Still highly not working ; but some kind of progress

This commit is contained in:
Némo 2017-02-11 00:58:18 +01:00
parent f31d1ebbc8
commit d4aedc7e20
16 changed files with 1263 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -9,16 +9,17 @@ flags = -m3 -mb -Os -nostdlib
cflags = -std=c11 -W -Wall -Wno-main -pedantic
cxxflags= -std=c++11 -W -Wall -Wno-main -pedantic
include = -Iinclude/fx -Iinclude
libs = -Llib -lfx -lgcc
libs = -Llib -lgcc -lfx
name = eigenmath
target-g1a = $(name).g1a
# Various files
# besselj and bessely good bye
# besselj and bessely and history good bye
file-src = $(addprefix src/, \
main.cpp \
crt0.s syscalls.s \
main.cpp config.c console.c memory.c \
tex/libText.c tex/debug.c tex/math.c tex/disp_asm.s \
engine/abs.cpp engine/add.cpp engine/adj.cpp \
engine/alloc.cpp \
engine/alloc.cpp engine/append.cpp \
engine/arccos.cpp engine/arccosh.cpp \
engine/arcsin.cpp engine/arcsinh.cpp \
engine/arctan.cpp engine/arctanh.cpp \
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ file-src = $(addprefix src/, \
engine/floor.cpp engine/for.cpp \
engine/gamma.cpp engine/gcd.cpp \
engine/guess.cpp engine/hermite.cpp \
engine/hilbert.cpp engine/history.cpp \
engine/hilbert.cpp \
engine/imag.cpp engine/index.cpp \
engine/index.cpp engine/init.cpp \
engine/inner.cpp engine/integral.cpp \
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ file-src = $(addprefix src/, \
engine/main_engine.cpp engine/mcmp.cpp \
engine/mfactor.cpp engine/mgcd.cpp \
engine/misc.cpp engine/mmodpow.cpp \
engine/mmul.cpp engine/mod.cpp \
engine/mmul.cpp engine/mod.cpp engine/mpow.cpp \
engine/mprime.cpp engine/mroot.cpp \
engine/mscan.cpp engine/msqrt.cpp \
engine/mstr.cpp engine/multiply.cpp \
@ -91,26 +92,22 @@ file-src = $(addprefix src/, \
engine/transpose.cpp engine/userfunc.cpp \
engine/variables.cpp engine/vectorize.cpp \
engine/zero.cpp )
file-obj = $(patsubst src/%,build/%.o,$(file-src) $(file-res))
file-ld = addin.ld
file-icon = icon.bmp
# Building.
# Generic rules
all: build $(target-g1a)
@echo "[ \033[32;1mOK\033[0m ] All done!"
@echo "Tout est au mieux dans le meilleur des mondes : c'est un succès"
mkdir -p $@
$(target-g1a): $(file-obj)
$(cc) -o build/$(name).elf $(cflags) -T $(file-ld) $^ $(libs)
$(ob) -R .comment -R .bss -O binary build/$(name).elf build/$(name).bin
$(cc) $(flags) $^ -T$(file-ld) -o build/$(name).elf $(libs)
$(objcopy) -R .comment -R .bss -O binary build/$(name).elf build/$(name).bin
g1a-wrapper build/$(name).bin -o $@ $(wrap)
@echo "[ \033[32;1mOK\033[0m ] demo app: `stat -c %s $@` bytes"
build/%.c.o: src/%.c $(file-dep)
$(cc) -c $< -o $@ $(cflags) $(include)
@ -118,23 +115,12 @@ build/%.c.o: src/%.c $(file-dep)
build/%.cpp.o: src/%.cpp $(file-dep)
$(cxx) -c $< -o $@ $(cxxflags) $(include)
build/font_%.bmp.o: res/font_%.bmp
fxconv $< -o $@ --font -n $(<:res/%.bmp=res_%)
build/map_%.bmp.o: res/map_%.bmp
fxconv $< -o $@ --map -n $(<:res/%.bmp=res_%) $(map-options)
build/%.bmp.o: res/%.bmp
fxconv $< -o $@ -n $(<:res/%.bmp=res_%)
# Cleaning and others.
build/%.s.o: src/%.s $(file-dep)
$(as) -c $^ -o $@
@ rm -rf build/*
mkdir build/tex build/engine
mrproper: clean
@ rm -f $(target-g1a)

addin.ld Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
rom : o = 0x00300200, l = 512k
ram : o = 0x08100000, l = 64k /* pretty safe guess */
.text : {
*(.pretext) /* init stuff */
} > rom
.rodata : {
_romdata = . ; /* symbol for initialization data */
} > rom
.bss : {
_bbss = . ;
_bssdatasize = . ;
LONG(0); /* bssdatasize */
*(.bss) *(COMMON);
_ebss = . ;
} > ram
.data BLOCK(4) : AT(_romdata) {
_bdata = . ;
_edata = . ;
} > ram

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ extern size_t strlen(const char *);
#define strcpy(s1,s2) _builtin_strcpy(s1,s2)
#define strcmp(s1,s2) _builtin_strcmp(s1,s2)
//#define strcpy(s1,s2) _builtin_strcpy(s1,s2)
//#define strcmp(s1,s2) _builtin_strcmp(s1,s2)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fxlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libfx.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "console.h"
@ -148,4 +149,4 @@ void save_config()
void load_config()
if(memory_exists(CONFIG_FILE)) *(int*)(get_tex_flag_address()) = *((int*)memory_load(CONFIG_FILE));

src/crt0.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
.section .pretext
.global initialize
sts.l pr, @-r15
! set up TLB
mov.l Hmem_SetMMU, r3
mov.l address_one, r4 ! 0x8102000
mov.l address_two, r5 ! 0x8801E000
jsr @r3 ! _Hmem_SetMMU
mov #108, r6
! clear the BSS
mov.l bbss, r4 ! start
mov.l ebss, r5 ! end
bra L_check_bss
mov #0, r6
mov.l r6, @r4 ! zero and advance
add #4, r4
cmp/hs r5, r4
bf L_zero_bss
! Copy the .data
mov.l bdata, r4 ! dest
mov.l edata, r5 ! dest limit
mov.l romdata, r6 ! source
bra L_check_data
mov.l @r6+, r3
mov.l r3, @r4
add #4, r4
cmp/hs r5, r4
bf L_copy_data
mov.l bbss, r4
mov.l edata, r5
sub r4, r5 ! size of .bss and .data sections
add #4, r5
mov.l bssdatasize, r4
mov.l r5, @r4
mov.l GLibAddinAplExecutionCheck, r2
mov #0, r4
mov #1, r5
jsr @r2 ! _GLibAddinAplExecutionCheck(0,1,1);
mov r5, r6
mov.l CallbackAtQuitMainFunction, r3
mov.l exit_handler, r4
jsr @r3 ! _CallbackAtQuitMainFunction(&exit_handler)
mov.l main, r3
jmp @r3 ! _main()
lds.l @r15+, pr
mov.l r14, @-r15
mov.l r13, @-r15
mov.l r12, @-r15
sts.l pr, @-r15
mov.l Bdel_cychdr, r14
jsr @r14 ! _Bdel_cychdr
mov #6, r4
jsr @r14 ! _Bdel_cychdr
mov #7, r4
jsr @r14 ! _Bdel_cychdr
mov #8, r4
jsr @r14 ! _Bdel_cychdr
mov #9, r4
jsr @r14 ! _Bdel_cychdr
mov #10, r4
mov.l BfileFLS_CloseFile, r12
mov #4, r14
mov #0, r13
jsr @r12 ! _BfileFLS_CloseFile
mov r13, r4
add #1, r13
cmp/ge r14, r13
bf L_close_files
mov.l flsFindClose, r12
mov #0, r13
jsr @r12 ! _flsFindClose
mov r13, r4
add #1, r13
cmp/ge r14, r13
bf L_close_finds
lds.l @r15+, pr
mov.l @r15+, r12
mov.l @r15+, r13
mov.l Bkey_Set_RepeatTime_Default, r2
jmp @r2 ! _Bkey_Set_RepeatTime_Default
mov.l @r15+, r14
.align 4
address_two: .long 0x8801E000
address_one: .long 0x8102000
Hmem_SetMMU: .long _Hmem_SetMMU
GLibAddinAplExecutionCheck: .long _GLibAddinAplExecutionCheck
CallbackAtQuitMainFunction: .long _CallbackAtQuitMainFunction
Bdel_cychdr: .long _Bdel_cychdr
BfileFLS_CloseFile: .long _BfileFLS_CloseFile
flsFindClose: .long _flsFindClose
Bkey_Set_RepeatTime_Default: .long _Bkey_Set_RepeatTime_Default
bbss: .long _bbss
ebss: .long _ebss
edata: .long _edata
bdata: .long _bdata
romdata: .long _romdata
bssdatasize: .long _bssdatasize
exit_handler: .long _exit_handler
main: .long _main
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x3FA
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x119
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x1E7
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x244
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x494
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x218
mov.l sc_addr, r2
mov #0x13, r0
jmp @r2
sc_addr: .long 0x80010070

View File

@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ extern void update_curr_cmd(char *);
static char *buf[N];
static int i, j, k;
// local temporary workaround
char *strdup (const char *s) {
char *d = (char*)malloc (strlen (s) + 1); // Space for length plus nul
if (d == NULL) return NULL; // No memory
strcpy (d,s); // Copy the characters
return d; // Return the new string
update_cmd_history(char *s)
@ -137,4 +145,4 @@ get_cmd_history(void)
*t = 0;
return s;

View File

@ -721,9 +721,9 @@ void
if (test_flag == 0)
Console_Output((unsigned char*)"*");
Console_Output(" ");
Console_Output((unsigned char*)" ");

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ const /*unsigned*/ char *Setup[]={
int AddIn_main(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum)
int main(void)
unsigned int key;
unsigned char *expr;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#ifndef __FXLIB_H__
#include "fxlib.h"
#include "libfx.h"
#ifndef _STDIO

src/syscalls.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Mostly adapted from the Gint syscall file
.global _DisplayFKeyIcons
.global _GetFKeyIconPointer
.global _DisplayFKeyIcon
.global _Cursor_SetPosition
.global _Cursor_SetFlashStyle
.global _Cursor_SetFlashMode
.global _Cursor_GetSettings
.global _Cursor_SetFlashOff
.global _Cursor_SetFlashOn
.global _Setup_GetEntry
.global _TestMode
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x04b0
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x0268
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x04d1
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x0138
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x0139
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x013A
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x013B
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x0812
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x0811
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x04dc
mov.l syscall_table, r2
mov.l 1f, r0
jmp @r2
1: .long 0x0924
.align 4
.long 0x80010070

src/tex/debug.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#include "tex/debug.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
int debug_handle;
#ifndef DEBUG_PATH
#define DEBUG_PATH "\\\\crd0\\TeX.log"
#ifndef DEBUG_FILE
#define DEBUG_FILE 10000
#ifndef DEBUG_SIZE
#define DEBUG_SIZE 100
void debug_init(void)
char debug_path[] = DEBUG_PATH;
unsigned short *bfile_path;
int i=0;
while(debug_path[i]) i++;
bfile_path = calloc(i+1,2);
for(i=0;debug_path[i];i++) bfile_path[i] = debug_path[i];
bfile_path[i] = 0x0;
debug_handle = Bfile_OpenFile(bfile_path,_OPENMODE_WRITE);
void debug(const char *format, ...)
char ch[DEBUG_SIZE+1];
va_list args;
ch[DEBUG_SIZE] = 0;
void debug_quit(void)
#endif // DEBUG

src/tex/disp_asm.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
.comm _disp_vram, 4, 4
.global _dinit
.global _dclear
.global _dpixel
sts.l pr, @-r15
mov.l sc_addr, r1
mov.l sc_id, r0
jsr @r1
mov.l disp_vram, r1
mov.l r0, @r1
lds.l @r15+, pr
.align 4
.long 0x80010070
.long 0x0135
mov #0, r0
mov.l disp_vram, r1
mov.l @r1, r1
mov.l length, r2
add r1, r2
mov.l mask, r3
mov r1, r4
add #3, r4
and r3, r4
mov.l mask, r3
and r2, r3
cmp/eq r2, r3
bt clear
mov.b r0, @-r2
bra before
mov.l r0, @-r2
cmp/eq r4, r2
bf clear
cmp/eq r1, r2
bt finish
mov.b r0, @-r2
bra after
.align 4
.long 1024
.long 0xfffffffc
mov #127, r1
cmp/hi r1, r4
bt end
mov #63, r1
cmp/hi r1, r5
bt end
mov r4, r0
mov.l disp_vram, r7
mov.l @r7, r7
shll2 r5
shll2 r5
mov #-3, r1
shld r1, r4
add r4, r7
add r5, r7
mov.b @r7, r1
and #7, r0
mov #7, r2
sub r0, r2
mov #1, r3
shld r2, r3
tst r6, r6
bt white
or r3, r1
mov.b r1, @r7
not r3, r3
and r3, r1
mov.b r1, @r7
.align 4
.long _disp_vram

src/tex/libText.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tex/libText.h"
// Thanks to Simon Lothar for this function
typedef char*(*Txt_SC)(void);
const unsigned int Txt_SC_VRAM[] = { 0xD201D002, 0x422B0009, 0x80010070, 0x0135 };
#define Txt_GetVRAM (*(Txt_SC)Txt_SC_VRAM)
char *Txt_VRAM;
unsigned int *Txt_Fonts[TXT_FONTS];
void Txt_Init(int fonts)
int i;
Txt_VRAM = Txt_GetVRAM();
for(i=0;i<TXT_FONTS;i++) Txt_Fonts[i] = NULL;
if(fonts & FONT_MINISD)
unsigned int FontMINISD[60] = {
4141870527, 3682580223, 1845419005, 3086708726, 3756900315, 2142699373, 4275830199, 4218418911,
3988773759, 3070193150, 3690838011, 1878450157, 3218833334, 4285398747, 4256693103, 37386,
3490052053, 4092635221, 1436811305, 588403370, 6094850, 1081081857, 312768220, 2992611135,
754678078, 1945958386, 2465718255, 1008762945, 581051278, 573203074, 3319574455, 1567855165,
1843292668, 3526962103, 3687996563, 2109397284, 4158356918, 2875905864, 2907135339, 2297336406,
3689788763, 2109037418, 1268071241, 823204133, 2499805191, 2550144430, 1802531378, 3982580954,
3912945306, 3666238595, 1555782802, 3808118454, 2238323432, 493116704, 2045104738, 3687167243,
2098551341, 2021112657, 882006293, 2210430975 };
Txt_Fonts[TXT_MINISD] = malloc(240);
for(i=0;i<60;i++) Txt_Fonts[TXT_MINISD][i] = FontMINISD[i];
if(fonts & FONT_7SEGMINI)
unsigned int Font7SEGMINI[60] = {
4141870527, 3682580223, 1845419005, 3086708726, 3756900315, 2142699373, 4275830199, 4218418911,
3988773759, 3070193150, 3690838011, 1878450157, 3218833334, 4285398747, 4256693103, 37386,
3490052052, 4090538069, 1436811346, 1149840042, 6094850, 2154823681, 44103390, 1227333439,
1023113534, 1945958386, 1240981487, 1008762945, 1117922190, 573203074, 3302879159, 3716125309,
1843296764, 4068044727, 3687997348, 3048921380, 4158356918, 4218419145, 3992968559, 2633929302,
3689788763, 2109037418, 1268072338, 1896946835, 3573547015, 1140953022, 1333272178, 2112813532,
4063940243, 3665976580, 3029818514, 3808116982, 2179931896, 1038384043, 2632574176, 1539355915,
2097326597, 1215806289, 882006293, 2155380735 };
Txt_Fonts[TXT_7SEGMINI] = malloc(240);
for(i=0;i<60;i++) Txt_Fonts[TXT_7SEGMINI][i] = Font7SEGMINI[i];
if(fonts & FONT_SYSTEM)
unsigned int FontSYSTEM[140] = {
4234352839, 4287390488, 4294020195, 536752524, 1677706801, 2357196998, 831520536, 3325165539,
415645692, 1662568447, 2355304703, 4052509471, 4264660067, 4291178892, 2147010097, 2415859910,
838853400, 3326082147, 415760268, 1662582769, 2355306494, 831284223, 3325135999, 4173738383,
4279813681, 4293073094, 1073505048, 3355413603, 419426700, 1663041073, 2355363782, 831291384,
3325136895, 415642111, 3810051647, 0, 69273664, 290082816, 2711383, 3567402638,
797543560, 2291718442, 582118152, 2147483665, 277090376, 545530400, 78355794, 8714504,
97, 268436448, 0, 207618594, 570455143, 1556464741, 138575313, 143167484,
1141924577, 424867973, 4168622475, 2357754417, 2009211408, 2222220008, 3318647902, 288361568,
415236492, 50888840, 2283831808, 2082406432, 2181597315, 2719027204, 1950538453, 3465314072,
3352399779, 523907204, 586041905, 2360997955, 3498573576, 2047902627, 163983244, 1677248063,
554189436, 3792733478, 1179960613, 406982788, 1058920113, 2355305686, 1904976664, 3324965987,
3896643212, 1666791377, 2410227898, 812671727, 2424578313, 415641995, 2736309802, 610491094,
2861323333, 1177652308, 1108599057, 286243080, 1108402241, 68174049, 138548104, 2826960896,
31, 1627652096, 230136, 3188766307, 520097412, 585139635, 2354970682, 1065584199,
277094400, 4173082244, 764986912, 538460728, 1076921638, 1108518441, 638616609, 469789365,
2906655590, 830996712, 3324903485, 524419075, 3807413248, 3059812352, 260277220, 1896366668,
4600219, 1074316618, 536942806, 2852139618, 845153362, 1650458872, 2291107972, 1091052048,
2216757378, 272900608, 81149959, 4294967295 };
Txt_Fonts[TXT_SYSTEM] = malloc(560);
for(i=0;i<140;i++) Txt_Fonts[TXT_SYSTEM][i] = FontSYSTEM[i];
if(fonts & FONT_7SEG)
unsigned int Font7SEG[140] = {
4234352839, 4287390488, 4294020195, 536752524, 1677706801, 2357196998, 831520536, 3325165539,
415645692, 1662568447, 2355304703, 4052509471, 4264660067, 4291178892, 2147010097, 2415859910,
838853400, 3326082147, 415760268, 1662582769, 2355306494, 831284223, 3325135999, 4173738383,
4279813681, 4293073094, 1073505048, 3355413603, 419426700, 1663041073, 2355363782, 831291384,
3325136895, 415642111, 3810051647, 0, 69273664, 290082816, 2711383, 3567402638,
797542536, 2290669866, 582117640, 1073741858, 277094532, 277094672, 78355794, 8714504,
33, 134218720, 0, 2097698, 570489955, 415752456, 1108379617, 266407932,
569918456, 3326019651, 4165198095, 4278746673, 4290908292, 570188792, 3355413630, 284951552,
134217856, 17318024, 2283831808, 2082406432, 2181597319, 3256057860, 4165204167, 4287397656,
3354496931, 536744068, 570377777, 2357065795, 4035444488, 2115012577, 147210124, 1677248063,
554189439, 3827370062, 1179960613, 406982788, 1058919985, 2355305686, 1905255192, 3326082147,
4165083020, 1666807793, 2409830654, 284705791, 2424578313, 415641999, 3810051626, 610491094,
3146536005, 1177652308, 1108599057, 286260752, 2216816705, 68174320, 2216759240, 2826960896,
31, 1627652096, 508920, 4262496227, 528490372, 569410623, 2357067902, 1065864775,
277094401, 4177280900, 569951776, 538460728, 1076921383, 1108518441, 638616609, 469789365,
2906656710, 830996984, 3326017599, 532807687, 3824190464, 4230023168, 528991220, 1896366620,
4600207, 3221800490, 536942806, 2852135586, 706741347, 4043047160, 2291112068, 1091068432,
2216757442, 272900864, 215375879, 4294967295 };
Txt_Fonts[TXT_7SEG] = malloc(560);
for(i=0;i<140;i++) Txt_Fonts[TXT_7SEG][i] = Font7SEG[i];
if(fonts & FONT_ARCADIUM)
unsigned int FontARCADIUM[100] = {
4234354686, 831520536, 3355413603, 4291179007, 3810066417, 2357196998, 1073505055, 4264660991,
415760268, 1677706801, 4293073151, 4052516856, 3326082147, 536752527, 4279814143, 2355363782,
838853400, 4294020223, 4173742076, 1663041073, 2415859911, 4287390719, 3325165539, 419426700,
2147010111, 16, 2214663328, 719550, 2815542774, 1682231281, 2357117472, 2232450,
272765204, 1334920231, 3359637892, 1073868800, 202769, 286291051, 387023911, 4229383166,
193194183, 3775914464, 4191220829, 4035478644, 1561803311, 194560049, 2349009025, 285478974,
260113425, 283678724, 1885034298, 1066171679, 1204782112, 4282790391, 3788013552, 3827361870,
780959512, 4236519422, 692687247, 2736275984, 4235679942, 967631592, 3324966013, 138031515,
4246685231, 2206461840, 2216977176, 3123808905, 416721546, 2292761924, 557720099, 3997307112,
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1636179967, 2249744775, 4292970008, 1644165217, 2249752574, 409044511, 4286978145, 2281693574,
409075704, 1636178047, 0, 817635, 201379254, 3623878657, 1161712613, 343629086,
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1636179967, 2249744775, 4292970008, 1644165217, 2249752574, 409044511, 4286978145, 2281693574,
409075704, 1636178047, 0, 399587, 201426651, 3680501760, 2457816057, 612062540,
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33295, 3892838400, 2109408, 2181038112, 3802202628, 134225984, 2164952584, 8303,
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67109299, 2452132376, 32, 2315790336, 131, 2334130176, 2146954, 939524096,
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202915839, 3246589452, 405823743, 4278586392, 811647363, 4294711344, 1623294726, 268431456,
3246589452, 406847425, 2198211608, 811663359, 101455920, 1623294975, 4229443680, 3246589455,
4293943489, 2198211608, 1073725827, 101455920, 1627389702, 202911840, 3246653436, 405823681,
2198212607, 4032872835, 101455935, 4290872070, 202911840, 4294903308, 405823681, 2214591512,
811647363, 101711856, 1623294726, 202915839, 3246589452, 405823743, 0, 0,
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2198211608, 808464576, 3233907462, 202924416, 13881, 4242759680, 12387, 4158850560,
0, 1548, 408944640, 4194048, 0, 0, 99072, 400497,
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49536, 6192, 774, 402656304, 3272346636, 202113024, 264241278, 12,
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0, 127, 1623244992, 0, 15, 54447515, 868092952, 1046924699,
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768, 471545447, 3090178253, 3016199577, 4080545888, 3246589452, 410517504, 499117015,
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6579, 1724750643, 2952790115, 3348045366, 3338665985, 2401156474, 4290117632, 104253198,
476941312, 1634787, 2114728896, 32716, 818089087, 3280738352, 3246490374, 119025760,
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src/tex/math.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
#include "tex/TeX.h"
int TeX_isTeX(char* expr)
if(*expr == '\\')
if(!strncmp(expr,"frac",4)) return 1;
else if(!strncmp(expr,"sum", 3)) return 1;
else if(!strncmp(expr,"sqrt",4)) return 1;
else if(!strncmp(expr,"vec", 3)) return 1;
return 0;
void TeX_sizeComplex(char *expr, int *width, int *height, int *line)
** This functions returns the size in pixels of any complex expression.
** Calls TeX_sizeSimple() and can be called by it.
** Does not handle maximum call level. Therefore, the call stack is supposed unlimited. Any call to TeX_sizeComplex()
** needs at least one level of subsequent calls to TeX_sizeSimple().
int w=0, h=0, l=0; // These variables will contain the final properties of the expression.
int tw, th, tl; // These variables store temporary data needed for comparison between elements.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the expression with expr.
char *element; // This pointer will contain dynamically-allocated temporary data -- the text of an element.
// Getting copied data of the next element in the pointer element.
next = TeX_getElement(expr);
element = TeX_extract(expr,next);
// Getting the properties of the found element and adapting existant properties for the expression.
w += tw+1;
if(th>h) h=th;
if(tl>l) l=tl;
// Freeing the allocated memory and preparing the next iteration.
expr = next;
// A pixel of spacing was added for each element, but the last one didn't need one.
w -= 1;
if(width) *width = w;
if(height) *height = h;
if(line) *line = l;
void TeX_sizeSimple(char *element, int *width, int *height, int *line)
** This function returns the size of any simple TeX element, based on its parameters. Detects if the parameter is plain
** text, command or any complex expression.
** Any call to TeX_sizeSimple() needs at least one level of subsequent calls to TeX_sizeComplex() if the element is a
** command that has at least one parameter.
** Otherwise, TeX_sizeSimple() will return a fixed size without calling any subroutine.
int w=0, h=0, l=0; // These variables will contain the properties of the element.
int *tw, *th, *tl; // These variables store temporary data needed for comparison between parameters.
char *name; // This pointer will save the value of element to know which command was used.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the element to find the parameters.
char *parameter; // This pointer will contain dynamically-allocated temporary data -- a parameter.
int param; // Contains the number of parameters the command use. Not used if element is plain text.
int i, x; // An incremental loop counter, and just a stupid variable.
// Testing if the element is only plain text.
if(*element != '\\')
if(width) *width = (Txt_Width(TEX_FONT)+1)*strlen(element)-1;
if(height) *height = Txt_Height(TEX_FONT);
if(line) *line = Txt_Height(TEX_FONT)>>1;
// Otherwise, the element is obviously a command.
name = element+1;
param = TeX_getParamNumber(element+1);
while(*element != '{') element++;
// Allocating memory to store the properties of parameters.
tw = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
th = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
tl = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
// Processing each parameter.
// Getting the next parameter of the detected command.
next = TeX_getParameter(element);
parameter = TeX_extract(element+1,next);
// Getting the size of the parameter.
// Freeing the temporary data and preparing the next iteration.
element = next+1;
// Debugging data.
// debug("\n** data for simple expression \"%s\":\n",name-1);
// for(i=0;i<param;i++) debug("** tw[%d]=%d, th[%d]=%d, tl[%d]=%d\n",i,tw[i],i,th[i],i,tl[i]);
// Determining the properties of the command using the properties of the parameters.
if(!strncmp(name,"frac",4)) w=(tw[0]>tw[1]?tw[0]:tw[1])+2, h=th[0]+th[1]+3, l=th[0]+1;
else if(!strncmp(name,"sum", 3)) x=(tw[0]>tw[1]?tw[0]:tw[1]), w=(x>8?x:8), h=th[0]+th[1]+11, l=th[0]+4;
else if(!strncmp(name,"sqrt",4)) w=tw[0]+6, h=th[0]+3, l=tl[0]+2;
else if(!strncmp(name,"vec", 3)) w=tw[0], h=th[0]+4, l=tl[0]+4;
else w=-1, h=-1, l=-1;
if(width) *width = w;
if(height) *height = h;
if(line) *line = l;
// Freeing the allocated data.
char *TeX_getElement(char *expr)
** This function returns a pointer to the end of the first element pointed to by expr. If *expr is '\\', the element is
** considered as a command and TeX_getElement() returns a pointer to the character just after the '}' closing the command.
** In any other cases, the element is supposed to be plain text and TeX_getElement() returns a pointer to the first '\\'
** opening a command.
char *next = expr;
// Looking for any '\\' as first character.
// Getting the number of parameters for the detected command.
const int param = TeX_getParamNumber(expr+1);
int c,i;
// Determining the end of each parameter based on sublevel elements.
if(*next=='{') c++;
if(*next=='}') c--;
if(*next=='}' && !c) break;
// If element is plain text, the next element is the first command found.
else while(*next!='\\' && *next) next++;
return next;
char *TeX_getParameter(char *com)
** This function returns a pointer to the end of the first parameter foud at com. It follows a simple parameter : the
** parameters begins with the first '{' and ends at the '}' which is at level 0, to handle subcommands in parameters.
char *end; // Will be returned. Contains the address of the closing '}'.
int c=0;
// Positioning com on the first '{' (spaces handling).
while(*com != '{') com++;
end = com;
if(*end=='{') c++;
if(*end=='}') c--;
if(*end=='}' && !c) break;
return end;
char *TeX_extract(char *begin, char *end)
** This function returns a pointer to a dynamically-allocated memory block the contains the copied data found between the
** pointers got as arguments.
** Returns NULL if any error occur.
char *data; // Will be allocated.
int length = end-begin; // Length of data to be copied.
int i; // Incremental loop counter.
// Allocating data to store a copy of the memory block.
data = calloc(length+1,1);
if(!data) return NULL;
// Copying the memory block and returning the resulting pointer.
for(i=0;i<length;i++) *(data+i) = *(begin+i);
*(data+length) = 0;
return data;
int TeX_getParamNumber(char *expr)
** This function returns the number of parameters used by a defined command given as only parameter.
** Returns 0 if the command is unknown.
// Constant 2-parameters commands.
if(!strncmp(expr,"frac",4)) return 2;
if(!strncmp(expr,"sum", 3)) return 2;
// Constant 1-parameter commands.
if(!strncmp(expr,"sqrt",4)) return 1;
if(!strncmp(expr,"vec", 3)) return 1;
// Other commands that don't use any parameter.
return 0;
void TeX_drawComplex(char *expr, int x, int y)
** This function draws the complex expression expr at point (x;y) on the screen. The is the mainly used function of the
** program.
int w; // These variable will contain the width of the element being drawn.
int baseline; // This integer will contain the baseline of the whole expression.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the expression with expr.
char *element; // This pointer will contain dynamically-allocated temporary data -- the text of an element.
// Getting copied data of the next element in the pointer element.
next = TeX_getElement(expr);
element = TeX_extract(expr,next);
// Getting the properties of the found element and drawing it.
// Freeing the allocated memory and preparing the next iteration.
expr = next;
x += w+1;
// A pixel of spacing was added for each element, but the last one didn't need one.
w -= 1;
void TeX_drawSimple(char *element, int x, int l)
** This function draw the simple element at the given position on the screen, defined by the baseline.
#define setPixel(x,y,v) dpixel(x,y,v,Txt_VRAM)
extern char *Txt_VRAM; // Needed for using setPixel().
char *name = element+1; // Saving the element address before changing.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the element to find the parameters.
char **parameters; // This pointer will contain the parameters.
int *tw, *th, *tl; // These variables store temporary data needed for comparison between parameters.
int w,h,b; // Contain the properties of the element.
int param; // Contains the number of parameters of the detected command.
int i,j; // Incremental loop counters.
debug("Baseline of \"%s\" is %d.\n",element,b);
// Cheking if the element is plain text.
if(*element != '\\')
// Otherwise, the element is obviously a command.
name = element+1;
param = TeX_getParamNumber(element+1);
while(*element != '{') element++;
// Allocating memory to store the properties of parameters.
tw = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
th = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
tl = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
parameters = calloc(TEX_MAXP,sizeof(char *));
// Processing each parameter.
// Getting the next parameter of the detected command.
next = TeX_getParameter(element);
parameters[i] = TeX_extract(element+1,next);
// Getting the size of the parameter.
// Preparing the next iteration.
element = next+1;
// Drawing the element depending on the detected command.
for(j=0;j<w;j++) setPixel(x+j,l,1);
else if(!strncmp(name,"sum",3))
for(j=0;j<8;j++) setPixel(x+(w>>1)+j-4,l-4,1), setPixel(x+(w>>1)+j-4,l+4,1);
for(j=1;j<4;j++) setPixel(x+(w>>1)-j,l-j,1), setPixel(x+(w>>1)-j,l+j,1);
else if(!strncmp(name,"sqrt",4))
for(j=0;j<h;j++) setPixel(x+2,l-tl[0]-2+j,1);
for(j=2;j<w;j++) setPixel(x+j,l-tl[0]-2,1);
else if(!strncmp(name,"vec",3))
for(j=0;j<w;j++) setPixel(x+j,l-tl[0]-3,1); j-=2;
else setPixel(x,l-b,1);
// Finally freeing the allocated data.
for(i=0;i<param;i++) free(parameters[i]);

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
mov.l #h'\FUNO, r0
mov.l #H'80010070, r2
jmp @r2
SYSCALL 04B0, _DisplayFKeyIcons
SYSCALL 0268, _GetFKeyIconPointer
SYSCALL 04D1, _DisplayFKeyIcon
SYSCALL 0138, _Cursor_SetPosition
SYSCALL 0139, _Cursor_SetFlashStyle
SYSCALL 013A, _Cursor_SetFlashMode
SYSCALL 013B, _Cursor_GetSettings
SYSCALL 0812, _Cursor_SetFlashOff
SYSCALL 0811, _Cursor_SetFlashOn
SYSCALL 04DC, _Setup_GetEntry
SYSCALL 0924, _TestMode