#include #include /* dimage_part() Draws a portion of an image, defined by its bounding rectangle. Point (left, top) is included, but (left + width, top + height) is excluded. */ void dimage_part(int x, int y, struct Image *img, int left, int top, int width, int height) { if(img->magic != 0xb7) return; struct Structure s; struct Command command; int actual_width; int format = img->format, i = 0; if(format != Format_Mono && format != Format_MonoAlpha) return; getStructure(img, &s); //--- // Adjusting the bounding rectangle. //--- // This is what happens when the bounding rectangle overflows from the // image... if(left < 0) left = 0; if(top < 0) top = 0; if(left + width > s.width) width = s.width - left; if(top + height > s.height) height = s.height - top; if(x + left + width <= 0 || x > 127 || y + top + height <= 0 || y > 63) return; command.top = (y < 0) ? (top - y) : top; command.bottom = top + ((y + height > 64) ? (64 - y) : height); command.left = ((x < 0) ? (left - x) : left) >> 5; actual_width = (x + width > 128) ? (128 - x) : width; command.right = left + ((actual_width + 31) >> 5) - 1; command.op = bopti_op_mono; if(x >= 0) getMasks(x, x + actual_width - 1, command.masks); else getMasks(0, actual_width + x - 1, command.masks); bopti_vram = display_getCurrentVRAM(); while(format) { if(format & 1) { command.x = x - left; command.y = y - top; command.channel = (1 << i); bopti(s.data, &s, &command); s.data += s.layer_size; } format >>= 1; i++; } }