#include #include #include #include "util.h" #include /* Type identifier for jscrolledlist */ static int jscrolledlist_type_id = -1; jscrolledlist *jscrolledlist_create(void *parent, jlist_item_info_function info_function, jlist_item_paint_function paint_function) { if(jscrolledlist_type_id < 0) return NULL; jscrolledlist *l = malloc(sizeof *l); if(!l) return NULL; jwidget_init(&l->widget, jscrolledlist_type_id, parent); jwidget_set_stretch(l, 1, 1, false); l->frame = jframe_create(l); jwidget_set_stretch(l->frame, 1, 1, false); jframe_set_align(l->frame, J_ALIGN_LEFT, J_ALIGN_TOP); l->list = jlist_create(l->frame, info_function, paint_function); jwidget_set_stretch(l->list, 1, 1, false); return l; } static void shake_scroll(jscrolledlist *l, bool clamp) { int cursor = jlist_selected_item(l->list); if(cursor >= 0) { jrect r = jlist_selected_region(l->list); jframe_scroll_to_region(l->frame, r, clamp); } } //--- // Polymorphic widget operations //--- static void jscrolledlist_poly_layout(void *l0) { jscrolledlist *l = l0; l->frame->widget.x = 0; l->frame->widget.y = 0; l->frame->widget.w = jwidget_content_width(l); l->frame->widget.h = jwidget_content_height(l); shake_scroll(l, false); } static bool jscrolledlist_poly_event(void *l0, jevent e) { jscrolledlist *l = l0; if(e.type == JLIST_SELECTION_MOVED && e.source == l->list) shake_scroll(l, true); if(e.type == JLIST_MODEL_UPDATED && e.source == l->list) shake_scroll(l, true); /* Allow the evnts to bubble up */ return false; } /* jscrolledlist type definition */ static jwidget_poly type_jscrolledlist = { .name = "jscrolledlist", .layout = jscrolledlist_poly_layout, .event = jscrolledlist_poly_event, }; __attribute__((constructor(1002))) static void j_register_jscrolledlist(void) { jscrolledlist_type_id = j_register_widget(&type_jscrolledlist, "jwidget"); }