
241 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "shell.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <fmt/color.h>
#include <fxos/memory.h>
using namespace FxOS;
// vl
static std::vector<std::string> parse_vl(Session &, Parser &parser)
std::vector<std::string> spaces;
return spaces;
static void show_vspace(std::string name, VirtualSpace &s, Session &session)
bool is_current = (&s == session.current_space);
if(is_current) fmt::print("* ");
fmt::print(theme(11), "{}\n", name);
if(s.bindings().size() == 0) {
fmt::print(" (no bindings)\n");
fmt::print(" Region Start End File\n");
for(auto &b: s.bindings()) {
MemoryRegion const *ref = MemoryRegion::region_for(b.region);
fmt::print(" {:<7s} 0x{:08x} .. 0x{:08x}", (ref ? ref->name : ""),
b.region.start, b.region.end);
if(b.buffer.path != "")
fmt::print(" {}", b.buffer.path);
void _vl(Session &session, std::vector<std::string> const &args)
if(!args.size()) {
for(auto &it: session.spaces)
show_vspace(it.first, it.second, session);
else for(auto &name: args) {
VirtualSpace *s = session.get_space(name);
if(s != nullptr)
show_vspace(name, session.spaces[name], session);
fmt::print("Virtual space '{}' does not exist", name);
// vs
static std::string parse_vs(Session &, Parser &parser)
std::string name = parser.symbol("vspace_name");
return name;
void _vs(Session &session, std::string const &name)
VirtualSpace *s = session.get_space(name);
session.current_space = &session.spaces[name];
// vc
static std::string parse_vc(Session &, Parser &parser)
std::string name = "";
if(!parser.at_end()) name = parser.symbol();
return name;
static void _vc(Session &session, std::string name)
if(name == "") name = session.generate_space_name("space", true);
else name = session.generate_space_name(name, false);
/* Create an empty space and select it */
session.spaces.emplace(name, VirtualSpace {});
_vs(session, name);
_g(session, 0x80000000);
// vct
struct _vct_args {
std::string path;
std::string vspace_name;
static _vct_args parse_vct(Session &, Parser &parser)
_vct_args args;
args.path = parser.str();
if(!parser.at_end()) args.vspace_name = parser.symbol();
return args;
void _vct(Session &session, std::string filename, std::string name)
fs::path path = session.file(filename);
if(name == "")
name = session.generate_space_name(path.filename(), false);
else if(session.spaces.count(name))
throw CommandError("virtual space '{}' already exists", name);
_vc(session, name);
_dot(session, { filename }, false);
// vm
struct _vm_args {
std::string path;
std::vector<MemoryRegion> regions;
static _vm_args parse_vm(Session &session, Parser &parser)
_vm_args args {};
args.path = parser.str();
/* TODO: vm: Allow specifying address without a size */
do args.regions.push_back(parser.region(session.current_space));
return args;
void _vm(Session &session, std::string file, std::vector<MemoryRegion> regions)
std::string path = session.file(file);
Buffer contents(path);
/* If no files are loaded yet, set the PC to the first loaded region */
session.pc = regions[0].start;
for(auto &r: regions)
session.current_space->bind_region(r, contents);
// Command registration
2022-03-06 17:15:13 +01:00
static ShellCommand _vl_cmd("vl",
[](Session &s, Parser &p) { _vl(s, parse_vl(s, p)); },
[](Session &s, Parser &p){ parse_vl(s, p); },
"Virtual space List", R"(
vl [<space_name>...]
Shows the bound regions of each specified virtual space. If none is specified,
shows all the virtual spaces.
static ShellCommand _vs_cmd("vs",
[](Session &s, Parser &p) { _vs(s, parse_vs(s, p)); },
[](Session &s, Parser &p){ parse_vs(s, p); },
"Virtual space Select", R"(
vs <space_name>
Selects the specified virtual space.
static ShellCommand _vc_cmd("vc",
[](Session &s, Parser &p) { _vc(s, parse_vc(s, p)); },
[](Session &s, Parser &p){ parse_vc(s, p); },
"Virtual space Create", R"(
vc [<name>]
Creates a new virtual space under the specified name. If such a space already
exists, adds a numerical suffix like _0 until a fresh name is found. The space
is created with no bindings and automatically selected.
static ShellCommand _vct_cmd("vct",
[](Session &s, Parser &p) {
auto const &args = parse_vct(s, p);
_vct(s, args.path, args.vspace_name); },
[](Session &s, Parser &p){ parse_vct(s, p); },
"Virtual space Create from Target", R"(
vct "<script_file>" [<name>]
Creates a new virtual space from a script file. If no name is specified, the
basename of the script file is used. The new space is created with vc, then the
script file is run.
static ShellCommand _vm_cmd("vm",
[](Session &s, Parser &p) {
auto const &args = parse_vm(s, p);
_vm(s, args.path, args.regions); },
[](Session &s, Parser &p){ parse_vm(s, p); },
"Virtual space Map file", R"(
vm "<file>" <region>...
Maps the named file into all the specified regions of the current virtual
space. If the file is smaller than the region, it is zero-padded; if the region
is smaller, the extra data is ignored. The amount of data mapped is always
exactly the size of the requested region.
vm "/os/fx/3.10/3.10.bin" ROM ROM_P2
Maps a binary file 3.10.bin to ROM, through both P1 and P2.