# Casio Docker A docker for casio developpment on linux, with gint and fxsdk from Lephenixnoir. ## Setup Download archives *(in the casio-docker folder)* - ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/releases/gcc-10.2.0/gcc-10.2.0.tar.xz - ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-2.35.tar.xz - https://p7.planet-casio.com/pub/libp7-3.0.tar.gz - https://p7.planet-casio.com/pub/p7utils-3.0.tar.gz Before clone if you on Windows you need to change git config (rechange after as you need) - `git config --global core.autocrlf false` Then clone needed repositories *(in the casio-docker folder)* - `git clone https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/fxsdk.git` - `git clone https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/gint.git` Build *(also in the casio-docker folder)* - `docker build -t casio .` ## Development Run *(in your add-in project folder)* - Linux `docker run -u 0 -it --rm -v $(pwd):/casio casio` - Windows `docker run -u 0 -it --rm -v "/$(pwd)":/casio casio` ## Update build Update fxsdk & gint version *(in the casio-docker folder)* - `git -C fxsdk pull origin master` - `git -C gint pull origin master` - then re-build docker image ## Useful links Planète Casio - [Install gcc](https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/topic12970-1-%5bTutoriel%5d_Compiler_sous_Linux_avec_un_cross-compilateur_gcc.html) - [Install fxsdk](https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/topic13164-1-fxSDK.html) - [Gint tutorial](https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/lecture_sujet.php?id=14914&page=1) Repository - [fxsdk](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/fxsdk) - [gint](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/gint) - [gintctl](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/gintctl) (add-in to test)