correct errors

This commit is contained in:
neiviv-ui 2021-07-20 22:44:53 +02:00
parent 859967d013
commit 47f43a456f
1 changed files with 66 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -31,15 +31,19 @@ var p7 = {
/* Convert an ascii array into a string */
p7.asciiToString = (array) => String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
Uint8Array.prototype.asciiToString = function () {
let string = [];
this.forEach((element) => string.push(String.fromCharCode(element)));
return string.join('');
/* Convert an ascii array representing an hex number into a number */
p7.asciiToHex = (array) => Number('0x' + p7.asciiToString(array));
Uint8Array.prototype.asciiToHex = function () {
return Number('0x' + this.asciiToString());
p7.sendBuffer = new Uint8Array(1032);
p7.receiveBuffer = undefined;//new Uint8Array(1032 + 1);
p7.receiveBuffer = undefined; //new Uint8Array(1032 + 1);
/* ---------------------Packet making--------------------- */
@ -128,96 +132,77 @@ var p7 = {
/* Return all the informations of the device, and trim string's overage (255) */
p7.decode.extendedAckPacket = () => {
return {
hardwareIdentifier : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(8, 16)),
processorIdentifier : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(16, 32)),
preprogrammedROMCapacity : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(32, 40)),
flashROMCapacity : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(40, 48)),
ramCapacity : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(48, 56)),
prepogrammedROMVersion : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(56, 72).filter(number => number !== 255)),
bootCodeVersion : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(72, 88).filter(number => number !== 255)),
bootCodeOffset : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(88, 96).filter(number => number !== 255)),
bootCodeSize : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(96, 104).filter(number => number !== 255)),
osCodeVersion : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(104, 120).filter(number => number !== 255)),
osCodeOffset : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(120, 128)),
osCodeSize : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(128, 136)),
protocolVersion : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(136, 140)),
productID : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(140, 156).filter(number => number !== 255)),
username : p7.asciiToString(p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(156, 172).filter(number => number !== 255))
hardwareIdentifier : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(8, 16).asciiToString(),
processorIdentifier : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(16, 32).asciiToString(),
preprogrammedROMCapacity : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(32, 40).asciiToString(),
flashROMCapacity : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(40, 48).asciiToString(),
ramCapacity : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(48, 56).asciiToString(),
prepogrammedROMVersion : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(56, 72).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString(),
bootCodeVersion : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(72, 88).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString(),
bootCodeOffset : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(88, 96).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString(),
bootCodeSize : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(96, 104).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString(),
osCodeVersion : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(104, 120).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString(),
osCodeOffset : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(120, 128).asciiToString(),
osCodeSize : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(128, 136).asciiToString(),
protocolVersion : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(136, 140).asciiToString(),
productID : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(140, 156).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString(),
username : p7ReceiveBuffer.slice(156, 172).filter(number => number !== 255).asciiToString()
/* Return the value (as an number) of the Filesize (FS) subfield of the Data (D) field of an extended command packet */
p7.decode.commandPacketFilesize = () => p7.asciiToHex(p7.receiveBuffer.slice(12, 20));
/* Rturn the value (as an number) of the Filesize (FS) subfield of the Data (D) field of an extended command packet */
p7.decode.commandPacketFilesize = () => p7.receiveBuffer.slice(12, 20).asciiToHex();
/* ---------------------Packet receiving--------------------- */
/* Doesn't work for now on */
p7.receive.packet = async function () {
/*try {
let array = undefined;
do {
array = await p7.device.transferIn(2, 64);
} while ( == 0)
p7.receiveBuffer = Uint8Array(await p7.device.transferIn(2, 64).data.buffer);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Couldn't receive the first 64 bytes of the packet : " + err.message);
let checksumError = 0;
try {
let transferInResult = undefined;
while (! (transferInResult = await p7.device.transferIn(2, 64)).data.byteLength)
console.log('The buffer was empty, trying again!');
p7.receiveBuffer = new Uint8Array(;
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Couldn't receive the first 64 bytes of the packet: " + err.message);
let packetInfo = {};
packetInfo.length = 6; /* Type (T), Subtype (S), Extended (EX) and Checksum (CS) fields */
//Set Type (T) field
packetInfo.type = p7.receiveBuffer[0];
//Set Subtype (ST) field
packetInfo.subtype = p7.asciiToHex(p7.receiveBuffer.slice(1, 2));
packetInfo.subtype = p7.receiveBuffer.slice(1, 2).asciiToHex();
//Set Extended (EX) field
packetInfo.extended = (p7.receiveBuffer[3] === 0x31);
if (!packetInfo.extended) {
/* Compute checksum */
checksumError = ((packetInfo.checksum = p7.receiveBuffer.slice(4, 5).asciiToHex) !== p7.receiveBuffer.slice(1, 4).checksum());
} else {
//Set Data size (DS) field
packetInfo.dataSize = p7.receiveBuffer.slice(4, 8).asciiToHex();
packetInfo.length += packetInfo.dataSize + 4 /* Data size field */;
let transferInResult = 0;
let err = 0;
//Recieve and parse the packet
do {
transferInResult = await p7.device.transferIn(2, 64).then(
(result) => {
return result;
}, (error) => {
err = error;
if (err)
return "Couldn't receive the first 64 bytes of the packet : " + err;
} while(!;
//p7ReceivedPacketInfo.packetSize = 4; /*Type, Subtype and Extended field*/
//Copy the received buffer to p7ReceiveBuffer
p7.receiveBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(, 0);
console.log(p7.receiveBuffer.slice(0, 25));
/* ---------------------Packet sending--------------------- */
/* Doesn't work for now on */
p7.send.packet = async function (length) {
/*try {
try {
await p7.device.transferOut(1, p7.sendBuffer.slice(0, length));
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Couldn't send the packet : " + err.message);
let err = 0;
//Send the packet and return the error on failure
if (err = await p7.device.transferOut(1, p7.sendBuffer.slice(0, length)).then((success) => 0, (failure) => failure))
return "Couldn't send the packet : " + err;
throw new Error("Couldn't send the packet: " + err.message);
/* ---------------------Initialization and exiting--------------------- */
@ -230,7 +215,7 @@ var p7 = {
{'vendorId': 0x07cf , 'productId': 0x6102}] /* fx-CP400 */
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Couldn't find the calculator : " + err.message);
throw new Error("Couldn't find the calculator: " + err.message);
@ -254,7 +239,8 @@ var p7 = {
document.getElementById('connect').addEventListener('click', async function () {
async function () {
try {
await p7.init();
} catch (err) {
@ -364,22 +350,19 @@ var p7 = {
} */
p7.make.basicPacket(0x06, 0x00);
console.log(p7.sendBuffer.slice(0, 8));
try {
await p7.send.packet(6);
await p7.send.packet(p7.make.basicPacket(p7PacketType.check, checkSubtype.initialization));
await p7.receive.packet();
} catch (err) {
let err = 0;
if (err = await p7.send.packet(6))
console.log('err' + err);
await p7.send.packet(p7.make.basicPacket(p7PacketType.check, checkSubtype.default));
/* Error: Stay in an endless loop */
await p7.receive.packet();