package b2c; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; /* TODO 's: * * put each program in a separate file .c * generate .g1w * */ public class B2C { final static boolean debugMode = true; static String path = "C:\\Users\\Catherine\\Documents\\CASIO\\fx-9860G SDK\\TestB2C\\"; static String mainProgramName = "__uiss4_"; static String pathToG1M = "C:\\Users\\Catherine\\Desktop\\puiss4.g1m"; static boolean isRealTimeGame = true; static boolean assureOS1Compatibility = true; static boolean usesAcOnTimer = true; static String main_c; /** * Main method of B2C. * args[0]: path to g1m file * args[1]: main program name * args[2]: path to project folder */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (!debugMode) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter the path to the .g1m file:"); while (true) { pathToG1M = ""+sc.nextLine().charAt(0); if (new File(pathToG1M).isFile()) { break; } else { System.out.println("File not found."); } } pathToG1M = pathToG1M.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); System.out.println("Enter the name of the main program.\nReplace 'r' with \"radius\", 'θ' by \"theta\" and non-ASCII characters by '_'."); mainProgramName = Parser.parseProgName(sc.nextLine()); String programName = pathToG1M.substring(pathToG1M.lastIndexOf('/')+1, pathToG1M.lastIndexOf('.')); path = System.getProperty("user.home") + "\\Documents\\CASIO\\fx-9860G SDK\\" + programName + System.getProperty("file.separator"); System.out.println("Enter the destination path. Write \"default\" to set to:\n" + path); String destinationPath = sc.nextLine(); if (!destinationPath.equals("default")) { path = destinationPath; } new File(path).mkdir(); //TODO create custom image try { Files.copy(new File(B2C.class.getClassLoader().getResource("MainIcon.bmp").getPath().substring(1)).toPath(), new File(path + "/MainIcon.bmp").toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } IO.writeToFile(new File(path + File.separator + programName + ".g1w"), IO.readFromRelativeFile("Default.g1w").replaceAll("%PROG_NAME%", programName), true); IO.writeToFile(new File(path + File.separator + "AddinInfo.txt"), IO.readFromRelativeFile("AddinInfo.txt").replaceAll("%PROG_NAME%", programName), true); } if (args.length > 0) { pathToG1M = args[0]; if (!pathToG1M.matches(".+\\.g[12][mr]")) { Parser.error("File provided (" + pathToG1M + ") is not of g1m type!"); } } if (args.length > 1) { mainProgramName = args[1]; } if (args.length > 2) { path = args[2]; } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //Add some constants for functions Constants.add("0"); Constants.add("1"); Constants.add("-1"); /*Constants.add("53123523"); Constants.add("0.3"); Constants.add("2.304"); Constants.add("-1"); Constants.add("0.0456"); Constants.add("-0.00786");*/ main_c = "#include \n" + "#include \n" + "#include \n" + "#include \n" + "#include \n" + "#include \"fxlib.h\"\n" + "#include \"main.h\"\n\n" + "unsigned int key;\n" + "int i;\n"+ "BCDvar var[29] = {0}; //A-Z, r, theta, Ans\n"+ "Str strings[20];\n" + "Mat mat[26]; //Important thing: matrixes are (height, width) not (width, height)\n" + "List list[26];\n" + "char dummyOpCode[2] = {5, 8};\n" + "//These are buffers for syscalls that do not return a value.\n" + "BCDvar alphaVarBuffer;\n" + "BCDvar expressionBuffer;\n" + "BCDvar getkeyBuffer;\n" + "unsigned char stringBuffer[256] = {0};\n"; /*"const BCDvar ZERO = {0};\n"; for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { main_c += "const BCDvar " + Parser.consts.get(i) + " = {0x10, 0x0" + i + "};\n"; }*/ main_c+="\nint AddIn_main(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum) {\n" + "\t//Initialize strings\n" + "\tfor (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {\n" + "\t\tstrings[i].length = 0;\n" + "\t}\n" + "\t#ifdef USES_INTERRUPTION_TIMER\n" + "\t//Timer allowing AC/ON to be pressed at any moment\n" + "\tSetTimer(INTERRUPTION_TIMER, 50, (void (*)(void))exitTimerHandler);\n" + "\t#endif\n" + "\tprog_"+mainProgramName+"();\n\n" + "\tdo {\n" + "\t\tGetKey(&key);\n" + "\t} while (key != KEY_CTRL_EXE && key != KEY_CTRL_AC);\n" + "\treturn 1;\n" + "}\n\n"; main_c += IO.readFromFile(pathToG1M); System.out.println("Result:\n-------------\n"+main_c); //pragma stuff main_c += "\n\n#pragma section _BR_Size\nunsigned long BR_Size;\n#pragma section\n\n" + "#pragma section _TOP\n" + "int InitializeSystem(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum) {" + "\n\treturn INIT_ADDIN_APPLICATION(isAppli, OptionNum);\n}\n" + "#pragma section\n"; //GetKey handling /*if (isRealTimeGame) { main_c = main_c.replaceAll( "(do \\{\\n+([\\t ]+)?([\\w\\[\\]])+? \\= )Getkey_Temp(\\(\\);\n([\\t ]+)?} while \\()", "$1Getkey_Block$4" ); main_c = main_c.replaceAll("Getkey_Temp\\(\\);", "Getkey_NoBlock();"); } else { main_c = main_c.replaceAll("Getkey_Temp\\(\\);", "Getkey_Block();"); }*/ main_c += Functions.getFunctions(); IO.writeToFile(new File(path + "/main.c"), main_c, true); //Syscalls asm file /*writeToFile(new File(path + "syscalls.src"), "\t.SECTION P,CODE,ALIGN=4\n\n" + "\t.MACRO SYSCALL FUNO, SYSCALLNAME, TAIL=nop\n\n" + "\t.export \\SYSCALLNAME'\n" + "\\SYSCALLNAME'\n" + "\tmov.l #h'\\FUNO, r0\n" + "\tmov.l #H'80010070, r2\n" + "\tjmp @r2\n" + "\t\\TAIL'\n" + "\t.ENDM\n\n" + "\tSYSCALL " , true);*/ Syscalls.addSyscall("bcdToStr", "4F0"); Syscalls.addSyscall("intToBCD", "5A6"); Syscalls.addSyscall("calcExp", "645"); Syscalls.addSyscall("getAlphaVar", "4DF"); Syscalls.addSyscall("setAlphaVar", "4E0"); Syscalls.addSyscall("prgmGetkey", "6C4"); Syscalls.addSyscall("putMatrixCode", "24F"); //Syscalls.addSyscall("installTimer", "118"); //Syscalls.addSyscall("startTimer", "11A"); //Syscalls.addSyscall("uninstallTimer", "119"); Syscalls.addSyscall("putInternalItem", "82A"); Syscalls.addSyscall("deleteInternalItem", "835"); Syscalls.addSyscall("openItem", "83B"); Syscalls.addSyscall("getItemData", "372"); Syscalls.addSyscall("getItemSize", "840"); Syscalls.addSyscall("overwriteItemData", "830"); Syscalls.addSyscall("setSetupEntry", "4DD"); Syscalls.addSyscall("getSetupEntry", "4DC"); Syscalls.addSyscall("dispErrorMessage", "954"); Syscalls.createSyscallFile(); String[] externalLibs = {"MonochromeLib.c", "MonochromeLib.h", "memory.c", "memory.h"}; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { IO.writeToFile(new File(path+externalLibs[i]), IO.readFromRelativeFile(externalLibs[i]), true); } for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) { Header.addDefine(c+" "+(int)c); } Header.addDefine("FALSE 0"); Header.addDefine("TRUE 1"); Header.addDefine("A_GREATER_THAN_B 1"); Header.addDefine("A_EQUALS_B 0"); Header.addDefine("A_LESS_THAN_B -1"); Header.addDefine("NO_ERROR 1"); Header.addDefine("MEMORY_ERROR 4"); Header.addDefine("INTERRUPTION_TIMER 2"); if (usesAcOnTimer) { Header.addDefine("USES_INTERRUPTION_TIMER"); } Header.addDefine("DIR_PROG 0x01"); Header.addDefine("DIR_LIST 0x05"); Header.addDefine("DIR_MAT 0x06"); Header.addDefine("DIR_PICT 0x07"); Header.addDefine("DIR_CAPT 0x0A"); Header.addDefine("LIST_START 0x10"); Header.addDefine("MAT_START 0x10"); Header.addDefine("ANS 28"); Header.addDefine("THETA 27"); Header.addDefine("RADIUS 26"); Header.addDefine("SETUP_LISTFILE 0x2E"); Header.addDefine("free_str(x) if(!isString){free(x->data); free(x);}"); Header.addDefine("getDigit(BCDvar, i) (((i)%2) ? (*(BCDvar))[((i)+1)/2+1]>>4 : (*(BCDvar))[((i)+1)/2+1]&0x0F)"); Header.addDefine("getExp(BCDvar) (((*(a))[0]>>4) * 100 + ((*(a))[0]&0x0F) * 10 + ((*(a))[1]>>4))"); Header.create(); System.out.println("Parsing done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + " ms."); if (!assureOS1Compatibility) { System.out.println("WARNING: This program uses OS 2 functions. It won't run properly on the SDK emulator!"); } } }