from math import log10,sqrt from tkinter import * master = Tk() master.resizable(0, 0) canvas = Canvas(master, width=320, height=240) canvas.pack() def color(r, g, b): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b) def fill_rect(x, y, w, h, color): y += 18 canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, fill=color, outline='') def draw_string(text, x, y, fg=color(0,0,0), bg=None): y += 18 t = canvas.create_text(x, y, anchor=NW, text=text, fill=fg) if bg is not None: r = canvas.create_rectangle(canvas.bbox(t), fill=bg, outline='') canvas.tag_lower(r, t) def clear(): canvas.delete('all') canvas.create_rectangle(0, 18, 320, 240, fill=color(255, 255, 255), outline='') canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 320, 18, fill=color(255, 183, 52), outline='') def init(): global atmu,n,j,s,ma,mb,mc,w,fp,fm atmu,n,j,s,w,fp,fm=[],9,0,0,5,0,0 ma,mb,mc=[[0]*n for k in range(n)],[[0]*n for k in range(n)],[[0]*n for k in range(n)] def dr(): global s,j,w sw=320 d,h=min(sw//n,221//n),(color(0,0,0),color(255,255,255)) b=sw-1-n*d clear() for i in range(0,n*d+1,d): fill_rect(b,i,n*d,1,h[0]) fill_rect(b+i,0,1,n*d,h[0]) for y in range(0,n): for x in range(0,n): t=255-(255*abs(ma[y][x])//w) fill_rect(b+x*d+1,y*d+1,d-1,d-1,ma[y][x]<0 and color(t,t,255) or ma[y][x]>0 and color(255,t,t) or h[1]) draw_string(" ATLEMU ",1,1,color(255,255,0),color(127,127,127)) draw_string("Muen\ndo(-1,c,l)",0,19,color(0,0,255),h[1]) draw_string("Atlante\ndo(1,c,l)",0,53,color(255,0,0),h[1]) draw_string("Passer\ndo(0)",0,87,color(255,0,255),h[1]) draw_string("Recommencer\ninit()",0,121,color(0,0,0),h[1]) draw_string("An: "+str(j)+"\nScore:\n"+str(s)[:10],0,n*d-49) def do(*ar): global j,gp,gm,fp,fm,s j,k,v,(sc,sl)=j+1,ar[0],(len(ar)%2) or ar[len(ar)-1],(len(ar)>=3) and (ar[1],ar[2]) or (0,0) k,gp,gm=k and k//abs(k),fp,fm for y in range(n):mb[y]=mc[y].copy() for y in range(n): for x in range(n): o,ma[y][x]=ma[y][x],ma[y][x]+w*(ma[y][x]==0 and x==sc and y==sl)*((k>0)-(k<0))+(ma[y][x]<=0 and (x-sc or y-sl or k==0) and mb[y][x]//10==3)*((ma[y][x]==0)*w-ma[y][x]*(not(not(ma[y][x]))))-(ma[y][x]>=0 and (x-sc or y-sl or k==0) and mb[y][x]-10*(mb[y][x]//10)==3)*((ma[y][x]==0)*w+ma[y][x]*(not(not(ma[y][x])))) if o and ma[y][x]==o: ls=(-1,w>abs(ma[y][x])) ma[y][x]=ma[y][x]+(ma[y][x]>0)*ls[mb[y][x]//10==3 or mb[y][x]//10==4]-(ma[y][x]<0)*ls[mb[y][x]-10*(mb[y][x]//10)==3 or mb[y][x]-10*(mb[y][x]//10)==2] if ma[y][x]-o: fp,fm=fp+(ma[y][x]>0 and not(o))-(o>0 and not(ma[y][x])),fm+(ma[y][x]<0 and not(o))-(o<0 and not(ma[y][x])) if not(o) and ma[y][x] or o and not(ma[y][x]): for dl in range(-1,2): for dc in range(-1,2): if dl or dc:mc[y+dl+(dl<0 and y==0)*n-(dl>0 and y==n-1)*n][x+dc+(dc<0 and x==0)*n-(dc>0 and x==n-1)*n]+=(ma[y][x]<0)-(o<0 and 0==ma[y][x])+10*((ma[y][x]>0)-(o>0 and 0==ma[y][x])) if max(fp,gp)*max(fm,gm):s=s/(1+abs(k)*log10(sqrt(j)))+fp*fm*min(fp,gp)*min(fm,gm)/max(fp,gp)/max(fm,gm) atmu.append((sc*k+k,sl*k+k)) if v: dr() print("Bon score ? Envoie la liste\n'atmu' a") return s def st(l,v=True): init() for p in l:s=do((p[0]>0)-(p[0]<0),abs(p[0])-1,abs(p[1])-1,v) dr() return s init() dr() if __name__== "__main__": master.mainloop()