
241 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
### Readme ###################################################################
# name: sprite-optimizer
# version: 1.1
# author: Dark-Storm
# license: CeCILL v2.1
# comments:
# lines are stored as arrays of pixels
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from bresenham import bresenham
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from random import randint
import sys
from time import time
rand = lambda: randint(0,200)
progress = False
def print_stats(img):
"""Print number and percentage of black pixels"""
pixels = img.getdata()
count = sum([1 for i in pixels if i == 0])
if progress:
print("{} black pixels over {} ({:.1%})".format(count, len(pixels), count/len(pixels)))
def get_lines(img):
"""Generate all potential lines the image contains"""
lines = set()
lines_uniq = set()
pixels = {(x, y) for x in range(img.width) for y in range(img.height) if img.getpixel((x, y)) == 0}
i, n = 0, len(pixels) * len(pixels)
if progress:
print("Get lines:", end = "")
# for each pair of pixels, get the line
for a in pixels:
for b in pixels:
line = tuple(bresenham(*a, *b))
line_uniq = tuple(sorted(line))
# if image contains the line, put it on the array
if set(line).issubset(pixels) and line_uniq not in lines_uniq:
i += 1
if progress:
print("\rGet lines: {:.1%}".format(i / n), end = "")
if progress:
print("\rGet lines: complete")
print("{} lines found".format(len(lines)))
return list(lines)
def removing_useless(lines):
"""Remove lines that are sub-lines of other ones"""
results = []
n = len(lines)
if progress:
print("Remove useless lines:", end = "")
# for each line, see if there is a line that contains every pixel of it
lines_set = [ set(l) for l in lines ]
for i, l in enumerate(lines_set):
inclusions = 0
# others are all lines that are not l
for j, k in enumerate(lines_set):
if i == j: continue
if l.issubset(k):
inclusions += 1
# or len(l) == 1 : we keep single pixels to complete the image if necessary
# TODO: do some tests to see if it's worth or not
if inclusions == 0 or len(l) == 1:
results.append((len(l), lines[i], l))
if progress:
print("\rRemove useless lines: {:.1%}".format(i / n), end = "")
if progress:
print("\rRemove useless lines: complete")
if progress:
print("{} lines kept".format(len(results)))
return results
def get_best_solution(img, lines):
"""Compute an optimized solution. The magic part of the algorithm"""
px_left = {(x, y) for x in range(img.width) for y in range(img.height)
if img.getpixel((x, y)) == 0}
results = []
n = len(px_left)
if progress:
print("Draw:", end = "")
# while the entier image has not been drown
while px_left:
# define the length of lines
lines = [(len(l_set.intersection(px_left)) - len(l)/(2*max(img.size)),
l, l_set) for n, l, l_set in lines]
# sort them by length
lines = sorted(lines)
# pop the longest
(p, line, line_set) = lines.pop()
# define the pixels that are not covered by any lines
px_left = px_left.difference(line_set)
results.append((line[0], line[-1]))
if progress:
print("\rDraw: {:.0%}".format(1 - len(px_left)/n), end="")
if progress:
print("\rDraw: complete")
if progress:
print("Solution found in {} lines".format(len(results)))
return results
def generate_code(lines, args):
"""Generate Basic Casio code"""
str_x, str_y = "{", "{"
# Casio's bresenham is reversed compared to classic ones
# so we need to reverse the ends of the lines
for (x_end, y_end), (x_start, y_start) in lines:
x_start, y_start = x_start + int(args.offset[0]), y_start + int(args.offset[1])
x_end, y_end = x_end + int(args.offset[0]), y_end + int(args.offset[1])
str_x += "{}, ".format(get_coord(x_start, x_end))
str_y += "{}, ".format(get_coord(y_start, y_end))
str_x = str_x[:-2] + "}"
str_y = str_y[:-2] + "}"
code = "Graph(X,Y)=({}, {})".format(str_x, str_y)
return code
def generate_raw(lines, args):
"""Generate raw line coordinates"""
ox, oy = int(args.offset[0]), int(args.offset[1])
code = ""
for (x_end, y_end), (x_start, y_start) in lines:
code += f"{x_start} {y_start} {x_end} {y_end}\n"
return code
# From Zezeombye's BIDE
def get_coord(start, end):
"""Convert a pair of coordonates to the appropriate x+yT Multi DrawStat output"""
result = "";
if start != 0:
result += str(start)
delta = end - start
if delta != 0:
if delta > 0 and start != 0:
result += "+";
if delta < 0:
result += "-";
if delta != 1 and delta != -1:
result += str(abs(delta))
result += "T";
if len(result) == 0:
result = "0"
return result;
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = time()
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate the Multi DrawStat code for an image.')
parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help='path of the image to process')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--export', nargs=1, help='export the code into <EXPORT>')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--offset', nargs=2, default=(0, 0), help='offset for viewwindow. Default: (0, 0)')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--flip', action='store_true', help='flip image vertically (for inverted ViewWindow)')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--info', action='store_true', help='print informative stats')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--progress', action='store_true', help='print progress info')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action='store_true', help='show the result')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--draw', action='store_true', help='draw the result into a new file')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--raw', action='store_true', help='print raw line coordinates')
args = parser.parse_args()
progress = args.progress
image = Image.open(args.path)
sys.exit("Error! Unable to open file.")
image = image.convert('1')
sys.exit("Error! Unable to convert to 1bit")
if args.flip:
image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
if args.info:
lines = get_lines(image)
lines = removing_useless(lines)
lines = get_best_solution(image, lines)
if args.raw:
code = generate_raw(lines, args)
code = generate_code(lines, args)
if args.draw or args.show:
export = Image.new('RGB', image.size, 'white')
drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(export)
for ((a, b), (c, d)) in reversed(lines):
drawer.line((a, b, c, d), fill=(rand(), rand(), rand()))
export = export.resize((export.width * 8, export.height * 8))
if args.draw:
export.save(args.path[:-4] + "_gen.png")
if args.show:
if args.info:
print("{} processed in {} lines ({:.3}s)".format(args.path, len(lines), time() - start))
if args.export:
f = open(args.export[0], 'w')
print("Code saved into", args.export[0])
except Exception as e:
sys.exit("Error: " + str(e))