
189 lines
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// gint:keysc:getkey - High-level keyboard monitoring function
#include <gint/keyboard.h>
#include <gint/gint.h>
#include <gint/defs/types.h>
#include "getkey.h"
#ifdef FX9860G
#include <gint/drivers/t6k11.h>
/* Delay between a key press and the first repeat, in scan intervals */
static int rep_first = 51;
/* Delay between subsequent repeats, in scan intervals */
static int rep_next = 5;
/* Same in milliseconds (values supplied by the user */
static int rep_first_ms = 400, rep_next_ms = 40;
/* Repeat filter function */
static int (*filter_function)(int key, int duration, int count) = NULL;
/* getkey(): Wait for a key press */
key_event_t getkey(void)
return getkey_opt(GETKEY_DEFAULT, NULL);
/* getkey_opt(): Enhanced getkey() */
key_event_t getkey_opt(int opt, volatile int *timeout)
key_event_t ev;
int shift = 0, alpha = 0, key = 0;
/* Last pressed key (only this key may be repeated) */
static int rep_key = 0;
/* Number of repeats already emitted */
static int rep_count = 0;
/* Keyboard time when the key was pressed */
static int rep_time = 0;
/* Additional repeat delay set by the filtering function */
static int rep_delay = 0;
/* Reset the state if the repeated key went up while getkey() was not
aware (this happens when different keyboard primitives are used) */
if(rep_key && !keydown(rep_key))
rep_key = 0;
rep_count = 0;
rep_time = 0;
rep_delay = 0;
while(1) switch((ev = pollevent()).type)
/* Key press: handle modifiers or return an event */
key = ev.key;
if(rep_key && key != rep_key) break;
/* Handle backlight on fx9860g */
#ifdef FX9860G
if(opt & GETKEY_BACKLIGHT && key == KEY_OPTN && shift)
shift = 0;
/* Return to menu */
if(opt & GETKEY_MENU && key == KEY_MENU && !(alpha || shift))
/* Update modifiers */
if(opt & GETKEY_MOD_SHIFT && key == KEY_SHIFT)
shift ^= 1;
rep_key = 0;
if(opt & GETKEY_MOD_ALPHA && key == KEY_ALPHA)
alpha ^= 1;
rep_key = 0;
/* Return current event */
rep_key = key;
rep_count = 0;
rep_time = ev.time;
rep_delay = 0;
ev.mod = 1;
ev.shift = shift;
ev.alpha = alpha;
return ev;
/* If nothing happens, stop or wait for a repeat to occur */
/* Timeout has expired, return KEYEV_NONE */
if(timeout && *timeout) return ev;
/* Check that the last pressed key can be repeated */
int arrow = (rep_key == KEY_LEFT || rep_key == KEY_RIGHT ||
rep_key == KEY_UP || rep_key == KEY_DOWN);
if(!rep_key || !(
(opt & GETKEY_REP_ALL) ||
(opt & GETKEY_REP_ARROWS && arrow)
)) break;
/* If the key is key pressed long enough, create a new event */
int duration = (int16_t)(ev.time - rep_time);
if(rep_delay < 0) break;
int target = (rep_count ? rep_next : rep_first) + rep_delay;
if(duration < target) break;
/* Filter out the event if repeat filtering is on */
if(filter_function && (opt & GETKEY_REP_FILTER))
int s = filter_function(rep_key, duration, rep_count);
/* Drop repeats forever */
if(s < 0)
rep_delay = -1;
/* Delay repeat by set amount */
if(s > 0)
s = (s * keysc_scan_frequency()) / 1000;
rep_delay += s;
/* Accepts repeat (fallthrough) */
rep_time += target;
rep_delay = 0;
ev.mod = 1;
ev.shift = shift;
ev.alpha = alpha;
ev.type = KEYEV_HOLD;
ev.key = rep_key;
return ev;
/* Reset repeating information if the repeated key is released */
case KEYEV_UP:
if(ev.key != rep_key) break;
rep_key = 0;
rep_count = 0;
rep_time = 0;
rep_delay = 0;
/* getkey_repeat(): Set repeat delays for getkey() */
void getkey_repeat(int first, int next)
rep_first_ms = first;
rep_next_ms = next;
rep_first = (first * keysc_scan_frequency()) / 1000;
rep_next = (next * keysc_scan_frequency()) / 1000;
/* getkey_repeat_filter(): Set the repeat filter function */
void getkey_repeat_filter(int (*filter)(int key, int duration, int count))
filter_function = filter;
/* Refresh repeat delays after a change in keyboard scan frequency */
void getkey_refresh_delays(void)
getkey_repeat(rep_first_ms, rep_next_ms);