# Just User Interfaces JustUI is a "small" library to make GUIs on fx-9860G and fx-CG 50 with gint (and I mean small by GUI library standards). I've built it to improve user interfaces in [gintctl](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/gintctl), but it's still documented enough that you can try it if you need GUIs. Features include: * Widget trees with parent/children ownership * Basic `jwidget` and derived types (`jlabel`, `jinput`, etc.) * A good layout system to determine the size and position of widgets * Low-effort custom widgets (`jpainted`) and completely custom widget types * Decent keyboard focus and event system Screenshots: TODO Documentation: * [Widget types](doc/widgets.md) * [Widget hierarchy](doc/hierarchy.md) * [Space distribution and layout](doc/layout.md) * [Scenes and events](doc/scene.md) (TODO) * Everything else is explained in the headers.