//--- // gint:kprint:kformat-fp: Floating-point formatted printing // // This object file provides floating-point formatters. It can be linked in by // calling kprint_enable_fp() and will automatically register floating-point // formatters that use the Grisu2b algorithm. //--- #include #include #include #include "../3rdparty/grisu2b_59_56/grisu2.h" //--- // String generation for doubles //--- /* The grisu2() function does not have a size limit so we generate into a buffer large enough to hold the result. */ static char digit_buffer[50]; /* Round a number at the specified place (which can be out of bounds). An extra byte before the buffer should be secured to leave room for a new digit in case a carry reaches there. Returns the new start-of-buffer. @buffer Buffer with generated digits, updated if needed @length Number of digits generated in the buffer, updated if needed @e Location of decimal dot relative to integer in buffer @place Decimal to place to round to */ static void round_str(char **buffer_ptr, int *length, int e, int place) { char *buffer = *buffer_ptr; /* Interpret place as relative to buffer indices */ place += *length + e - 1; /* Specified place is out-of-bounds */ if(place < 0 || place >= *length - 1) return; /* Next digit is 0..4 so rounding has no effect */ if(buffer[place + 1] < '5') return; /* Propagate carries if needed */ while(place >= -1) { buffer[place]++; if(buffer[place] <= '9') break; buffer[place] = '0'; place--; } /* Add one digit if needed */ if(place >= 0) return; (*buffer_ptr)--; (*length)++; } /* Remove zeros at the end of the digits, reducing [length] accordingly. */ static int remove_zeros(char *buffer, int length, int unremovable) { int removed = 0; while(length > unremovable && buffer[length - 1] == '0') { buffer[length - 1] = 0; length--; removed++; } return removed; } /* Handles infinities and NaNs. */ static int special_notation(double v, int upper) { if(__builtin_isinf(v) && v < 0) { kprint_outstr(upper ? "-INF" : "-inf", 4); return 1; } if(__builtin_isinf(v)) { kprint_outstr(upper ? "INF" : "inf", 3); return 1; } if(__builtin_isnan(v)) { kprint_outstr(upper ? "NAN" : "nan", 3); return 1; } return 0; } /* Prints decimal explicitly for %f and %g. */ static void direct_notation(kprint_options_t *opt, kprint_geometry_t g, char *digits, int length, int e) { /* Number of characters for decimal part, including dot */ int dec_chars = opt->precision + (opt->precision > 0); /* See case discussion below */ g.content = (length + e >= 0) ? length + e + dec_chars : 1 + dec_chars; kformat_geometry(opt, &g); kprint_outn(' ', g.left_spaces); if(g.sign) kprint_out(g.sign); kprint_outn('0', g.zeros); int pre = opt->precision; if(e >= 0) /* xxxxxx00[.00] */ { /* Decimal dot is after digits; rounding never occurs */ kprint_outstr(digits, length); kprint_outn('0', e); if(pre > 0) { kprint_out('.'); kprint_outn('0', pre); } } else if(length + e > 0) /* xxxy(.xx), xx.xy(xx), xx.xxxx[00] */ { /* Decimal dot is within the digits; we might have rounded */ kprint_outstr(digits, length + e); if(pre > 0) { kprint_out('.'); kprint_outstr(digits + length + e, min(-e, pre)); kprint_outn('0', pre + e); } } else if(length + e <= 0) /* 0.00(00xxxx), 0.00xy(xx), 0.00xxxx00 */ { /* Decimal dot is before the digits; we might have rounded */ kprint_out('0'); if(pre > 0) { kprint_out('.'); kprint_outn('0', min(-e - length, pre)); kprint_outstr(digits, min(length, pre + length + e)); kprint_outn('0', pre + e); } } kprint_outn(' ', g.right_spaces); } /* Prints exponent notation for %e and %g. */ static void exponent_notation(kprint_options_t *opt, kprint_geometry_t g, char *digits, int length, int e, int uppercase) { int true_e = e + length - 1; /* Number of characters for decimal part and for exponent */ int dec_chars = opt->precision + (opt->precision > 0); int exp_chars = 4 + (true_e >= 100 || true_e <= -100); g.content = 1 + dec_chars + exp_chars; kformat_geometry(opt, &g); kprint_outn(' ', g.left_spaces); if(g.sign) kprint_out(g.sign); kprint_outn('0', g.zeros); /* Digits */ kprint_out(digits[0]); if(opt->precision > 0) { kprint_out('.'); kprint_outstr(digits + 1, min(length - 1, opt->precision)); kprint_outn('0', opt->precision - (length - 1)); } /* Exponent */ kprint_out(uppercase ? 'E' : 'e'); kprint_out(true_e >= 0 ? '+' : '-'); if(true_e < 0) true_e = -true_e; if(true_e >= 100) { kprint_out(true_e / 100 + '0'); true_e %= 100; } kprint_out(true_e / 10 + '0'); kprint_out(true_e % 10 + '0'); kprint_outn(' ', g.right_spaces); } //--- // Formatters for kprint //--- static void kformat_fp(KFORMAT_ARGS) { double v = va_arg(*args, double); digit_buffer[0] = '0'; char *digits = digit_buffer + 1; int length = 0, e = 0; int is_e = (spec | 0x20) == 'e'; int is_f = (spec | 0x20) == 'f'; int is_g = (spec | 0x20) == 'g'; /* In %e and %f, default to 6 decimals. In %g, default to 6 significant digits, and force to at least 1 */ if(opt->precision < 0) opt->precision = 6; if(opt->precision == 0 && is_g) opt->precision = 1; if(special_notation(v, (spec & 0x20) == 0)) return; /* fabs(v) = int(digits) * 10^e */ if(v == 0.0) digits[length++] = '0'; else grisu2(v, digits, &length, &e); digits[length] = 0; /* In %f and %e, .precision is the number of decimal places; in %g, it is the number of significant digits. Determine the number of decimal places for the rounding (which is one more than the final number if a carry creates a new significant digit on the left) */ int round_place = opt->precision; if(is_e) round_place -= (length + e - 1); if(is_g) round_place -= (length + e); /* Round off to the specified number of decimal places. digits and length may extend one place left because of carries */ round_str(&digits, &length, e, round_place); kprint_geometry_t g = { .sign = (v < 0) ? '-' : '+', .prefix = 0, .style = KPRINT_NUMERIC, }; if(is_f) return direct_notation(opt, g, digits, length, e); if(is_e) return exponent_notation(opt, g, digits, length, e,spec=='E'); int true_e = length + e - 1; int extreme = (true_e < -4) || (true_e >= opt->precision); /* %g is left. Remove decimal zeros at the end of the digit string, starting from the last-shown digit. Keep all figits before the point, the amount of which depends on the mode */ int removed = remove_zeros(digits, min(length, opt->precision), extreme ? 1 : true_e + 1); opt->precision -= removed; if(extreme) { /* Don't print more significant digits than we have digits (elimination of trailing zeros) */ opt->precision = min(opt->precision, length); /* There is one leading digit and this many decimal places */ opt->precision--; return exponent_notation(opt, g, digits, length, e, spec=='G'); } else { /* Number of digits before the point */ int leading_digits = true_e + 1; /* Eliminate trailing zeros after the point */ opt->precision = min(opt->precision, length); /* Remove leading digits from decimal place count */ opt->precision -= leading_digits; return direct_notation(opt, g, digits, length, e); } } /* kprint_enable_fp(): Enable and load floating-point formats */ void kprint_enable_fp(void) { kprint_register('e', kformat_fp); kprint_register('f', kformat_fp); kprint_register('g', kformat_fp); }