# We require a full (virtual) machine to load the kernel module for # binfmt support, which is needed to test other architectures besides # x86 using qemu user emulation. (This will not work in a container.) sudo: required dist: trusty language: c script: - make $FLAGS - make check $FLAGS $TEST_FLAGS - make clean && git status --ignored --porcelain && test -z "$(git status --ignored --porcelain)" matrix: include: - compiler: clang os: linux addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.7 packages: - clang-3.7 env: FLAGS="CC=clang-3.7 CXX=clang++-3.7" - os: osx env: FLAGS="CC=clang" - os: linux env: FLAGS="CC=gcc" - os: linux env: FLAGS="CC=gcc ARCH=i686" # implies -m32 -march=i686 addons: apt: packages: - gcc-multilib - os: linux env: FLAGS="CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static" addons: apt: packages: - gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu - libc6-dev-arm64-cross - qemu-user-static - binfmt-support - os: linux env: FLAGS="CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static" addons: apt: packages: - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf - libc6-dev-armhf-cross - qemu-user-static - binfmt-support # This works, but only if qemu-user-static is >= v2.4. This is not the # case on the default trusty images, so we add a PPA that has qemu 2.5 - os: linux env: FLAGS="CC=powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static" addons: apt: sources: - sourceline: "ppa:gns3/qemu" packages: - gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu - libc6-dev-ppc64el-cross - qemu-user-static - binfmt-support notifications: email: false