#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NAN __builtin_nan("") #define INFINITY __builtin_inf() #define SCROLL_HEIGHT _(9,12) struct printf_test { char const *format; /* Argument information is set by macros below */ enum { TYPE_I32, TYPE_U32, TYPE_STR, TYPE_PTR, TYPE_U64, TYPE_DBL } type; union { int i32; uint32_t u32; char const *str; void *ptr; uint64_t u64; double dbl; }; char const *argument_as_string; char const *solution; }; #define I32(i) TYPE_I32, { .i32 = i }, #i #define U32(u) TYPE_U32, { .u32 = u }, #u #define STR(s) TYPE_STR, { .str = s }, #s #define PTR(p) TYPE_PTR, { .ptr = (void *)p }, #p #define U64(u) TYPE_U64, { .u64 = u }, #u #define DBL(d) TYPE_DBL, { .dbl = d }, #d static struct printf_test const tests[] = { /* Base cases with length and precision */ { "%d", I32(-849), "-849" }, { "%7i", I32(78372), " 78372" }, { "%3d", I32(65536), "65536" }, { "%6.4d", I32(17), " 0017" }, { "%6.3d", I32(-1876), " -1876" }, { "%.0d", I32(0), "" }, { "%.d", I32(0), "" }, /* Sign */ { "%+i", I32(15), "+15" }, { "% 7i", I32(78372), " 78372" }, { "% d", I32(65536), " 65536" }, /* Alignment */ { "%08d", I32(-839), "-0000839" }, { "%-6.4d", I32(17), "0017 " }, { "%-+6.4i", I32(17), "+0017 " }, /* Bases */ { "%d", I32(0xcb7), "3255" }, { "%x", U32(0xcb7), "cb7" }, { "%X", U32(0xcb7), "CB7" }, { "%o", U32(0xcb7), "6267" }, /* Argument size */ { "%lld", U64(10000000000ll), "10000000000" }, { "%llx", U64(0x123456789abull), "123456789ab" }, /* Alternative prefixes */ { "%#x", U32(0x7b), "0x7b" }, { "%#X", U32(0x7b), "0X7B" }, { "%#o", U32(255), "0377" }, /* Pointers */ { "%p", PTR(0xa44b0000), "0xa44b0000" }, /* Characters and strings */ { "%s", STR("HellWrld!"), "HellWrld!" }, { "%-8.5s", STR("Hello, World!"), "Hello " }, { "%c", I32(100), "d" }, { "%6c", I32('#'), " #", }, /* Floating-point special values */ { "%f", DBL(NAN), "nan" }, { "%3.5F", DBL(NAN), "NAN" }, { "%+2F", DBL(-INFINITY), "-INF" }, { "%10G", DBL(INFINITY), "INF" }, { "%+g", DBL(INFINITY), "inf" }, { "%7.3e", DBL(-INFINITY), "-inf" }, { "%8E", DBL(NAN), "NAN" }, /* Simple floating-point cases */ { "%f", DBL(13e3), "13000.000000" }, { "%.3f", DBL(-13e3), "-13000.000" }, { "%.F", DBL(13e3), "13000" }, { "%f", DBL(-12.42), "-12.420000" }, { "%.0f", DBL(-12.42), "-12", }, { "%.1f", DBL(12.42), "12.4", }, { "%.8F", DBL(12.42), "12.42000000" }, { "%F", DBL(0.0312), "0.031200" }, { "%.4f", DBL(0.0312), "0.0312" }, { "%.2f", DBL(-0.0312), "-0.03", }, { "%.0f", DBL(0.0312), "0", }, /* Floating-point rounding */ { "%.f", DBL(1.75), "2", }, { "%.1f", DBL(1.75), "1.8", }, { "%.3F", DBL(0.0625), "0.063", }, { "%.1F", DBL(-99.99), "-100.0" }, { "%.2F", DBL(12999.992), "12999.99" }, { "%.2f", DBL(12999.995), "13000.00" }, /* General options with floating-point */ { "%09.3F", DBL(123.4567), "00123.457" }, { "%05.0f", DBL(99.99), "00100" }, { "%+11f", DBL(0.0035678), " +0.003568" }, { "%- 11F", DBL(0.0035678), " 0.003568 " }, /* Simple exponent cases */ { "%e", DBL(3.876), "3.876000e+00" }, { "%E", DBL(-38473.34254), "-3.847334E+04" }, { "%.2e", DBL(187.2), "1.87e+02" }, { "%.1e", DBL(-18.27), "-1.8e+01" }, { "%e", DBL(1e-10), "1.000000e-10" }, { "%E", DBL(3.873e180), "3.873000E+180" }, { "%.e", DBL(0.0005), "5e-04" }, { "%.E", DBL(128.37), "1E+02" }, { "%.5e", DBL(912.3), "9.12300e+02" }, /* Exponent with rounding and general options */ { "%11.3e", DBL(12.499), " 1.250e+01" }, { "% -11.E", DBL(358.7), " 4E+02 " }, { "%+e", DBL(14.99999), "+1.499999e+01" }, { "%+e", DBL(14.999999), "+1.500000e+01" }, /* Exponent sizes */ { "%.2e", DBL(1e10), "1.00e+10" }, { "%.2e", DBL(1e100), "1.00e+100" }, { "%.2e", DBL(1e-10), "1.00e-10" }, { "%.2e", DBL(1e-100), "1.00e-100" }, /* Format selection and trailing zero elimination in %g */ { "%g", DBL(124), "124" }, { "%g", DBL(2.3), "2.3" }, { "%g", DBL(0.0001), "0.0001" }, { "%G", DBL(0.00001), "1E-05" }, { "%g", DBL(834e-93), "8.34e-91" }, { "%g", DBL(32842914732), "3.28429e+10" }, { "%g", DBL(123456), "123456" }, { "%G", DBL(1234567), "1.23457E+06" }, { "%G", DBL(123000), "123000" }, /* Rounding and general options in %g */ { "%.3g", DBL(1278), "1.28e+03" }, { "%+.8g", DBL(1.23e5), "+123000" }, { "%- 12.8g", DBL(123000.01), " 123000.01 " }, { "%0.8g", DBL(123000.001), "123000" }, { "%08.8g", DBL(123000.001), "00123000" }, { "%g", DBL(1.234567), "1.23457" }, { "%.1g", DBL(1.8), "2" }, /* Edge cases of significant digit count in %g */ { "%.4g", DBL(999.93), "999.9" }, { "%.4g", DBL(999.97), "1000" }, { "%.5g", DBL(999.97), "999.97" }, { "%.8G", DBL(999.97), "999.97" }, { "%.4g", DBL(1.0001), "1", }, /* Elimination of trailing zeros in %g */ { "%.3g", DBL(3002), "3e+03" }, { "%.5g", DBL(0.00000034), "3.4e-07" }, { "%.6g", DBL(999.9997), "1000" }, /* NULL terminator */ { NULL } }; static void run_tests(struct printf_test const *tests, char answers[][16], int *passed) { for(int i = 0; tests[i].format; i++) { struct printf_test const *t = &tests[i]; #define run(TYPE, field) case TYPE: \ snprintf(answers[i], 16, t->format, t->field); \ break; switch(t->type) { run(TYPE_I32, i32) run(TYPE_U32, u32) run(TYPE_STR, str) run(TYPE_PTR, ptr) run(TYPE_U64, u64) run(TYPE_DBL, dbl) } passed[i] = !strcmp(answers[i], t->solution); } } static void draw(struct printf_test const *tests, char answers[][16], int *passed, int offset) { int total_passed=0, total=0; for(int i = 0; tests[i].format; i++) { total_passed += passed[i]; total++; } dclear(C_WHITE); #ifdef FX9860G extern font_t font_mini; font_t const *old_font = dfont(&font_mini); dprint( 1, 0, C_BLACK, "ID"); dprint(13, 0, C_BLACK, "Format"); dprint(43, 0, C_BLACK, "Output"); dprint(99, 0, C_BLACK, "%d/%d", total_passed, total); dhline(6, C_BLACK); for(int i = 0; i < SCROLL_HEIGHT; i++) { struct printf_test const *t = &tests[offset+i]; int y = (i+1) * 6 + 2; dprint( 1, y, C_BLACK, "%d", offset+i+1); dprint(13, y, C_BLACK, "%s", t->format); dprint(43, y, C_BLACK, "%s", answers[offset+i][0] ? answers[offset+i] : ""); dprint(99, y, C_BLACK, "%s", passed[offset+i]?"Ok":"Err"); } dfont(old_font); #endif #ifdef FXCG50 row_title("libc: Formatted printing functions"); row_print(1, 2, "ID"); row_print(1, 5, "Format"); row_print(1, 13, "Argument"); row_print(1, 29, "Answer"); dline(12, 34, 355, 34, C_BLACK); for(int i = 0; i < SCROLL_HEIGHT; i++) { struct printf_test const *t = &tests[offset+i]; int y = row_y(i+2) + 2; dprint( 14, y, C_BLACK, "%d", offset+i+1); dprint( 38, y, C_BLACK, "%s", t->format); dprint(102, y, C_BLACK, "%s", t->argument_as_string); int fg = passed[offset+i] ? C_RGB(0,31,0) : C_RGB(31,0,0); dprint_opt(230, y, fg, C_NONE, DTEXT_LEFT, DTEXT_TOP, "%s", answers[offset+i][0] ? answers[offset+i] : ""); } row_print(14, 1, "Passed: %d/%d", total_passed, total); #endif scrollbar_px( /* view */ _(8,37), _(60,201), /* range */ 0, total, /* visible */ offset, SCROLL_HEIGHT); dupdate(); } /* gintctl_libs_printf(): printf() function */ void gintctl_libs_printf(void) { key_event_t ev; int key=0, total=0, offset=0; for(int i = 0; tests[i].format; i++) total++; int test_count = sizeof tests / sizeof tests[0]; char answers[test_count][16]; int passed[test_count]; run_tests(tests, answers, passed); while(key != KEY_EXIT) { draw(tests, answers, passed, offset); key = (ev = getkey()).key; int scroll_max = total - SCROLL_HEIGHT; if(key == KEY_UP) { if(ev.shift || keydown(KEY_SHIFT)) offset = 0; else if(offset > 0) offset--; } if(key == KEY_DOWN) { if(ev.shift || keydown(KEY_SHIFT)) offset = scroll_max; else if(offset < scroll_max) offset++; } } }