// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "platform.h" #include "cgdoom.h" #include "cgdoom-alloc.h" #include "cgdoom-kbd.h" #include "cgdoom-ui.h" #include #include "doomdef.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "doomstat.h" #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "i_system.h" #endif #include "i_system.h" int contrast_change= 0; int map_mode= 0; unsigned short timer_def_one; byte timer_def_two; byte* mb_mainzone; ticcmd_t emptycmd; ticcmd_t* I_BaseTiccmd(void) { return &emptycmd; } #ifdef CG_EMULATOR /* On the native build, simply reserve a large enough region of heap. */ byte* I_ZoneBase (int* size, int i) { if (i == 0) { *size = (8 << 20); return malloc(*size); } return NULL; } #else /* fx-CG build */ /* On the calculator, scrap every possible bit of RAM */ byte* I_ZoneBase (int* size, int i) { if (i-- == 0) { /* System stack (~500 kiB) */ *size = SYSTEM_STACK_SIZE; mb_mainzone = (byte *)SystemStack; return mb_mainzone; } if (i-- == 0) { /* Unused part of user stack (~200 kiB); provided by linker script */ extern byte sextra, eextra; *size = &eextra - &sextra; return &sextra; } if (CGD_2MBLineMemory && i-- == 0) { /* Memory beyond the 2MB line */ *size = CGD_2MBLineMemory; return (void *)0x8c200000; } #ifdef CGDOOM_DIRECT_R61524 if (i-- == 0) { /* Secondary VRAM (screen buffers being in the main VRAM because we're doing direct access so we don't need Bdisp_PutDisp_DD() */ *size = 384 * 216 * 2; return SaveVRAMBuffer; } #endif return NULL; } #endif byte *I_ScreenBase(int screen) { /* The primary/secondary VRAM covers 384*216*2 = 162 kiB: -> Give 320*200 = 64 kB to screens[0] (main display) -> Give 320*200 = 64 kB to screens[1] (intermissions) -> Give 320*32 = 10 kiB to screens[4] (status bar) -> 27 kiB are left Note that the screen buffers are used as temporary storage to write game data during saves, so if continuity is broken g_game.c must be updated to point savebuffer elsewhere and/or update SAVEGAMESIZE. */ if (screen == 0) return CGDOOM_SCREENS_BASE; if (screen == 1) return CGDOOM_SCREENS_BASE + 320*200; if (screen == 4) return CGDOOM_SCREENS_BASE + 320*200*2; /* For the wipe buffers, use PRAM. This can be done with rather little changes because the wipe buffers are used only in f_wipe.c. */ if (screen == 2) return CGD_PRAM_Malloc(320*200); if (screen == 3) return CGD_PRAM_Malloc(320*200); return NULL; } // // I_Init // Initialize machine state // void I_Init (void) { } // // I_Restore // Restore machine state (if not done, the calculator will be killed once it enters sleep mode after the game quit) // void I_Restore (void) { } // // I_GetTime // returns time in 1/70th second tics int I_GetTime (void) { //Returns the RTC-basecount in units of 1/128 s. //1/70 ~ 2/128 +-troleybus return (RTC_GetTicks()/2); } // // I_Quit // void I_Quit (void) { //M_SaveDefaults (); fuck= true; } // // toupper_int // int toupper_int(int i) { if(('a' <= i) && (i <= 'z')) return 'A' + (i - 'a'); else return i; } // // I_Error // void I_Error (const char *error, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, error); #ifdef CG_EMULATOR printf("Error: "); vprintf(error, args); printf("\n"); va_end(args); va_start(args, error); #endif I_ShutdownGraphics(); UI_Error(error, args); I_ReinitAfterError(); va_end(args); } // // I_StartTic // Processes events // Is a bit strange because a PC handles events synchronously, while the Nspire asynchronously // void R_SetViewSize( int blocks); static void R_SetViewSizeChange(int iDiff) { static int iViewSize = 10; iViewSize += iDiff; if(iViewSize >= 1 && iViewSize <= 10) { R_SetViewSize (iViewSize); } else { iViewSize -= iDiff; } } void I_StartTic (void) { //--- // Rate limiter //--- static boolean ratelimit_started = false; static prof_t ratelimit_ctx = prof_make(); /* Rate limit the game at 35 tics per second, but only extend tics where we display frames, because that's when all the work is done */ if(!(gametic % (CGD_Frameskip + 1))) { if(ratelimit_started) { while(1) { prof_t temp = ratelimit_ctx; prof_leave(temp); if(prof_time(temp) >= 28571 * (CGD_Frameskip + 1)) break; } ratelimit_ctx = prof_make(); } prof_enter(ratelimit_ctx); ratelimit_started = true; } //--- // FPS counter //--- extern boolean fpscounteractive; extern int fpscounter_data; /* Number of frames since FPS count started */ static int fps_frames = 0; /* RTC time when the FPS count started */ static int fps_ticks = -1; if(fps_ticks < 0) fps_ticks = RTC_GetTicks(); if(++fps_frames >= 16) { int now = RTC_GetTicks(); if (now == fps_ticks) fpscounter_data = -1; else fpscounter_data = 128 * fps_frames / ((now - fps_ticks) * (CGD_Frameskip + 1)); fps_ticks = now; fps_frames = 0; } //--- // Special keys //--- /* This variable is set in m_menu.c while typing save file names */ extern int saveStringEnter; UpdateKeyboardState(); if(!saveStringEnter) { /* Capture events for special keys */ if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_CHEAT)) CGD_Cheat(); if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_DECVP)) R_SetViewSizeChange(-1); if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_INCVP)) R_SetViewSizeChange(1); if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_NOCLIP)) CGD_SwitchClip(); if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_GAMMA)) CGD_CycleGamma(); if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_FREEMEM)) CGD_FreeMem(); if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_FPSCOUNTER)) fpscounteractive = !fpscounteractive; if(KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_FRAMESKIP)) CGD_CycleFrameskip(); } //--- // Profiler //--- /* Number of ticks left before reporting results */ static int profiler_ticks = -1; if (!saveStringEnter && KeyWasJustPressed(SKEY_PROFILER)) { prof_t *counters = (prof_t *)&CGD_Perf; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof CGD_Perf / sizeof (prof_t); i++) { counters[i] = prof_make(); } profiler_ticks = 40; } else { profiler_ticks--; if(profiler_ticks == 0) { CGD_ProfilerResults(); profiler_ticks = -1; } } //--- // Normal keys //--- /* Sets of keys depending on input mode. Each set must only consist of keys that don't overlap */ static const int base_keys[] = { KEY_LEFTARROW, KEY_RIGHTARROW, KEY_UPARROW, KEY_DOWNARROW, KEY_RCTRL, KEY_TAB, KEY_PAUSE, KEY_SLEFTARROW, KEY_SRIGHTARROW, KEY_RSHIFT, KEY_ESCAPE, KEY_ENTER, ' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', 0 }; static const int input_keys[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', -'0', -'1', -'2', -'3', -'4', -'5', -'6', -'7', -'8', -'9', -' ', KEY_BACKSPACE, KEY_ESCAPE, KEY_ENTER, 0 }; const int *keys = base_keys; if(saveStringEnter) keys = input_keys; /* Emit events for all changes */ for(int i = 0; keys[i]; i++) { event_t e; if(KeyWasJustPressed(keys[i])) e.type = ev_keydown; else if(KeyWasJustReleased(keys[i])) e.type = ev_keyup; else continue; e.data1 = (keys[i] < 0) ? -keys[i] : keys[i]; D_PostEvent(&e); } }