#include "gintdemo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void draw(int new_tab); static struct ClockConfig conf; //--- // Timer-RTC comparison. // The precision of the timer is measured by comparing it to the RTC. //--- static volatile int elapsed_timer = -1; static volatile int elapsed_rtc = -1; static int cb_id = -1; static void timing_rtc(void) { elapsed_rtc++; } static void timing_timer(void) { elapsed_timer++; } static void timing_start(void) { timer_start(TIMER_USER, 64, Clock_Hz, timing_timer, 0); rtc_cb_edit(cb_id, RTCFreq_64Hz, timing_rtc); elapsed_timer = 0; elapsed_rtc = 0; } //--- // Drawing. //--- /* small_text() Renders small text using a minimalist bitmap-based font. */ static void small_text(int x, int y, const char *text, int alignment) { extern Image res_clock_chars; Image *chars = &res_clock_chars; const char *table = "0123456789kMHz*/"; if(alignment) x -= 2 * strlen(text) - 1, y -= 2; int c; while(*text) { const char *ptr = strchr(table, *text++); if(!ptr) continue; c = ptr - table; dimage_part(x, y, chars, c << 2, 0, 3, 5); x += 4; } } /* getFreq() Prints the given frequency in a string on the form: 332kHz There are 1, 2 or 3 characters for the value, and 2 or 3 characters for the unit. The string is compacted. */ void getFreq(char *str, int freq) { if(freq < 1000) sprintf(str, "%dHz", freq); else if(freq < 1000000) sprintf(str, "%dkHz", (freq + 500) / 1000); else sprintf(str, "%dMHz", (freq + 500000) / 1000000); } /* dislay_freq() Displays a frequency value a unit, in an simple form. */ static void display_freq(int x, int y, int freq) { int ratio, letter, dot, i; char buffer[10]; if(freq <= 0) { dtext(x, y, "Unknown"); return; } if(freq < 10000) { dprint(x, y, "%5d", freq); small_text(x + 31, y + 2, "Hz", 0); return; } if(freq < 10000000) ratio = 1, letter = 'k'; else ratio = 1000, letter = 'M'; dot = 1 + (freq >= 10000 * ratio) + (freq >= 100000 * ratio); freq += (ratio * (1 + 9 * (dot >= 2) + 90 * (dot >= 3))) / 2; snprintf(buffer, 6, "%d", freq); for(i = 4; i > dot; i--) buffer[i] = buffer[i - 1]; buffer[dot] = '.'; dprint(x, y, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%cHz", letter); small_text(x + 31, y + 2, buffer, 0); } /* draw() Draws the test interface. */ static void draw(int tab) { extern Image res_opt_timer; extern Image res_clock_7705; extern Image res_clock_7305; char buffer[16]; dclear(); dimage(0, 56, &res_opt_timer); if(!tab) { locate(1, 1, "Clock frequency"); dtext(7, 20, "B\x1e"); display_freq(24, 20, conf.Bphi_f); dtext(7, 28, "I\x1e"); display_freq(24, 28, conf.Iphi_f); dtext(7, 36, "P\x1e"); display_freq(24, 36, conf.Pphi_f); if(isSH3()) { dimage(64, 0, &res_clock_7705); getFreq(buffer, conf.CKIO_f); small_text(84, 16, buffer, 1); sprintf(buffer, "*%d", conf.PLL1); small_text(84, 34, buffer, 1); if(conf.Iphi_div1 == 1) dline(85, 43, 99, 43, Color_Black); else { sprintf(buffer, "/%d", conf.Iphi_div1); small_text(89, 41, buffer, 0); } if(conf.Pphi_div1 == 1) dline(85, 50, 99, 50, Color_Black); else { sprintf(buffer, "/%d", conf.Pphi_div1); small_text(89, 48, buffer, 0); } } else { dimage(64, 0, &res_clock_7305); getFreq(buffer, conf.RTCCLK_f); small_text(82, 13, buffer, 1); sprintf(buffer, "*%d", conf.FLL); small_text(82, 23, buffer, 1); sprintf(buffer, "*%d", conf.PLL); small_text(82, 33, buffer, 1); sprintf(buffer, "/%d", conf.Bphi_div1); small_text(87, 40, buffer, 0); sprintf(buffer, "/%d", conf.Iphi_div1); small_text(87, 47, buffer, 0); sprintf(buffer, "/%d", conf.Pphi_div1); small_text(87, 54, buffer, 0); } } else { int timer = elapsed_timer, rtc = elapsed_rtc; // just in case locate(1, 1, "Timer/RTC comparison"); locate(2, 3, "Timer"); if(timer >= 0) print(12, 3, "%04x", timer); else locate(12, 3, "..."); locate(2, 4, "RTC"); if(rtc >= 0) print(12, 4, "%04x", rtc); else locate(12, 4, "..."); // We define the accuracy of the timer as the ratio between the // two counters. locate(2, 5, "Accuracy"); if(rtc > 0 && timer > 0) { int ratio; if(timer <= rtc) ratio = (10000 * timer) / rtc; else ratio = (10000 * rtc) / timer; print(12, 5, "%d.%02d%%", ratio / 100, ratio % 100); } else locate(12, 5, "..."); } dupdate(); } //--- // Timer/clock test. //--- /* test_timer() Clock timer and timer precision. */ void test_timer(void) { int tab = 0; conf = clock_config(); elapsed_timer = -1; elapsed_rtc = -1; cb_id = rtc_cb_add(RTCFreq_64Hz, timing_start, 0); text_configure(NULL, Color_Black); while(1) { draw(tab); switch(getkey_opt(Getkey_NoOption, 1)) { case KEY_EXIT: timer_stop(TIMER_USER); rtc_cb_end(cb_id); return; case KEY_F1: tab = 0; break; case KEY_F2: tab = 1; break; } } }