#include #include #include #include static void memcpy4(uint32_t * restrict d, const void * restrict src, size_t n) { int modulo = (uintptr_t)src & 3; /* Best case: perform 32-bit accesses only */ if(!modulo) { const uint32_t *s = src; for(; n; n-=4) *d++ = *s++; } #if 0 /* Here's where SH-3 and SH-4A start working differently. SH-4A has a 2-cycle 'movua' instruction to perform unaligned reads */ else if(isSH4()) { uint32_t longword; const uint32_t *s = src; while(n--) { __asm__( "movua.l %1, %0" : "=z"(longword) : "m>"(*s) ); s++; *d++ = longword; } } #endif /* On SH-3, we can only hope that there is 2-alignment */ else if(!(modulo & 1)) { const uint16_t *s = src; uint16_t * restrict dst = (void *)d; for(; n; n-=2) { *dst++ = *s++; *dst++ = *s++; } } /* Or just perform the raw copy */ else { const uint8_t *s = src; uint8_t * restrict dst = (void *)d; while(n--) *dst++ = *s++; } } void *memcpy(void * restrict dst, const void * restrict src, size_t n) { uint8_t *d = dst; const uint8_t *s = src; /* Small areas: don't bother with complex methods */ if(n < 32) { while(n--) *d++ = *s++; return dst; } /* Find a longword offset to perform word or longword operations */ while((uintptr_t)d & 3) *d++ = *s++, n--; /* Perform the big, efficient copy */ memcpy4((void *)d, s, n & ~3); size_t m = n & 3; d += (n - m); s += (n - m); n = m; /* Copy around the last bytes */ while(n--) *d++ = *s++; return dst; } void *_memmove(GUNUSED void *dst, GUNUSED const void *src, GUNUSED size_t n) { // (same as memcpy, but heed for direction if areas overlap) // copy by increasing addresses if dst < src // copy by decreasing addresses if dst > src return dst; } int _memcmp(GUNUSED const void *s1, GUNUSED const void *s2, GUNUSED size_t n) { return 0; } void *memset(void *s, int byte, size_t n) { /* TODO: Do it efficiently */ char *dst = s; while(n--) *dst++ = byte; return s; }