inf")/g;s/\xe2\x86\x92/->/g' \
"$out.tmp" > "$out";
#sed -i -e ":l;s/\(# *include *<\)\([$word]*\) *, *\(.*\)>/\\1\2>\n\1\3>/g;t l" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/\([$word]*\) *\xe2\x89\xa1 *\([$word]*\) *\xe2\x86\x92/def \1(\2) : return /g" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/\([$word]*\) *\xe2\x86\x92/lambda \1 : /g" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/| *\([$word]*\) *|/abs(\1)/g" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/\[ *\([$word]*\) *; *\([$word]*\) *\[/range(\1,\2)/g" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/\] *\([$word]*\) *; *\([$word]*\) *\[/range(\1+1,\2)/g" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/\[ *\([$word]*\) *; *\([$word]*\) *\]/range(\1,\2+1)/g" "$out";
#sed -i -e "s/\] *\([$word]*\) *; *\([$word]*\) *\]/range(\1+1,\2+1)/g" "$out";
cpp "$out" > "$out.tmp";
sed '/^#/ d' "$out.tmp" > "$out" && rm "$out.tmp";
sed -i 's/#.*$//;/^$/d' "$out";
sed -i 's/; *$//g' "$out";
sed -i 's/\xe2\x9f\xa9\([+-]\)\xe2\x9f\xa8/\1/g' "$out";
sed -i 's/\xe2\x9f\xa9\([+-]\)\xe2\x9f\xa8/\1/g' "$out";
sed -i 's/\xe2\x9f\xa9/]/g;s/\xe2\x9f\xa8/[/g' "$out";
python3 g1mtool.py pack "$out"
rm "$out";

preproc/error_codes.def Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// General Errors =================================================================
#define _SYNTAX_ERROR_ 1
#define _MA_ERROR_ 2
#define _GO_ERROR_ 3
#define _NESTING_ERROR_ 4
#define _STACK_ERROR_ 5
#define _MEMORY_ERROR_ 6
#define _ARG_ERROR_ 7
#define _DIM_ERROR_ 8
#define _RANGE_ERROR_ 9
// Miscellaneous Errors ===========================================================
#define _NONREAL_ERROR_ 11
// Communication Errors ===========================================================
#define _COM_ERROR_ 20
#define _TRANSMIST_ERROR_ 21
#define _RECEIVE_ERROR_ 22
// Other Errors ==================================================================
28: Too Much Data
33: For without Next
34: Next without For
35: While w/o W.End
36: W.End w/o While
37: Do w/o LpWhile
38: LpWhile w/o Do
39: Not Loop ERROR
40: Division By Zero
41: Undefined Label
42: Not enough Memory
43: String Too Long
44: No Matrix array
45: Illegal Ary size
46: No Prog found
47: Too many SubProg
48: If without IfEnd
49: Then without If
50: Case w/o Switch
51: Default w/o Swtch
52: Switch w/o S.End
53: S.End w/o Switch
54: Can't find file
55: Illegal Element
56: Already Opened
57: Com Not Opened
58: Type Mismatched
59: Out of Domain
60: Undefined Var.
61: Undefined Func.
62: Not Supported
63: Exceed Var. limit
64: Duplicated Def.
65: Address Align ERR
66: Not met Accuracy
70: Try w/o Except
71: Except w/o Try
72: TryEnd w/o Try

preproc/macroDef.mac Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
/** \file macroDef.mac
* \brief Implementation des macros utilisees dans les autres fichiers */
//#include "numbered.mac"
// MACRO-DEFINITION PERMETTANT DE CONCATENER DEUX COMMANDES ========================================
#if !defined( conct )
# define conct(STR1, STR2) STR1 ## STR2
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS NECESSAIRES A LA CONVERSION EN BOOLEEN ========================================
#if !defined( _bool )
# define _bool(COND) isProbe(_bool ## _ ## COND)
# define _bool_0 a , 0
# define _bool_ a , 0
# define isProbe(...) _second(__VA_ARGS__ , 1)
# define _second(a, b, ...) b
# define _not(a) inline_if(a)( 0 )( 1 )
# define _and(a,b) inline_if(a)(_bool(b))( 0 )
# define _or(a,b) inline_if(a)( 1 )(_bool(b))
# define _xor(a,b) inline_if(a)( _not(b))( b )
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS PERMETTANT LA DEFINITION DU IF-ELSE ===========================================
#if !defined( inline_if )
# define inline_if(...) iif(_bool(__VA_ARGS__))
# define iif(COND) conct(__iif_, COND)
# define __iif_1(...) __VA_ARGS__ _elif_1
# define __iif_0(...) _elif_0
# define _elif_1(...)
# define _elif_0(...) __VA_ARGS__
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS PERMETTANT LE FOREACH =========================================================
#if !defined( foreach )
# define foreach(var,list,cond) \
for var in [var for var in list if cond]
#if !defined(for_each)
# define for_each(...) _getOverride(__VA_ARGS__, _for3, _for2)(__VA_ARGS__)
# define _getOverride(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME
# define __for() fora
# define _for2(data, expr) data(expr)
# define _for3(imin, imax, expr) EVAL(fora(imin, sub(imax,imin), expr))
# define fora(indx, nmbr, expr) /*(*/ \
expr(indx) \
inline_if ( nmbr ) ( \
defer2 (__for) () (inc(indx), dec(nmbr), expr) \
)() \
// MACRO PERMETTANT DE VERIFIER Q'UNE FONCTION A DES ARGUMENTS =====================================
#if !defined(has_args)
# define has_args(...) _tmp(_first(_eof __VA_ARGS__)(0))
# define _first(a, ...) a
# define _eof(...) _tmp(_first(__VA_ARGS__))
# define _tmp(...) _bool(__VA_ARGS__)
// MACRO PERMETTANT D'ALLER CHERCHER UN ELEMENT DANS UNE LISTE =====================================
#if !defined(get_data)
# define get_data(data, indx) tt(indx, data(lst))
# define tt(...) EVAL(got(__VA_ARGS__))
# define lst(a) a,
# define _got() got
# define got(indx, valr, ...) ( \
inline_if ( indx ) ( \
defer2 (_got) () (dec(indx), __VA_ARGS__ ) \
) /*else*/ ( \
valr \
) \
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS DE DEREFERENCE ET D'EVALUATION ================================================
#if !defined(defer)
# define _null()
# define defer(...) __VA_ARGS__ _null()
# define defer2(...) __VA_ARGS__ defer(_null) ()
#if !defined(sub)
# define sub(a, b) EVAL(dif(a, b))
# define _dif() dif
# define dif(NUM1, NUM2) /*(*/ \
inline_if ( NUM2 ) ( \
defer2 (_dif) () (dec(NUM1), dec(NUM2)) \
) /*else*/ ( \
NUM1 \
) \
// MACRO-DEFINITIONS PERMETTANT DE CALCULER UNE ADDITION ===========================================
#if !defined(add)
# define add(a, b) EVAL(_sum(a, b))
# define _add() _sum
# define _sum(NUM1, NUM2) /*(*/ \
inline_if( NUM2 ) ( \
defer2 (_add) () (inc(NUM1), dec(NUM2)) \
) /*else*/ ( \
NUM1 \
) \

srcs/0~MENU__.cbs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
#define PERIODIC 0
#define CONSTANT 1
#define CONVERT 0
#define CHEMISTRY 0
#define CIRCUIT 0
#include "error_codes.def"
Local i
ViewWindow 1,127,0,1,63,0
Lbl 1
PlotOn 1,64:
F-Line 1,61,3,63:
For 1→i To 28 Step 3
F-Line i,58,5+i,63:
F-Line i+94,58,99+i,63:
F-Line 31,58,34,61:
PlotOn 34,58:
F-Line 95,61,97,63:
F-Line 122,58,127,63:
F-Line 125,58,127,60:
For 2→i To 92 Step 30
F-Line i,39,i+28,39:
F-Line i+28,40,i+28,56:
If i<3
Then F-Line i,20,i+28,20:
F-Line i+28,21,i+28,37:
// If i<33
// Then F-Line i,1,i+28,1:
// F-Line i+28,2,i+28,1'8:
// IfEnd
#if defined(PERIODIC) && (PERIODIC == 1)
F-Line 2,40,2,49:
F-Line 4,40,4,49:
F-Line 6,40,6,49:
For 8→i To 14 Step 2
F-Line i,40,i,43:
PlotOn i-1,41:
PlotOn i-1,43:
PlotOn 15,41:
PlotOn 15,43:
F-Line 16,40,16,47:
F-Line 18,40,18,47:
F-Line 20,40,20,49:
F-Line 22,40,22,49:
For 41→i To 49 Step 2
PlotOn 3,i:
PlotOn 5,i:
PlotOn 21,i:
For 41→i To 47 Step 2
PlotOn 5,i:
PlotOn 17,i:
PlotOn 19,i:
F-Line 8,49,8,45:
F-Line 11,49,11,45:
F-Line 9,47,10,47:
F-Line 14,49,14,47:
F-Line 4,52,4,55:
F-Line 2,56,6,56:
PlotOn 7,54:
F-Line 9,52,9,56:
F-Line 10,56,11,56:
F-Line 10,54,11,54:
PlotOn 12,55:
F-Line 14,52,14,56:
F-Line 15,56,16,56:
F-Line 15,54,16,54:
F-Line 17,52,17,53:
PlotOn 17,55:
F-Line 19,52,19,56:
F-Line 20,52,21,52:
F-Line 20,56,21,56:
F-Line 22,53,22,55:
F-Line 24,53,24,55:
F-Line 25,56,26,56:
F-Line 25,52,27,54:
PlotOn 27,55:
PlotOn 27,52:
F-Line 24,40,24,45:
F-Line 25,40,25,45:
F-Line 26,40,26,45:
PlotOff 26,43:
PlotOn 27,45:
F-Line 28,40,28,45:
F-Line 29,40,29,45:
FillRect 2,8,30,25
#if defined(CONSTANT) && (CONSTANT == 1)
F-Line 33,50,35,50:
F-Line 36,49,38,49:
F-Line 39,48,41,46:
F-Line 43,43,42,45:
F-Line 32,45,32,48:
F-Line 33,46,33,47:
F-Line 35,46,36,46:
F-Line 37,45,38,43:
F-Line 39,41,39,40:
F-Line 42,41,43,41:
F-Line 41,40,44,40:
F-Line 32,40,32,43:
F-Line 33,40,33,43:
F-Line 34,40,34,42:
F-Line 35,40,35,41:
F-Line 44,46,46,46:
F-Line 44,48,45,48:
F-Line 44,50,46,50:
PlotOn 43,49:
PlotOn 43,47:
PlotOn 47,47:
PlotOn 48,48:
PlotOn 49,47:
PlotOn 48,46:
F-Line 48,44,49,44:
F-Line 47,41,47,43:
F-Line 50,43,48,42:
F-Line 48,40,49,40:
F-Line 51,45,52,45:
F-Line 54,47,54,49:
F-Line 56,47,56,49:
F-Line 53,50,57,50:
F-Line 32,53,32,55:
F-Line 33,52,35,52:
F-Line 33,56,35,56:
F-Line 37,53,37,55:
F-Line 38,52,39,52:
F-Line 38,56,39,56:
F-Line 40,53,40,55:
F-Line 42,52,42,56:
PlotOn 43,55:
PlotOn 44,54:
F-Line 45,52,45,56:
F-Line 47,52,49,52:
F-Line 48,54,49,54:
F-Line 48,56,50,56:
PlotOn 50,53:
PlotOn 47,55:
F-Line 52,56,56,56:
F-Line 54,52,54,55:
F-Line 54,39,54,45:
F-Line 55,45,59,45:
F-Line 55,43,58,43:
F-Line 56,41,59,41:
PlotOn 55,42:
PlotOn 59,44:
FillRect 32,8,60,25
#if defined(CONVERT) && (CONVERT == 1)
F-Line 62,53,62,55:
F-Line 63,52,64,52:
F-Line 63,56,64,56:
F-Line 67,52,68,52:
F-Line 66,53,66,55:
F-Line 67,56,68,56:
F-Line 69,53,69,55:
F-Line 71,52,71,56:
F-Line 72,55,73,54:
F-Line 74,52,74,56:
F-Line 76,53,76,56:
PlotOn 77,52:
F-Line 78,53,78,56:
F-Line 80,52,80,56:
F-Line 81,52,82,52:
F-Line 81,56,82,56:
PlotOn 81,54:
F-Line 84,52,84,56:
F-Line 87,55,85,56:
F-Line 85,54,86,54:
F-Line 87,52,87,53:
F-Line 84,40,84,45:
F-Line 85,45,89,45:
F-Line 85,43,88,43:
F-Line 85,41,88,41:
PlotOn 85,42:
PlotOn 89,40:
PlotOn 89,42:
PlotOn 89,44:
F-Line 62,47,62,48:
F-Line 64,47,64,48:
F-Line 66,47,66,48:
PlotOn 63,49:
PlotOn 65,49:
F-Line 68,48,69,48:
PlotOn 70,47:
PlotOn 70,49:
PlotOn 71,48:
F-Line 73,47,73,48:
PlotOn 73,50:
F-Line 75,47,75,49:
F-Line 76,49,77,47:
F-Line 79,42,79,48:
PlotOn 80,48:
PlotOn 81,47:
PlotOn 81,49:
PlotOn 82,48:
F-Line 84,47,86,47:
F-Line 84,48,85,49:
F-Line 86,48,86,49:
F-Line 88,47,88,50:
PlotOn 64,45:
PlotOn 63,44:
PlotOn 65,44:
PlotOn 64,43:
F-Line 64,42,66,42:
F-Line 68,42,68,43:
F-Line 68,40,70,42:
PlotOn 70,43:
F-Line 72,42,73,43:
F-Line 74,41,74,44:
PlotOn 73,41:
PlotOn 76,42:
PlotOn 77,41:
PlotOn 77,43:
PlotOn 78,42:
FillRect 62,8,90,25
#if defined(CHEMISTRY) && (CHEMISTRY == 1)
F-Line 92,52,92,56:
F-Line 93,52,94,52:
F-Line 93,54,94,54:
F-Line 93,56,94,56:
PlotOn 95,53:
PlotOn 95,55:
F-Line 97,52,97,55:
F-Line 98,56,99,56:
F-Line 98,54,99,54:
F-Line 100,52,100,55:
F-Line 102,52,102,56:
F-Line 103,52,104,52:
F-Line 106,52,106,55:
F-Line 107,56,108,56:
F-Line 107,54,108,54:
F-Line 109,52,109,55:
F-Line 111,52,111,56:
F-Line 112,55,113,54:
F-Line 114,52,114,56:
F-Line 116,53,116,55:
F-Line 117,52,118,52:
F-Line 117,56,118,56:
F-Line 92,48,92,49:
F-Line 93,50,94,50:
F-Line 93,47,94,47:
F-Line 95,48,95,49:
F-Line 97,48,97,49:
F-Line 98,47,99,47:
F-Line 98,50,99,50:
F-Line 100,48,100,49:
F-Line 95,45,97,45:
F-Line 94,44,98,44:
F-Line 94,43,98,43:
F-Line 94,42,98,42:
F-Line 95,41,97,41:
F-Line 102,47,106,47:
PlotOn 105,48:
F-Line 102,45,106,45:
PlotOn 103,44:
F-Line 105,41,105,42:
F-Line 106,43,107,43:
F-Line 106,40,107,40:
F-Line 108,41,108,42:
F-Line 109,43,111,43:
F-Line 108,44,112,44:
F-Line 108,45,112,45:
F-Line 108,46,112,46:
F-Line 109,47,111,47:
F-Line 112,48,112,49:
F-Line 113,47,114,47:
F-Line 113,50,114,50:
F-Line 115,48,115,49:
F-Line 114,40,114,45:
F-Line 115,40,117,40:
F-Line 115,41,117,41:
F-Line 115,45,119,45:
F-Line 116,44,117,44:
F-Line 116,43,117,43:
F-Line 119,43,119,44:
F-Line 119,40,119,41:
FillRect 92,8,120,25
#if defined(CIRCUIT) && (CIRCUIT == 1)
Text 27,2,"CIRCUIT":
F-Line 3,30,15,30:
F-Line 15,31,18,31:
F-Line 15,29,18,29:
F-Line 18,30,21,30:
F-Line 21,29,21,28:
F-Line 20,28,20,25:
F-Line 22,28,22,25:
F-Line 21,25,21,23:
F-Line 20,23,9,23:
F-Line 9,24,6,24:
F-Line 9,22,6,22:
F-Line 6,23,3,23:
F-Line 3,24,3,25:
F-Line 2,26,2,27:
F-Line 4,26,4,27:
F-Line 3,28,3,29:
PlotOn 6,29:
PlotOn 7,31:
PlotOn 8,29:
PlotOn 9,31:
PlotOn 10,29:
F-Line 13,29,13,28:
F-Line 12,27,14,27:
F-Line 12,25,14,25:
PlotOn 13,24:
F-Line 24,26,24,21:
F-Line 25,22,28,22:
F-Line 25,26,29,26:
F-Line 26,24,29,24:
PlotOn 29,23:
PlotOn 29,21:
FillRect 2,27,30,44
LocateYX 0,38,"MAIN MENU"
Lbl 2
Prog "_WAITKEY"→i
Switch i:
# if defined(PERIODIC) && (PERIODIC == 1)
Case 72:
Try :
Except _GO_ERROR_:
PopUpWin(11,"ERREUR!","Programme introuvable")
Goto 1
# endif
# if defined(CONSTANT) && (CONSTANT == 1)
Case 62:
Try :
Except _GO_ERROR_:
PopUpWin(11,"ERREUR!","Programme introuvable")
Goto 1
# endif
# if defined(CONVERT) && (CONVERT == 1)
Case 52:
Try :
Except _GO_ERROR_:
PopUpWin(11,"ERREUR!","Programme introuvable")
Goto 1
# endif
# if defined(CHEMISTRY) && (CHEMISTRY == 1)
Case 73:
Try :
Except _GO_ERROR_:
PopUpWin(11,"ERREUR!","Programme introuvable")
Goto 1
# endif
# if defined(CIRCUIT) && (CIRCUIT == 1)
Case 63:
Try :
Except _GO_ERROR_:
PopUpWin(11,"ERREUR!","Programme introuvable")
Goto 1
# endif
Case 48:
Case 47:
Goto 2

srcs/_WAITKEY.cbs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Do:LpWhile Getkey