function update_keyboard() --get keys inputs --change screen local buffer = k_q k_q = love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("a") if k_q and not buffer and screen_id%100 > 0 then save() screen_id = screen_id - 1 load() end local buffer = k_d k_d = love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("d") if k_d and not buffer and screen_id%100 < 99 then save() screen_id = screen_id + 1 load() end local buffer = k_z k_z = love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("w") if k_z and not buffer and screen_id > 99 then save() screen_id = screen_id - 100 load() end local buffer = k_s k_s = love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("s") if k_s and not buffer and screen_id < 9900 then save() screen_id = screen_id + 100 load() end local buffer = k_i k_i = love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("i") if k_i and not buffer then save() screen_id = 5050 load() end --swap selected object local buffer = k_tab k_tab = love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("tab") if k_tab and not buffer then if love.keyboard.isDown("lshift") then selected_tile = selected_tile - 1 if selected_tile == 0 then selected_tile = #tiles end else selected_tile = selected_tile + 1 if selected_tile > #tiles then selected_tile = 1 end end end --exit if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("escape") then save() love.event.quit() end --saving/export local buffer = k_c k_c = love.keyboard.isDown("c") if k_c and not buffer then save() end local buffer = k_o k_o = love.keyboard.isDown("o") if k_o and not buffer then load() end --scaling local buffer = k_k k_k = love.keyboard.isDown("k") if k_k and not buffer and scale > 1 then scale = scale - 1 love.window.setMode(GAME_WIDTH * scale, GAME_HEIGHT * scale, flags) end local buffer = k_l k_l = love.keyboard.isDown("l") if k_l and not buffer and scale < 8 then scale = scale + 1 love.window.setMode(GAME_WIDTH * scale, GAME_HEIGHT * scale, flags) end end