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// ," /\ ", Azur: A game engine for CASIO fx-CG and PC //
// | _/__\_ | Designed by Lephe' and the Planète Casio community. //
// "._`\/'_." License: MIT <> //
// azur.log: Logging utilities
// This header provides the basic logging utilities. Logs are emitted with the
// azlog() macro, then filtered by level and printed to file.
// The main function is the azlog() macro, which takes a level parameter and a
// printf()-style format:
// azlog(ERROR, "rc = %d\n", rc);
// azlog(INFO, "Game saved!\n");
#pragma once
#include <azur/defs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace azur::log {
/* DEBUG: Disabled by default unless debug build; includes source file/line
INFO: General information that is meaningful to the user (not developer)
WARN: Unexpected behavior but program can still keep going
ERROR: Erroneous behavior, abandoning some tasks
FATAL: Complete panic; provokes exit(1); highest priority */
enum class LogLevel { DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL };
/* Coloring options.
PLAIN: No escape sequences; suitable for files and plain terminals.
ANSI: ANSI escape sequences; suitable for terminals. */
enum class LogStyle { PLAIN, ANSI };
/* Produce a log message. See also azlog() and azlogc() for shorter versions.
level: Message level
file: File name (normally __FILE__)
line: Line number (normally __LINE__)
func: Function name (normally __func__)
cont: Whether this is the continuation of a previous message
fmt...: print()-style format */
void write(LogLevel level, char const *file, int line, char const *func,
bool cont, char const *fmt, ...);
/* Get the minimum-level filter. Messages below the minimum level are filtered
out. The default is INFO in release builds, DEBUG in debug builds. */
LogLevel minimumLevelFilter();
/* Set the minimum-level filter. */
void setMinimumLevelFilter(LogLevel level);
/* Get the output stream for log messages. Default is stderr. */
FILE *outputStream();
/* Set the output stream for log messages. Since the library might output
messages until very late in execution, a valid output stream should always
be specified. When using a file, stderr should be set as the output stream
before closing the file at the end of execution. */
void setOutputStream(FILE *fp, LogStyle style);
} /* namespace azur::log */
/* Quick macros that insert parameters automatically. */
#define azlog(LEVEL, FMT, ...) \
azur::log::write(azur::log::LogLevel::LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
__func__, false, FMT, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define azlogc(LEVEL, FMT, ...) \
azur::log::write(azur::log::LogLevel::LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
__func__, true, FMT, ## __VA_ARGS__)