Casio documentation project =========================== This static website is available on [the casio bible]( ## Description `` is a python script who define some macros for simplify writing : - `includecode(path, flavor)` : it's for include a file code example : `{{ includecode("/path/to/file.cpp", "cpp") }}` - `includemd(path)` : it's for include over .md file (like `#include` in C) example : `{{ includemd("/path/to/") }}` - `downloadlink(contain, url)` : it's for create a download link example : `{{ downloadlin("zip file here", "/path/to/") }}` `mkdocs.yml` is here for define how mkdocs build the static site. Check [the official site of mkdocs]( for more informations. ## Dependencies - `mkdocs` for build the static site. - `mkdocs-material` is needed for beautiful CSS (`pip install mkdocs-material`). - `mkdocs-macros-plugin` is needed for use the macros (`pip install mkdocs-macros-plugin`). - `mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin` is needed for convert all .md in PDF format (`mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin`). - I think that's all :)