#include "box.h" #include "world.h" #include "ennemi.h" #include "score.h" #include #include int check_collision(box_t *b) { for (int i=0; ix >= b1->x && b2->x < b1->x+b1->w) || (b1->x >= b2->x && b1->x < b2->x + b2->w); int y_collide= (b2->y >= b1->y && b2->y < b1->y+b1->h) || (b1->y >= b2->y && b1->y < b2->y + b2->h); if (x_collide&&y_collide) return 1; return 0; } static void move_x(box_t * b) { int sgn_vx=sgn(b->vx); int t_vx=((sgn_vx*b->vx+time_id%2)/2)*sgn_vx; // si n impair, alterne entre n+1 n-1 sgn_vx=sgn(t_vx); int coef=1;// move each frame if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x, b->y)==CTG_WATER || worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-1, b->y)==CTG_WATER) coef=2; //slow down in water if (time_id%coef) return; // move 1 frame of 2 when in water ~to be improved if (sgn_vx) { for (int i=1; i<=sgn_vx*t_vx; i++) { for (int j=0; jh; j++) { int typetemp; if (sgn_vx>0) typetemp=worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-1+i*sgn_vx,b->y+j); else typetemp=worldGetCellCategory(b->x+i*sgn_vx,b->y+j); if (typetemp==CTG_SOIL) { b->x+=(i-1)*sgn_vx; b->vx=0; return; } //} } } b->x+=t_vx; } } static void move_y(box_t * b) { b->last_vy=b->vy; int sgn_vy=sgn(b->vy); int coef=1;//1; if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x, b->y)==CTG_WATER || worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-1, b->y)==CTG_WATER) coef=2;// 0.5 if (time_id%coef) return; if (sgn_vy) { for (int i=sgn_vy; i<=sgn_vy*b->vy; i++) { for (int j=0; jw; j++) { int typetemp; if (sgn_vy>0) typetemp=worldGetCellCategory(b->x+j ,b->y+b->h-1+i); else typetemp=worldGetCellCategory(b->x+j ,b->y-i); if (typetemp==CTG_SOIL) { if (b->vy>0) { int old=b->x; { // contournement du coin si seul le coin touche box_t temp_hitbox=*b; int sgn_vx=0; if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x+2, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_SOIL && worldGetCellCategory(b->x+3, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_EMPTY) sgn_vx++; if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x+1, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_SOIL && worldGetCellCategory(b->x+2, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_EMPTY) sgn_vx++; if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_SOIL && worldGetCellCategory(b->x+1, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_EMPTY) sgn_vx++; if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-2, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_SOIL && worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-3, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_EMPTY) sgn_vx--; if (worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-1, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_SOIL && worldGetCellCategory(b->x+b->w-2, b->y+b->h-1+i)==CTG_EMPTY) sgn_vx--; int fail=0; for (int i=0; ih; j++) // test de validité { int typetemp; if (sgn_vx>0) typetemp=worldGetCellCategory(temp_hitbox.x+temp_hitbox.w-1+i*sgn_vx,temp_hitbox.y+j); else typetemp=worldGetCellCategory(temp_hitbox.x+i*sgn_vx,temp_hitbox.y+j); if (typetemp==CTG_SOIL) fail=1; } temp_hitbox.x+=sgn(sgn_vx); } if (!fail) *b=temp_hitbox; } if (old==b->x) { b->y+=(i-1)*sgn_vy; b->vy=0; return; } } else { b->y+=(i-1)*sgn_vy; b->vy=0; return; } } //} } } b->y+=b->vy; } //if (b->vy>=-6) b->vy-=b->gravity; } void boxMove(box_t * b) { //velx move_x(b); move_y(b); } void boxJump(box_t * b, int height, bool floor_needed) { if (!floor_needed) { b->vy=height; return; } const int sgn_vy=-1*sgn(height); if (sgn_vy) { for (int j = 0; j < b->w; j++) if (worldGetCellCategory( b->x + j, b->y + sgn_vy) == CTG_SOIL) { b->vy=height; return; } } }