
190 lines
4.1 KiB

#include <gintctl/widgets/gscreen.h>
#include <gintctl/assets.h>
#include <gintctl/util.h>
#include <justui/jscene.h>
#include <justui/jlabel.h>
#include <justui/jfkeys.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef FX9860G
gscreen *gscreen_create(char const *name, bopti_image_t const *img)
#ifdef FXCG50
gscreen *gscreen_create(char const *name, char const *labels)
gscreen *g = malloc(sizeof *g);
if(!g) return NULL;
jscene *s = jscene_create_fullscreen(NULL);
if(!s) { free(g); return NULL; }
g->scene = s;
g->tabs = NULL;
g->tab_count = 0;
g->fkey_level = 0;
jlabel *title = name ? jlabel_create(name, s) : NULL;
jwidget *stack = jwidget_create(s);
jfkeys *fkeys = _(img,labels) ? jfkeys_create(_(img,labels), s) : NULL;
if((name && !title) || !stack || (_(img,labels) && !fkeys)) {
return NULL;
g->title = title;
g->fkeys = fkeys;
jlayout_set_vbox(s)->spacing = _(1,3);
if(title) {
jwidget_set_background(title, C_BLACK);
jlabel_set_text_color(title, C_WHITE);
jlabel_set_font(title, _(&font_title, dfont_default()));
jwidget_set_stretch(title, 1, 0, false);
#ifdef FX9860G
jwidget_set_padding(title, 1, 1, 0, 1);
jwidget_set_margin(title, 0, 0, 1, 0);
#ifdef FXCG50
jwidget_set_padding(title, 3, 6, 3, 6);
#ifdef FXCG50
jwidget_set_padding(stack, 1, 3, 1, 3);
jwidget_set_stretch(stack, 1, 1, false);
return g;
void gscreen_destroy(gscreen *s)
if(s->scene) jwidget_destroy(s->scene);
/* tab_stack(): Stacked widget where the tabs are located */
static jwidget *tab_stack(gscreen *s)
int index = (s->title != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
return s->scene->widget.children[index];
// Function bar settings
void gscreen_set_fkeys_level(gscreen *s, int level)
s->fkey_level = level;
// Tab settings
void gscreen_add_tab(gscreen *s, void *widget, void *focus)
struct gscreen_tab *t = realloc(s->tabs, (s->tab_count+1) * sizeof *t);
if(!t) return;
s->tabs = t;
s->tabs[s->tab_count].title_visible = (s->title != NULL);
s->tabs[s->tab_count].fkeys_visible = (s->fkeys != NULL);
s->tabs[s->tab_count].focus = focus;
jwidget_add_child(tab_stack(s), widget);
jwidget_set_stretch(widget, 1, 1, false);
#undef gscreen_add_tabs
void gscreen_add_tabs(gscreen *s, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, s);
jwidget *w;
while((w = va_arg(args, jwidget *)))
gscreen_add_tab(s, w, NULL);
void gscreen_set_tab_title_visible(gscreen *s, int tab, bool visible)
if(!s->title || tab < 0 || tab >= s->tab_count) return;
s->tabs[tab].title_visible = visible;
if(gscreen_current_tab(s) == tab)
jwidget_set_visible(s->title, visible);
void gscreen_set_tab_fkeys_visible(gscreen *s, int tab, bool visible)
if(!s->fkeys || tab < 0 || tab >= s->tab_count) return;
s->tabs[tab].fkeys_visible = visible;
if(gscreen_current_tab(s) == tab)
jwidget_set_visible(s->fkeys, visible);
// Tab navigation
bool gscreen_show_tab(gscreen *s, int tab)
jwidget *stack = tab_stack(s);
jlayout_stack *l = jlayout_get_stack(stack);
/* Find widget ID in the stack
int i = 0;
while(i < stack->child_count && stack->children[i] != widget) i++;
if(i >= stack->child_count || l->active == i) return false; */
if(tab < 0 || tab >= stack->child_count) return false;
/* Update keyboard focus */
s->tabs[l->active].focus = jscene_focused_widget(s->scene);
jscene_set_focused_widget(s->scene, s->tabs[tab].focus);
l->active = tab;
stack->update = 1;
/* Hide or show title and function key bar as needed */
jwidget_set_visible(s->title, s->tabs[tab].title_visible);
if(s->fkeys) jwidget_set_visible(s->fkeys, s->tabs[tab].fkeys_visible);
return true;
int gscreen_current_tab(gscreen *s)
jwidget *stack = tab_stack(s);
jlayout_stack *l = jlayout_get_stack(stack);
return l->active;
bool gscreen_in(gscreen *s, int tab)
return gscreen_current_tab(s) == tab;
// Focus management
void gscreen_focus(gscreen *s, void *widget)
return jscene_set_focused_widget(s->scene, widget);