
203 lines
3.2 KiB

.global _topti_glyph_fg_bg
.global _topti_glyph_fg
.global _topti_glyph_bg
.section .pretext
# Glyph rendering functions.
# These are pretty naive, using only word accesses to index the VRAM and
# absolute positions to index the glyph data, instead of shiting a single
# longword to real all bits in order. This is because we only render a subglyph
# (for clipping) so there'a non-zero stride in glyph data.
# Parameters:
# r4: vram
# r5: data
# r6: color (either fg, bg, or (fg << 16) | bg)
# r7: height
# @(4,r15): width
# @(8,r15): dataw - width (stride)
# @(12,r15): starting index in data
# Stack:
# @(0,r15): r8 save
# Register allocation:
# r0: (temporary)
# r1: (temporary)
# r2: x counter
# r3: glyph data index
# r4: vram pointer
# r5: glyph pointer
# r6: color
# r7: y counter
# Callee-saved registers:
# r8: vram stride
# Opaque foreground, opaque background
# Compute VRAM stride 2 * (396-width)
mov.l r8, @-r15
mov.l 1f, r8
mov.l @(4, r15), r3
shll r3
sub r3, r8
# Load the starting index
mov.l @(12, r15), r3
# Initialize width counter
mov.l @(4, r15), r2
# Load one bit of data in T
mov r3, r0
mov #-5, r1
shld r1, r0
shll2 r0
mov.l @(r0, r5), r1
mov r3, r0
and #31, r0
shld r0, r1
shll r1
# Select the correct 16 bits or r6
bf/s .fg_bg_zero
mov r6, r1
swap.w r6, r1
# Write color to VRAM
mov.w r1, @r4
add #2, r4
# Leave the x-loop if x counter reaches 0
dt r2
bf/s .fg_bg_x
add #1, r3
# Move to next row, leave the y-loop if height reaches 0
dt r7
mov.l @(8, r15), r0
add r0, r3
bf/s .fg_bg_y
add r8, r4
mov.l @r15+, r8
# Opaque foreground, transparent background
# Compute VRAM stride 2 * (396-width)
mov.l r8, @-r15
mov.l 1f, r8
mov.l @(4, r15), r3
shll r3
sub r3, r8
# Load the starting index
mov.l @(12, r15), r3
# Initialize width counter
mov.l @(4, r15), r2
# Load one bit of data in T
mov r3, r0
mov #-5, r1
shld r1, r0
shll2 r0
mov.l @(r0, r5), r1
mov r3, r0
and #31, r0
shld r0, r1
shll r1
# Write color to VRAM only if it's a 1 bit
bf .fg_next
mov.w r6, @r4
# Leave the x-loop if x counter reaches 0
add #2, r4
dt r2
bf/s .fg_x
add #1, r3
# Move to next row, leave the y-loop if height reaches 0
dt r7
mov.l @(8, r15), r0
add r0, r3
bf/s .fg_y
add r8, r4
mov.l @r15+, r8
# Transparent foreground, opaque background
# Compute VRAM stride 2 * (396-width)
mov.l r8, @-r15
mov.l 1f, r8
mov.l @(4, r15), r3
shll r3
sub r3, r8
# Load the starting index
mov.l @(12, r15), r3
# Initialize width counter
mov.l @(4, r15), r2
# Load one bit of data in T
mov r3, r0
mov #-5, r1
shld r1, r0
shll2 r0
mov.l @(r0, r5), r1
mov r3, r0
and #31, r0
shld r0, r1
shll r1
# Write color to VRAM only if it's a 0 bit
bt .bg_next
mov.w r6, @r4
# Leave the x-loop if x counter reaches 0
add #2, r4
dt r2
bf/s .bg_x
add #1, r3
# Move to next row, leave the y-loop if height reaches 0
dt r7
mov.l @(8, r15), r0
add r0, r3
bf/s .bg_y
add r8, r4
mov.l @r15+, r8
# Data
.align 4
1: .long 396*2