#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //--- // Driver list and information //--- static void draw_list(int offset, int maximum) { #if GINT_RENDER_RGB row_print(1, 2, "Id"); row_print(1, 5, "Name"); row_print(1, 13, "Size"); row_print(1, 18, "Flags"); #endif font_t const *old_font = dfont(_(&font_mini, dfont_default())); for(int i=offset; i < (int)gint_driver_count() && i < offset+maximum; i++) { gint_driver_t *d = &gint_drivers[i]; uint8_t flags = gint_driver_flags[i]; int y = _(10+6*(i-offset), row_y(i-offset+2)); dprint(_( 2,row_x(2)), y, C_BLACK, "%d", i); dprint(_(12,row_x(5)), y, C_BLACK, "%s", d->name); dprint(_(36,row_x(13)), y, C_BLACK, "%d", d->state_size); dprint(_(52,row_x(18)), y, C_BLACK, "%s%s%s", (flags & GINT_DRV_CLEAN) ? "CLEAN " : "", (flags & GINT_DRV_FOREIGN_POWERED) ? _("FP ","FOREIGN_POW. ") : "", (flags & GINT_DRV_SHARED) ? "SHARED " : "" ); } dfont(old_font); if((int)gint_driver_count() > maximum) scrollbar_px(_(8,50), _(55,200), 0, gint_driver_count(), offset, maximum); } //--- // State management //--- static void draw_state(gint_world_t world, int i) { font_t const *old_font = dfont(_(&font_mini, dfont_default())); if(i > 0) dprint(_(86,10), _(57,row_y(1)), C_BLACK, "<"); if(i < (int)gint_driver_count() - 1) dprint(DWIDTH - _(4,16), _(57,row_y(1)), C_BLACK, ">"); dprint_opt(_(106, DWIDTH / 2), _(57, row_y(1)), C_BLACK, C_NONE, DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_TOP, "%s", gint_drivers[i].name); if(gint_driver_flags[i] & GINT_DRV_SHARED) { dprint_opt(DWIDTH / 2, DHEIGHT / 2, C_BLACK, C_NONE, DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_MIDDLE, "Device is shared"); return; } if(world == gint_world_addin && (gint_driver_flags[i] & GINT_DRV_CLEAN)) { dprint_opt(DWIDTH / 2, DHEIGHT / 2, C_BLACK, C_NONE, DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_MIDDLE, "Device is clean"); return; } if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "CPG")) { cpg_state_t const *s = world[i]; if(isSH3()) row_print(_(1,3), 1, "No state"); else row_print(_(1,3), 1, "SSCGCR: %08X", s->SSCGCR); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "CPU")) { cpu_state_t const *s = world[i]; row_print(_(1,3), 1, "SR: %08X", s->SR); row_print(_(2,4), 1, "VBR: %08X", s->VBR); row_print(_(3,5), 1, "CPUOPM: %08X", s->CPUOPM); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "DMA")) { dma_state_t const *s = world[i]; #if GINT_RENDER_MONO for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { dprint(1, 1+6*i, C_BLACK, "%d: %08X->%08X %08X", i, s->ch[i].SAR, s->ch[i].DAR, s->ch[i].CHCR); } dprint(1, 43, C_BLACK, "OR: %08X", s->OR); #endif #if GINT_RENDER_RGB for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int y=3+5*(i/3), x=1+16*(i%3); row_print(y, x, "%d:", i); row_print(y, x+2, "SAR"); row_print(y, x+7, "%08X", s->ch[i].SAR); row_print(y+1, x+2, "DAR"); row_print(y+1, x+7, "%08X", s->ch[i].DAR); row_print(y+2, x+2, "TCR"); row_print(y+2, x+7, "%08X", s->ch[i].TCR); row_print(y+3, x+2, "CHCR"); row_print(y+3, x+7, "%08X", s->ch[i].CHCR); } row_print(13, 1, "OR: %08X\n", s->OR); #endif } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "INTC")) { intc_state_t const *s = world[i]; #if GINT_RENDER_MONO for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { dprint(1+32*(i%4),1+6*(i/4), C_BLACK, "%c:%04X", 'A'+i, s->IPR[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { dprint(1+32*(i%4),25+6*(i/4), C_BLACK, "%d:%02X", i, s->MSK[i]); } #endif #if GINT_RENDER_RGB for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { row_print(3+i/4, 1+11*(i%4), "IPR%c:", 'A'+i); row_print(3+i/4, 6+11*(i%4), "%04X", s->IPR[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { row_print(7+i/4, 1+11*(i%4), "IMR%d:", i); row_print(7+i/4, 7+11*(i%4), "%02X", s->MSK[i]); } #endif } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "KEYSC")) { row_print(_(1,3), 1, "No state"); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "MMU")) { mmu_state_t const *s = world[i]; row_print(_(1,3), 1, "PASCR: %08X", s->PASCR); row_print(_(2,4), 1, "IRMCR: %08X", s->IRMCR); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "R61524")) { r61524_state_t const *s = world[i]; row_print(3, 1, "HSA..HEA: %d..%d", s->HSA, s->HEA); row_print(4, 1, "VSA..VEA: %d..%d", s->VSA, s->VEA); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "RTC")) { rtc_state_t const *s = world[i]; row_print(_(1,3), 1, "RCR1: %02X RCR2: %02X", s->RCR1, s->RCR2); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "SPU")) { spu_state_t const *s = world[i]; #if GINT_RENDER_MONO dprint(1, 1, C_BLACK, "PBANKC0: %08X", s->PBANKC0); dprint(1, 7, C_BLACK, "PBANKC1: %08X", s->PBANKC1); dprint(1, 13, C_BLACK, "XBANKC0: %08X", s->XBANKC0); dprint(1, 19, C_BLACK, "XBANKC1: %08X", s->XBANKC1); #endif #if GINT_RENDER_RGB row_print(3,1, "PBANKC0: %08X PBANKC1: %08X", s->PBANKC0, s->PBANKC1); row_print(4,1, "XBANKC0: %08X XBANKC1: %08X", s->XBANKC0, s->XBANKC1); #endif } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "T6K11")) { t6k11_state_t const *s = world[i]; dprint(1, 1, C_BLACK, "STRD: %02X", s->STRD); dprint(1, 7, C_BLACK, "RESET:%d", (s->STRD & 0x08) != 0); dprint(1, 13, C_BLACK, "N/F:%d", (s->STRD & 0x04) != 0); dprint(1, 19, C_BLACK, "X/Y:%d", (s->STRD & 0x02) != 0); dprint(1, 25, C_BLACK, "U/D:%d", (s->STRD & 0x01) != 0); } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "TMU")) { tmu_state_t const *s = world[i]; for(int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { #if GINT_RENDER_MONO if(k < 3) dprint(1, 6*k, C_BLACK, "TMU%d: CNT:%08X TCR:%04X %s", k, s->t[k].TCNT, s->t[k].TCR, (s->TSTR & (1<t[k].TCNT, s->t[k].TCR, s->t[k].TSTR); #endif #if GINT_RENDER_RGB row_print(k+3, 1, "%sTMU%d:", (k<3 ? "" : "E"), (k<3 ? k : k-3)); if(k < 3) row_print(k+3, 8, "%08X/%08X TCR:%04X", s->t[k].TCNT, s->t[k].TCOR, s->t[k].TCR); else row_print(k+3, 8,"%08X/%08X TCR:%02X TSTR:%02X", s->t[k].TCNT, s->t[k].TCOR, s->t[k].TCR, s->t[k].TSTR); #endif } } else if(!strcmp(gint_drivers[i].name, "USB")) { row_print(_(1,3), 1, "In USB test"); } dfont(old_font); } //--- // Manual switches with performance statistics //--- struct switch_stats { /* Number of empty world switches */ int world_switch_count; /* Number of return-to-menu */ int return_to_menu_count; /* TODO: Performance statistics for each driver */ }; static void draw_manual(struct switch_stats *stats) { #if GINT_RENDER_MONO row_print(2, 1, "World switches: %d", stats->world_switch_count); row_print(3, 1, "Return-to-menu: %d", stats->return_to_menu_count); // row_print(4, 1, "Switch time: %d µs", stats->world_switch_time); row_print(5, 1, "[1]: World switch"); row_print(6, 1, "[2]: Return-to-menu"); row_print(7, 1, "[3]: Measure perf"); #endif #if GINT_RENDER_RGB row_print(1, 1, "World switches performed: %d", stats->world_switch_count); row_print(2, 1, "Return-to-menu performed: %d", stats->return_to_menu_count); row_print(11, 1, "[1]: Standard world switch"); row_print(12, 1, "[2]: Return-to-menu with gint_osmenu()"); row_print(13, 1, "[3]: World switch with shared libprof (TODO)"); #endif } //--- // Main test //--- /* gintctl_gint_drivers(): Test the gint driver logic and world switch */ void gintctl_gint_drivers(void) { int key=0, tab=0, list_scroll=0, list_max=_(7,12), selected_driver=0; struct switch_stats stats = { 0 }; while(key != KEY_EXIT) { dclear(C_WHITE); #if GINT_RENDER_MONO if(tab == 0 || tab == 3) row_print(1, 1, "Drivers and worlds"); dimage(0, 56, &img_opt_gint_drivers); #endif #if GINT_RENDER_RGB row_title("Drivers and world switches"); fkey_menu(1, "DRIVERS"); fkey_menu(2, "OS"); fkey_menu(3, "ADDIN"); fkey_menu(4, "MANUAL"); #endif if(tab == 0) draw_list(list_scroll, list_max); if(tab == 1) draw_state(gint_world_os, selected_driver); if(tab == 2) draw_state(gint_world_addin, selected_driver); if(tab == 3) draw_manual(&stats); dupdate(); key = getkey().key; if(key == KEY_F1) tab = 0; if(key == KEY_F2) tab = 1; if(key == KEY_F3) tab = 2; if(key == KEY_F4) tab = 3; /* Action for list tab */ if(tab == 0 && key == KEY_UP && list_scroll > 0) list_scroll--; if(tab == 0 && key == KEY_DOWN && list_scroll < (int)gint_driver_count() - list_max) list_scroll++; /* Actions for OS state tab */ if((tab == 1 || tab == 2) && key == KEY_LEFT && selected_driver > 0) selected_driver--; if((tab == 1 || tab == 2) && key == KEY_RIGHT && selected_driver < (int)gint_driver_count()-1) selected_driver++; /* Actions for the manual tab */ if(tab == 3 && key == KEY_1) gint_world_switch(GINT_CALL_INC(&stats.world_switch_count)); if(tab == 3 && key == KEY_2) { /* TODO: Should render next frame in advance for seamless return */ stats.return_to_menu_count++; dupdate(); gint_osmenu(); /* Wait for KEY_2 to be released before calling next getkey() */ while(keydown(KEY_2)) waitevent(NULL); } if(tab == 3 && key == KEY_3) { /* TODO: World switch with performance statistics */ } } }