package b2c; //This class contains all B2C functions. public class Functions { static String functions = "\n//B2C functions\n\n"; //This is for automatically generated methods; for unique methods, write them manually in the local B2CFunctions.c file. public static void addFunctions() { /* //Calculation functions String[] operators = { "7F\"\"\\xB4", "10", // <= "11", // != "12", // >= "3D", // = "3C", // < "3E", // > "A8", // ^ "A9", // * "B9", // / "89", // + "99" // - }; String[] calcFunctions = { "xor", "lessOrEqualThan", "notEqualTo", "greaterOrEqualThan", "equalTo", "lessThan", "greaterThan", "pow", "mult", "div", "add", "sub", }; for (int i = 0; i < operators.length; i++) { functions += addMethod( "BCDvar B2C_" + calcFunctions[i] + "(BCDvar a, BCDvar b) {\n" + "\tBCDvar result;\n" + "\tconst char *function = \"A\\x" + operators[i] + "\"\"B\";\n" + "\tsetAlphaVar('A', &a);\n" + "\tsetAlphaVar('B', &b);\n" + "\tcalcExp(&function" + //_"+calcFunctions[i] + ", dummyOpCode, &result, 1);\n" + "\treturn result;\n}\n"); //Header.addGlobal("char *function_"+calcFunctions[i]+" = \"A\"\"\\x" + operators[i] + "\"\"B\";\n"); } String[] logicalOperators = { "&&", "and", "||", "or", }; for (int i = 0; i < logicalOperators.length; i+=2) { functions += addMethod( "BCDvar B2C_" + logicalOperators[i+1] + "(BCDvar a, BCDvar b) {\n" + "\tif (a.bytes[1] " + logicalOperators[i] + " b.bytes[1]) {\n" + "\t\treturn _1_;\n" + "\t}\n" + "\treturn _0_;\n}\n" ); } */ /*functions += addMethod( "BCDvar B2C_not(BCDvar a) {\n" + "\tif (a.bytes[1])\n" + "\t\treturn ZERO;" + "\treturn ONE;\n}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "char* B2C_convToStr(BCDvar nb) {\n" + "\tchar* result = calloc(15, 1);\n" + "\tbcdToStr(&nb, result);\n" + "\treturn result;\n}\n"); functions += addMethod( "BCDvar B2C_convToBCD(char* str) {\n" + "\tBCDvar result;\n" + "\tcalcExp(&str, dummyOpCode, &result, 1);\n" + "\treturn result;\n}\n"); functions += addMethod( "void B2C_setListRow(int nbList, int row, BCDvar value) {\n" + "\tif (row > list[nbList].nbElements) {\n" + "\t\tBCDvar *tempPtr = realloc(list[nbList].data, (list[nbList].nbElements+1)*sizeof(BCDvar));\n" + "\t\tif (tempPtr == NULL) {\n" + "\t\t\tfree(list[nbList].data);\n" + "\t\t\tB2C_stop();\n\t\t}\n" + "\t\tlist[nbList].data = tempPtr;\n" + "\t\tlist[nbList].nbElements++;\n\t}\n" + "\tlist[nbList].data[row] = value;\n}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "void B2C_setDimList(int nbList, int nbElements) {\n" + "\tfree(list[nbList].data);\n" + "\tlist[nbList].data = calloc(nbElements+1, sizeof(BCDvar));\n}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "List B2C_newList(int nbElements, ...) {\n" + "\tList list;\n" + "\tva_list vaList;\n" + "\tlist.nbElements = nbElements;\n" + "\ = calloc(nbElements+1, sizeof(BCDvar));\n" + "\tva_start(vaList, nbElements);\n" + "\[0] = ZERO;\n" + "\tfor (i = 1; i <= nbElements; i++) {\n" + "\t\[i] = va_arg(vaList, BCDvar);\n" + "\t}\n" + "\tva_end(vaList);\n" + "\treturn list;\n}\n" ); //TODO: add method which takes (matrix, height, width) as argument, could lead to a faster conversion than initializing a list functions += addMethod( "void B2C_setDimMat(int matrix, List list) {\n" + "\tif (mat[matrix].data) free(mat[matrix].data);\n" + "\tmat[matrix].data = calloc((B2C_convToUInt([2])+1)*(B2C_convToUInt([1])+1), sizeof(BCDvar));\n" + "\tmat[matrix].width = B2C_convToUInt([1]);\n" + "\tmat[matrix].height = B2C_convToUInt([2]);\n" + "}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "int B2C_convToUInt(BCDvar nb) {\n" + "\tint result = 0;\n" + "\tint power = (nb.bytes[1]>>4) + 1;\n" + "\tfor (i = 1; i <= power; i++) {\n" + "\t\tif (i%2) {\n" + "\t\t\tresult += (nb.bytes[i/2+1]&0xF) * pow(10, power-i);\n" + "\t\t} else {\n" + "\t\t\tresult += (nb.bytes[i/2+1]>>4) * pow(10, power-i);\n" + "\t\t}\n" + "\t}\n" + "\treturn result;\n}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "BCDvar B2C_Getkey() {\n" + "\tBCDvar result;\n" + "\tif (!prgmGetkey(&result)) {\n" + "\t\tB2C_stop();\n" + "\t}\n" + "\treturn result;\n}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "void timerHandler() {\n" + "\tshort menuCode = 0x0308;\n" + "\tputMatrixCode(&menuCode);" + "\n}\n" ); functions += addMethod( "void B2C_stop() {\n" + "\tinstallTimer(6, (void*)&timerHandler, 1);\n" + "\tstartTimer(6);\n" + "\tGetKey(&key);\n" + "\tuninstallTimer(6);\n" + "\tPopUpWin(4);\n" + "\tlocate(5,3); Print(\"Interruption\");\n" + "\tlocate(4,5); Print(\"Appuyer:[MENU]\");\n" + "\twhile(1)\n" + "\t\tGetKey(&key);\n" + "\n}\n" ); //TODO actually randomize functions += addMethod( "BCDvar B2C_ranInt(int a, int b) {\n" + "\treturn ONE;\n}\n" );*/ } public static String getFunctions() { addFunctions(); String functionsBuffer = IO.readFromRelativeFile("B2CFunctions.c"); Integer[] functionsPositions = Parser.parseBrackets(functionsBuffer); //System.out.println(functionsBuffer.substring(0, functionsPositions[2])); functions += addMethod(functionsBuffer.substring(0, functionsPositions[3]+1)); for (int i = 3; i < functionsPositions.length-4; i+=4) { //System.out.println(functionsBuffer.substring(functionsPositions[i], functionsPositions[i+4])); functions += addMethod(functionsBuffer.substring(functionsPositions[i]+1, functionsPositions[i+4]+1)); } return functions; } //Automatically generates the prototypes for the given method. public static String addMethod(String method) { //This should normally get the method name. //String methodName = method.substring(method.substring(0, method.indexOf('(')).indexOf(' '), method.indexOf('(')); Header.addPrototype(method.substring(0, method.indexOf('{')).trim() + ";\n"); return method; } }