from math import * from random import * from time import * def mmod(a,b): return a%b def getplatform(): return 1 def getlinechars(o=False): c,k=2**31-1,getplatform() if k>=0: c=[53,o and 99 or 29,o and 509 or 21,31,32,c,c][k] return c na,pkl,lnm=21,[],["Bulbizarre","Herbizarre","Florizarre","Salameche","Reptincel","Dracaufeu","Carapuce","Carabaffe","Tortank","Chenipan","Chrysacier","Papilusion","Aspicot","Coconfort","Dardargnan","Roucool","Roucoups","Roucarnage","Rattata","Rattatac","Piafabec","Rapasdepic","Abo","Arbok","Pikachu","Raichu","Sabelette","Sablaireau","Nidoran F","Nidorina","Nidoqueen","Nidoran M","Nidorino","Nidoking","Melofee","Melodelfe","Goupix","Feunard","Rondoudou","Grodoudou","Nosferapti","Nosferalto","Mystherbe","Ortide","Rafflesia","Paras","Parasect","Mimitoss","Aeromite","Taupiqueur","Triopikeur","Miaouss","Persian","Psykokwak","Akwakwak","Ferosinge","Colossinge","Caninos","Arcanin","Ptitard","Tetarte","Tartard","Abra","Kadabra","Alakazam","Machoc","Machopeur","Mackogneur","Chetiflor","Boustiflor","Empiflor","Tentacool","Tentacruel","Racaillou","Gravalanch","Grolem","Ponyta","Galopa","Ramoloss","Flagadoss","Magneti","Magneton","Canarticho","Doduo","Dodrio","Otaria","Lamantine","Tadmorv","Grotadmorv","Kokiyas","Crustabri","Fantominus","Spectrum","Ectoplasma"] mrandmax,mrand,mfmax,nn,mp=2**31-1,0,93,getlinechars(True)-na,na//2 def mround(f): d=mmod(abs(f),1) return (mfloor(abs(f))+(d>=.5))*(1-2*(f<0)) def mfloor(f): return round(f)-(round(f)>f) def mceil(f): return round(f)+(round(f)=5] return pka def i2c(k): return chr(k+33) def c2i(c): return ord(c)-33 def clean(): global pkl t,s=0,0 for l in pkl: t+=l[1] for l in pkl: l[2]=f2mf(l[1]/(t or 1)) s+=l[2] if(l[2]<=0): pkl.remove(l) return clean() return s def pk(n,p=1,d=2): global pkt, pkl n-=1 if n>=0 and nnn: sn=sn[:nn] print(s+sn) st=i2c(l[0])+st+i2c(l[2]) for k in pkt: if(k): t+=log(e+k*len(pkl)) if(d): if(d>=2): print("Bon score ? Si oui\nenvoie code suivant\na :") print(""+st) return float(t) def setst(st): s,pkl[:],n=0,[],len(st)//2 for k in range(n): s=pk(c2i(st[n-1-k])+1,c2i(st[n+k+len(st)%2]),False) return s pokemons = [] for l in range(94): mseed(42) for k in range(l + 1): mrandom() pokemons.append(mrandint(1, mrandmax)) def fast_score(code): pkt = [0.0 for l in range(21)] for k in range(10): p = code[19 - k] / 93.0 for l in range(21): if pokemons[code[k]] & (1 << l): pkt[l] += p size = 0 for k in range(10): if code[19 - k] > 0: size += 1 score = 0.0 for k in pkt: if k: score += log(e + k * size) return score def random_pokemon(code): n = randint(0, 9) v = randint(0, 93) if not v in code[:10]: code[n] = v def random_attack(code): score_max = fast_score(code) for k in range(200): code_next = code.copy() i = 10 j = 10 while i == j: i = randint(10, 19) j = randint(10, 19) d = randint(-93, 93) vi = code_next[i] + d vj = code_next[j] - d if vi >= 0 and vi <= 93 and vj >= 0 and vj <= 93: code_next[i] = vi code_next[j] = vj score = fast_score(code_next) if score_max < score: code[:] = code_next score_max = score seed(time()) code = [0 for k in range(20)] code[19] = 93 score = fast_score(code) code_max = code.copy() score_max = score # find team using simulated annealing t = 1.0 while t > 0.001: t *= 0.999 code_next = code.copy() random_pokemon(code_next) random_attack(code_next) score_next = fast_score(code_next) if score_max < score_next: code_max[:] = code_next score_max = score_next print('%.5f' % score_max, ''.join([chr(code_max[k] + 33) for k in range(20)])) delta = score_next - score; if delta >= 0 or random() < exp(delta / t): code[:] = code_next score = score_next # find attack points using brute force code_max = ''.join([chr(code_max[k] + 33) for k in range(20)]) for i in range(ord('2'), 256): for j in range(ord('e'), 256): code = code_max.replace('2', chr(i)).replace('e', chr(j)) score = setst(code) if score_max < score: score_max = score print('%.5f' % score, code, i, j)