import fxconv import re import os.path def convert(input, output, params, target): if params["custom-type"] == "map": convert_map(input, output, params, target) return 0 else: return 1 def convert_map(input, output, params, target): TILE_AIR = 0 TILE_WALL = 1 TILE_START = 2 TILE_END = 3 TILE_KEY = 16 TILE_VDOOR = 24 TILE_HDOOR = 32 # Read input file with open(input, "r") as fp: tiles, cycles ="\n\n") tiles = tiles.split("\n") cycle_texts = [c for c in cycles.split("\n") if c] w = max(len(t) for t in tiles) h = len(tiles) fog = 0 filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[0] # Generate map contents encoded_tiles = bytearray(w * h) for (y, t) in enumerate(tiles): for (x, c) in enumerate(t): if c == " ": tile = TILE_AIR elif c == "#": tile = TILE_WALL elif c == "~": tile = TILE_START elif c == "@": tile = TILE_END elif ord("0") <= ord(c) <= ord("9"): tile = TILE_KEY + int(c) elif ord("a") <= ord(c) <= ord("z"): tile = TILE_VDOOR + (ord(c) - ord("a")) elif ord("A") <= ord(c) <= ord("Z"): tile = TILE_HDOOR + (ord(c) - ord("A")) else: raise fxconv.FxconvError(f"unknown tile character {c}") encoded_tiles[y*w + x] = tile # Parse door cycles RE_CYCLE = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z]):\s*([#.]+)$') cycles = dict() for c in cycle_texts: m = re.match(RE_CYCLE, c) if not m: raise fxconv.FxconvError(f"cannot parse door cycle '{c}'") cycles[m[1]] = m[2].encode("utf-8") # Generate door cycle data door_cycle = b"" door_cycle_index = bytearray(16) for index, letter in enumerate("abcdefghABCDEFGH"): door_cycle_index[index] = len(door_cycle) if letter in cycles: door_cycle += cycles[letter] + b" " door_cycle = door_cycle + bytes(128 - len(door_cycle)) # Generate the structure o = fxconv.ObjectData() o += fxconv.u32(w) + fxconv.u32(h) + fxconv.u32(fog) o += door_cycle + door_cycle_index o += fxconv.ref(f"img_{filename}") o += fxconv.ref(encoded_tiles) fxconv.elf(o, output, "_" + params["name"], **target)