Lephenixnoir 9c49114928
symbols: add os and mpu constraints to symbol tables
Each of these constraints is specified in the header by an [os] or [mpu]
line. For the symbol table to be usable on a disassembly, both
constraints must be met:

* Either [os] is unset, no OS is used for disassembly, or the OS type is
  the same as the [os] constraint (either "fx" or "cg");
* Either [mpu] is unset, the disassembled target has no specified MPU,
  or the MPU type of the target is the same as the [mpu] constraint (eg
2020-06-13 11:23:46 +02:00

112 lines
2 KiB

#include <fxos/symbols.h>
#include <fxos/errors.h>
#include <fxos/util.h>
#include <fxos/load.h>
#include <cstdarg>
/* Text value and integer value for parser */
static char *yylval;
uint32_t yyival;
/* Tokens */
#define SYSCALL 1
#define ADDRESS 2
#define NAME 3
/* Current file name */
static std::string filename;
/* Error messages and exceptions */
static void err(char const *format, ...)
static char buf[256];
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vsnprintf(buf, 256, format, args);
throw FxOS::SyntaxError(filename.c_str(), yylineno, buf);
%option prefix="symbols"
%option noyywrap
%option nounput
syscall ^%[0-9A-Fa-f]{3,}
address ^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}
name [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9.]*
space [ \t]+
^#[^\n]* ;
{space} ;
[\n] yylineno++;
{syscall} { yyival = strtol(yytext+1, NULL, 16); return SYSCALL; }
{address} { yyival = strtol(yytext, NULL, 16); return ADDRESS; }
{name} { yylval = strdup(yytext); return NAME; }
. { err("lex error near '%s'", yytext); }
<<EOF>> { return -1; }
namespace FxOS {
/* Load a symbol table into the disassembler */
void load_symbols(Buffer const &file, size_t start_offset, size_t start_line,
SymbolTable &table)
YY_BUFFER_STATE buf = yy_scan_bytes(file.data.get() + start_offset,
file.size - start_offset);
yylineno = start_line;
filename = file.path;
/* Current symbol and line */
Symbol symbol;
int line = -1;
int t = yylex();
if(line >= 0 && (yylineno != line || t != NAME || t == -1))
/* Finalize current symbol */
if(symbol.name == "") err("%d: missing name", line);
else table.add(symbol);
symbol = Symbol();
if(t == -1) break;
if(t == SYSCALL)
symbol.type = Symbol::Syscall;
symbol.value = yyival;
line = yylineno;
else if(t == ADDRESS)
symbol.type = Symbol::Address;
symbol.value = yyival;
line = yylineno;
else if(t == NAME)
symbol.name = yylval;
} /* namespace FxOS */