.global _memcpy .text _memcpy: tst r6, r6 bt .zero mov r4, r3 mov #3, r2 /* When copying less than 64 bytes, use the naive method */ mov #64, r0 cmp/ge r6, r0 bt _naive_memcpy _memcpy_align_dst: /* 4-align the destination */ mov.b @r5+, r0 mov.b r0, @r4 add #1, r4 tst r2, r4 bf/s _memcpy_align_dst dt r6 /* If source is 4-aligned, use mov.l */ tst r2, r5 bt/s .aligned4 mov #4, r2 /* If unaligned but SH4, use movua.l */ mov.l .gint, r0 mov.l @r0, r0 tst #1, r0 bt .unaligned4 /* If source is 2-aligned, use mov.w */ mov r5, r0 tst #1, r0 bt .aligned2 /* Otherwise use a naive copy */ bra _naive_memcpy nop .aligned4: /* Copy 4 bytes at a time until at most 4 bytes are left */ mov.l @r5+, r0 mov.l r0, @r4 add #-4, r6 cmp/ge r6, r2 bf/s .aligned4 add #4, r4 bra _naive_memcpy nop .unaligned4: /* Copy 4 bytes but read with movua.l since source is unaligned */ movua.l @r5+, r0 mov.l r0, @r4 add #-4, r6 cmp/ge r6, r2 bf/s .unaligned4 add #4, r4 bra _naive_memcpy nop .aligned2: mov.w @r5+, r0 mov.w r0, @r4 mov.w @r5+, r0 mov.w r0, @(2,r4) add #-4, r6 cmp/ge r6, r2 bf/s .aligned2 add #4, r4 bra _naive_memcpy nop _naive_memcpy: mov.b @r5+, r0 dt r6 mov.b r0, @r4 bf/s _naive_memcpy add #1, r4 rts mov r3, r0 .zero: rts mov r4, r0 .align 4 .gint: .long _gint