from PIL import Image # Palette de couleurs pierre = (0, 0, 0, 255) brique = (255, 0, 0, 255) empty = (255, 255, 255, 255) # Load image filename = input("File name ?\n> ") img = print("Loaded", filename, "(size =", img.size, ")") code = "w_current_x = " + str(img.size[0]) + ";\nw_current_y = " + str(img.size[1]) + ";\nworld_t lvl[]=\n{" largeur=img.size[0] hauteur=img.size[1] # Balayage des pixels : passe pour dessiner les murs pixels = img.load() for x in range(0,img.size[0]): code += "\n " for i in range(0, img.size[1]): y=img.size[1]-i-1 if pixels[x,y] == brique: code += "{BRICK,0}, " elif pixels[x,y] == pierre: hexa="0x" left=1 right=1 if x != 0: left = (pixels[x-1,y] == pierre) if x != img.size[0]-1: right = (pixels[x+1,y] == pierre) sx=0 if left and right: sx=1 elif left and right==0: sx=2 elif left==0 and right: sx=0 hexa+= str(sx) up=0 # vide par defaut down=1 if y != 0: up = (pixels[x,y-1] == pierre) if y != img.size[1]-1: down = (pixels[x,y+1] == pierre) sy=0 if up and down: sy=1 elif up and down==0: sy=1 elif up==0 and down: sy=0 hexa+= str(sy) code += "{EARTH," + hexa + "}, " elif pixels[x,y]==empty: code += "{0,0}, " else: code += "{0,'?'}, " #code += str(pixels[x,y]) print (code)