examples: add Chute tridimensionnelle

This commit is contained in:
Lephenixnoir 2022-12-21 18:11:15 +01:00
parent 8a498563b8
commit 7ecc558700
Signed by: Lephenixnoir
GPG Key ID: 1BBA026E13FC0495
3 changed files with 490 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ Located in [`ports/sh/examples`](ports/sh/examples).
| Program | fx-CG | G-III | Raw speedup | Full speedup |
| ------- | ----- | ----- | ----------- | ------------ |
| Chute tridimensionnelle | TODO | Yes | TODO | TODO |
| Bad Apple | Meh⁽¹⁾ | - | TODO | TODO |
| Chute tridimensionnelle | Yes | Yes | x1.36 | x2.26 ⁽¹⁾ |
| Bad Apple | Meh⁽²⁾ | - | TODO | TODO |
| Island of the Dead Kings | TODO | TODO | TODO | TODO |
| Synchro-Donjon | TODO | TODO | TODO | TODO |
| Flappy Bird | Yes | Yes | x1.04 | x2.35 |
⁽¹⁾ Bad Apple requires unloading modules to not run out of memory, and I
⁽¹⁾ After upgrading to full-screen 396x224 instead of the original 120x80. (!)
⁽²⁾ Bad Apple requires unloading modules to not run out of memory, and I
haven't been able to consistently do that. See the `unload-modules` branch.

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@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
from casioplot import *
from math import sin, cos, pi
from random import randint
pattern = 2
def world(z0, dir, r=None):
r = randint(1, 3)
r = 3
if r == 1:
return world_red(z0, dir)
elif r == 2:
return world_green(z0, dir)
elif r == 3:
return world_blue(z0, dir)
def world_red(z0, dir):
length = randint(2, 4)
platforms = [None] * (length * 8)
for i in range(length):
for direction in range(4):
platforms[8*i+direction] = [0, direction, z0+8*i, z0+8*i+8, 2]
for j in range(4):
obstacle = randint(0,3)
platforms[8*i+4+j] = [1, obstacle, z0+8*i+2*j+1, z0+8*i+2*j+1, 2]
return platforms, z0+length*8, (obstacle+1)&3
def world_green(z0, dir):
length = randint(8, 16)
platforms = [None] * length
for i in range(length):
platforms[i] = [0, dir, z0+4+2*i, z0+8+2*i, 3]
dir = (dir - randint(1,2)) & 3
platforms[0][2] = z0
return platforms, z0+(length-1)*2+8, dir
def world_blue(z0, dir):
platforms = []
for i in range(16):
platforms.append([0, dir, z0+2*i, z0+4+2*i, 4])
if i <= 14 and randint(0,2) == 0:
bait = (dir + randint(1,3)) & 3
platforms.append([0, bait, z0+2*i, z0+6+2*i, 4])
platforms.append([1, bait, z0+3+2*i, z0+3+2*i, 4])
dir = (dir - randint(1,2)) & 3
return platforms, z0+34, dir
def safe_position(platforms, z, direction):
supported = False
# Messed up direction encoding
if direction & 1:
direction = direction ^ 2
for (kind, dir, z1, z2, color) in platforms:
if dir != direction:
if kind == 1 and z > z1-1 and z < z2:
return False
if kind == 0 and z > z1-0.5 and z < z2:
supported = True
return supported
def gen_vertices(platforms, index):
vertices = []
for (kind, direction, z1, z2, color) in platforms:
if kind == 0:
vertices.append([-4, 3,z1,index])
vertices.append([-4, 3,z2,index])
elif kind == 1:
vertices.append([-2, .5,z1,index])
vertices.append([-3, .5,z1,index])
index += 1
return vertices
def platform_rotation(vertices, platforms, world_offset):
for i in range(len(vertices)):
x, y, z, p = vertices[i]
dir = platforms[p+world_offset][1]
c = (dir == 1) - (dir == 3)
s = (dir == 2) - (dir == 0)
vertices[i] = [c*x+s*y,s*x+c*y, z, p]
def transform3d(vertices, theta, camera_z, rotate, flip):
theta -= rotate * pi / 14
f = 1 - flip / 3.5
s, c = sin(theta), cos(theta)
for i in range(len(vertices)):
x, y, z, p = vertices[i]
vertices[i] = [(c*x-s*y)*f,(s*x+c*y)*f,(z-camera_z)*2,p]
def draw_line(p1, p2, color):
if p1[2] <= 1:
p1, p2 = p2, p1
if p1[2] <= 1:
if p2[2] <= 1:
t = (p1[2] - 1) / (p1[2] - p2[2])
p2[0] = p1[0] + t * (p2[0] - p1[0])
p2[1] = p1[1] + t * (p2[1] - p1[1])
p2[2] = 1
x = 192 + int(52 * p1[0] / p1[2])
y = 108 + int(52 * p1[1] / p1[2])
x2 = 192 + int(52 * p2[0] / p2[2])
y2 = 108 + int(52 * p2[1] / p2[2])
if x<112 or x>272 or y<68 or y>148:
x, y, x2, y2 = x2, y2, x, y
sx = -1 if x2 < x else 1
sy = -1 if y2 < y else 1
dx = abs(x2 - x)
dy = abs(y2 - y)
if dx>=dy:
for i in range(dx):
if x<112 or x>272 or y<68 or y>148:
set_pixel(x, y, color)
if err>dx:
for i in range(dy):
if x<112 or x>272 or y<68 or y>148:
if err>dy:
def clear_scene(bg, fg):
for y in range(216):
for x in range(384):
set_pixel(x, y, bg)
for y in range(68, 149):
set_pixel(111, y, fg)
set_pixel(273, y, fg)
for x in range(112, 273):
set_pixel(x, 67, fg)
set_pixel(x, 149, fg)
draw_string(72, 50, "Chute tridimensionnelle", fg)
def draw_scene(vertices, platforms, world_offset, colors, z, score,
if clear:
c = colors[0]
for y in range(153, 166):
for x in range(163, 221):
set_pixel(x, y, c)
length = 12 * len(str(score)) - 3
draw_string(192-length//2, 152, str(score), colors[1])
maxdepth = min(len(vertices), 48)
i = 0
while i < len(vertices):
if vertices[i][2] > 16:
p = platforms[vertices[i][3]+world_offset]
c = colors[0 if clear else p[4]]
if p[0] == 0:
draw_line(vertices[i], vertices[i+1], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+1], vertices[i+2], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+2], vertices[i+3], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+3], vertices[i], c)
i += 4
elif p[0] == 1:
draw_line(vertices[i], vertices[i+1], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+2], vertices[i+3], c)
i += 4
colors_light = [
(255, 255, 255), # White
(0, 0, 0), # Black
(192, 0, 0), # Dark red
(0, 144, 0), # Dark green
(0, 0, 192), # Dark blue
colors_dark = [
(0, 0, 0), # Black
(255, 255, 255), # White
(255, 160, 160), # Light red
(128, 255, 128), # Light green
(160, 160, 255), # Light blue
colors = colors_light
clear_scene(colors[0], colors[1])
z = 0
score = 0
vertices = []
direction = 0
rotate = 0
flip = 0
world_platforms, world_end, world_dir = world_green(z, direction)
world_offset = 0
while True:
if colors == colors_light and score >= 333:
clear_scene(colors_dark[0], colors_dark[1])
colors = colors_dark
draw_scene(vertices, world_platforms, world_offset, colors, z,
score, True)
vertices = gen_vertices(world_platforms, -world_offset)
platform_rotation(vertices, world_platforms, world_offset)
transform3d(vertices, direction * pi / 2, z, rotate, flip)
draw_scene(vertices, world_platforms, world_offset, colors, z, score)
if z >= world_platforms[0][3]:
world_offset -= 1
if len(world_platforms) < 16:
p, world_end, world_dir = world(world_end, world_dir)
world_platforms += p
z += .25
if rotate or flip:
elif safe_position(world_platforms, z, direction):
score += 1
score += 1
rotate -= (rotate > 0)
flip -= (flip > 0)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if flip >= 4:
print("PAUSE (score:" + str(score) + ")")
print("EXE: Quitter")
print("Texte: Reprendre")
if input(">") == "":
elif rotate >= 5:
direction = (direction + 1) & 3
flip = rotate
rotate = 0
elif rotate == 0:
direction = (direction + 1) & 3
rotate = 7

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
from gint import *
from math import sin, cos, pi
from random import randint
pattern = 2
def world(z0, dir, r=None):
r = randint(1, 3)
r = 3
if r == 1:
return world_red(z0, dir)
elif r == 2:
return world_green(z0, dir)
elif r == 3:
return world_blue(z0, dir)
def world_red(z0, dir):
length = randint(2, 4)
platforms = [None] * (length * 8)
for i in range(length):
for direction in range(4):
platforms[8*i+direction] = [0, direction, z0+8*i, z0+8*i+8, 2]
for j in range(4):
obstacle = randint(0,3)
platforms[8*i+4+j] = [1, obstacle, z0+8*i+2*j+1, z0+8*i+2*j+1, 2]
return platforms, z0+length*8, (obstacle+1)&3
def world_green(z0, dir):
length = randint(8, 16)
platforms = [None] * length
for i in range(length):
platforms[i] = [0, dir, z0+4+2*i, z0+8+2*i, 3]
dir = (dir - randint(1,2)) & 3
platforms[0][2] = z0
return platforms, z0+(length-1)*2+8, dir
def world_blue(z0, dir):
platforms = []
for i in range(16):
platforms.append([0, dir, z0+2*i, z0+4+2*i, 4])
if i <= 14 and randint(0,2) == 0:
bait = (dir + randint(1,3)) & 3
platforms.append([0, bait, z0+2*i, z0+6+2*i, 4])
platforms.append([1, bait, z0+3+2*i, z0+3+2*i, 4])
dir = (dir - randint(1,2)) & 3
return platforms, z0+34, dir
def safe_position(platforms, z, direction):
supported = False
# Messed up direction encoding
if direction & 1:
direction = direction ^ 2
for (kind, dir, z1, z2, color) in platforms:
if dir != direction:
if kind == 1 and z > z1-1 and z < z2:
return False
if kind == 0 and z > z1-0.5 and z < z2:
supported = True
return supported
def gen_vertices(platforms, index):
vertices = []
for (kind, direction, z1, z2, color) in platforms:
if kind == 0:
vertices.append([-4, 3,z1,index])
vertices.append([-4, 3,z2,index])
elif kind == 1:
vertices.append([-2, .5,z1,index])
vertices.append([-3, .5,z1,index])
index += 1
return vertices
def platform_rotation(vertices, platforms, world_offset):
for i in range(len(vertices)):
x, y, z, p = vertices[i]
dir = platforms[p+world_offset][1]
c = (dir == 1) - (dir == 3)
s = (dir == 2) - (dir == 0)
vertices[i] = [c*x+s*y,s*x+c*y, z, p]
def transform3d(vertices, theta, camera_z, rotate, flip):
theta -= rotate * pi / 14
f = 1 - flip / 3.5
s, c = sin(theta), cos(theta)
for i in range(len(vertices)):
x, y, z, p = vertices[i]
vertices[i] = [(c*x-s*y)*f,(s*x+c*y)*f,(z-camera_z)*2,p]
def draw_line(p1, p2, color):
if p1[2] <= 1:
p1, p2 = p2, p1
if p1[2] <= 1:
if p2[2] <= 1:
t = (p1[2] - 1) / (p1[2] - p2[2])
p2[0] = p1[0] + t * (p2[0] - p1[0])
p2[1] = p1[1] + t * (p2[1] - p1[1])
p2[2] = 1
x = 196 + int(75 * p1[0] / p1[2])
y = 112 + int(75 * p1[1] / p1[2])
x2 = 196 + int(75 * p2[0] / p2[2])
y2 = 112 + int(75 * p2[1] / p2[2])
dline(x, y, x2, y2, color)
def draw_scene(vertices, platforms, world_offset, colors, z, score,
if clear:
drect(163, 153, 220, 165, colors[0])
maxdepth = min(len(vertices), 48)
i = 0
while i < len(vertices):
if vertices[i][2] > 16:
p = platforms[vertices[i][3]+world_offset]
c = colors[0 if clear else p[4]]
if p[0] == 0:
draw_line(vertices[i], vertices[i+1], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+1], vertices[i+2], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+2], vertices[i+3], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+3], vertices[i], c)
i += 4
elif p[0] == 1:
draw_line(vertices[i], vertices[i+1], c)
draw_line(vertices[i+2], vertices[i+3], c)
i += 4
if not clear:
dtext_opt(DWIDTH//2, DHEIGHT-15, colors[1], colors[0], DTEXT_CENTER,
DTEXT_BOTTOM, " " + str(score) + " ", -1)
dtext_opt(DWIDTH//2, 15, colors[1], colors[0], DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_BOTTOM,
"Chute tridimensionnelle", -1)
colors_light = [
0xffff, # White
0x0000, # Black
0xc000, # Dark red
0x0480, # Dark green
0x0018, # Dark blue
colors_dark = [
0x0000, # Black
0xffff, # White
0xfd14, # Light red
0x87f0, # Light green
0xa51f, # Light blue
colors = colors_light
z = 0
score = 0
vertices = []
direction = 0
rotate = 0
flip = 0
world_platforms, world_end, world_dir = world_green(z, direction)
world_offset = 0
while True:
if colors == colors_light and score >= 333:
colors = colors_dark
draw_scene(vertices, world_platforms, world_offset, colors, z,
score, True)
vertices = gen_vertices(world_platforms, -world_offset)
platform_rotation(vertices, world_platforms, world_offset)
transform3d(vertices, direction * pi / 2, z, rotate, flip)
draw_scene(vertices, world_platforms, world_offset, colors, z, score)
if z >= world_platforms[0][3]:
world_offset -= 1
if len(world_platforms) < 16:
p, world_end, world_dir = world(world_end, world_dir)
world_platforms += p
z += .25
if rotate or flip:
elif safe_position(world_platforms, z, direction):
score += 1
score += 1#max(score - 8, 0)
rotate -= (rotate > 0)
flip -= (flip > 0)
while 1:
ev = pollevent()
if ev.type == KEYEV_NONE:
if ev.type == KEYEV_DOWN and ev.key in [KEY_SHIFT, KEY_EXE, KEY_RIGHT]:
if rotate >= 5:
direction = (direction + 1) & 3
flip = rotate
rotate = 0
elif rotate == 0:
direction = (direction + 1) & 3
rotate = 7