# Soft-FP sh3eb port of OpenLibm This is a fork of [OpenLibm](https://github.com/JuliaMath/openlibm) with support for the sh3eb architecture, intended for add-in programming on SuperH CASIO calculators. ## Installing with GiteaPC This library can be installed automatically as part of the fxSDK with [GiteaPC](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/GiteaPC): ```bash % giteapc install Lephenixnoir/OpenLibm ``` ## Building manually You will need a GCC toolchain built with `--target=sh3eb-elf`, such as the [`sh-elf-gcc`](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Lephenixnoir/sh-elf-gcc) commonly used on Planète Casio. You can install directly in the internal folder of your compiler, or somewhere else if you have a more detailed setup. ```bash # Example 1: Use the compiler's internal folder % COMPILER_DIR="$(sh-elf-gcc --print-file-name=.)" % LIBDIR="$COMPILER_DIR" % INCDIR="$COMPILER_DIR/include" # Example 2: Using the fxSDK's custom setup % LIBDIR="$(fxsdk path lib)" % INCDIR="$(fxsdk path include)" ``` You can then build and install the static library and the headers. ```bash % make USEGCC=1 TOOLPREFIX=sh-elf- AR=sh-elf-ar CC=sh-elf-gcc \ libdir="$LIBDIR" includedir="$INCDIR" \ install-static-superh install-headers-superh ``` The `-superh` targets differ from the the normal targets in the following ways: * `install-static-superh` also creates a symlink `libm.a -> libopenlibm.a`. * `install-headers-superh` installs directly in `$LIBDIR` instead of `$LIBDIR/openlibm` since OpenLibm headers reference each other without that prefix and enforcing the correct `-I` in every project is quite painful. In addition, it skips internal and non-SuperH headers. ## Using the library Include the headers ``, `` and ``. Or, if you are using a suitable libc like [fxlibc](https://gitea.planet-casio.com/Vhex-Kernel-Core/fxlibc/), include directly the standard headers ``, `` and ``. Link with `-lm`. In a Makefile, update your `LDFLAGS`: ``` LDFLAGS += -lm ``` In CMake, use [`target_link_libraries()`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/target_link_libraries.html): ```cmake target_link_libraries( PUBLIC -lm) ``` ## README and Licensing See the original README file in [README-OpenLibm.md](README-OpenLibm.md). OpenLibm contains code covered by various licenses, see [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md).