# Warning : Use this tool at your own risks, nobody can be taken as responsible if it damage your calculator !!! ## Usage The buttons are actually diconnected, if you want to test, dive through the code. ## Things to change - Have a more js-like code approach ! ## Actual possibilities - You can send files to flash memory (at least fls0, but maybe crd0 too), but only below ~1.5 ko (it freezes beyond, will patch this later) - You can list files, make directories, remove directories etc... - you can optimize your flash - you can get your device infos ## Future possibilities - Make a user friendly interface - Support all p7 protocol's commands - Screen casting ? (not a usb but a graphic difficulty) - other stuffs ## Thanks to : - Simon Lothar for his fx-reverse doc - Cakeisalie5 for his p7 command line tool