
140 lines
3.4 KiB

/* The world is a drop chute, arranged horizontally. The coordinate system is
right-handed, with the following orientation from the top view of the chute:
y (x)-----> x
The player primarily moves in the +y direction (... although in practice
objects move towards the player to better use the limited range of fixed-
point values).
We compute directions of rays based on points on the virtual screen placed
in the world, in front of the camera. We make rays start at the camera
position so the distance between the camera and screen does not matter; we
arbitrarily place the screen at a distance which makes the screen height
correspond to 2*HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT world units. This is to help avoid
precision loss with fixed-point numbers. */
#include <num/num.h>
#include <num/vec.h>
using namespace libnum;
struct mat3;
/* Number of world units that we fix the screen's half height to. The screen is
placed at the correct distance to make that happen. */
/* World boundaries */
#define WORLD_SIZE 8 /* (± 4) */
/* Viewport size, in pixels */
#define VWIDTH 198
#define VHEIGHT 112
struct camera {
num fov;
num screen_distance;
/* Camera position (usually stays at z=0, objects move towards it) */
vec3 pos;
/* Angles of rotation */
float yaw, pitch, roll;
num cos_r, sin_r;
num cos_p, sin_p;
num cos_y, sin_y;
/* Corresponding directions, in world coordinates */
vec3 forward, right, up;
int roll_quadrant;
struct element_mirror {
num begin, end;
enum element_plane_type {
struct element_plane {
num y;
uint32_t shape;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t data; /* ARROW: direction */
struct element_text {
num begin, end;
char const *str;
struct level {
char const *name;
num finish;
int mirror_count;
struct element_mirror *mirrors;
int plane_count;
struct element_plane *planes;
int text_count;
struct element_text *texts;
struct world {
num16 neon_position;
num16 neon_period;
/* Current objects */
num depth;
struct element_mirror *mirror;
struct element_plane *plane;
struct element_text *text;
int mirror_index;
int plane_index;
int text_index;
void camera_set_fov(struct camera *camera, float fov_degrees);
mat3 matrix_camera2world(struct camera const *camera);
void camera_update_angles(struct camera *camera);
void render_fragment(struct camera const *camera, struct world const *world,
uint16_t *fragment, int y_start, int y_height);
bool camera_rolling(struct camera const *camera);
void camera_roll(struct camera *camera, float snap_factor);
bool plane_collides(num16 x, num16 z, uint32_t shape);
//=== Azur shader wrapping the raytracing ===//
void cd_raytrace(struct camera const *camera, struct world const *world);
void cd_raytrace_configure(void);
//=== Input management ===//
struct input {
bool left;
bool right;
bool up;
bool down;
bool OPTN;
bool roll_left;
bool roll_right;
//=== Additions to libnum ===//
struct mat3
num x11, x12, x13;
num x21, x22, x23;
num x31, x32, x33;
mat3 operator *(mat3 const &A, mat3 const &B);
vec3 operator *(mat3 const &M, vec3 const &u);