
370 lines
12 KiB

#include "TeX.h"
int TeX_isTeX(char* expr)
if(*expr == '\\')
if(!strncmp(expr,"frac",4)) return 1;
else if(!strncmp(expr,"sum", 3)) return 1;
else if(!strncmp(expr,"sqrt",4)) return 1;
else if(!strncmp(expr,"vec", 3)) return 1;
return 0;
void TeX_sizeComplex(char *expr, int *width, int *height, int *line)
** This functions returns the size in pixels of any complex expression.
** Calls TeX_sizeSimple() and can be called by it.
** Does not handle maximum call level. Therefore, the call stack is supposed unlimited. Any call to TeX_sizeComplex()
** needs at least one level of subsequent calls to TeX_sizeSimple().
int w=0, h=0, l=0; // These variables will contain the final properties of the expression.
int tw, th, tl; // These variables store temporary data needed for comparison between elements.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the expression with expr.
char *element; // This pointer will contain dynamically-allocated temporary data -- the text of an element.
// Getting copied data of the next element in the pointer element.
next = TeX_getElement(expr);
element = TeX_extract(expr,next);
// Getting the properties of the found element and adapting existant properties for the expression.
w += tw+1;
if(th>h) h=th;
if(tl>l) l=tl;
// Freeing the allocated memory and preparing the next iteration.
expr = next;
// A pixel of spacing was added for each element, but the last one didn't need one.
w -= 1;
if(width) *width = w;
if(height) *height = h;
if(line) *line = l;
void TeX_sizeSimple(char *element, int *width, int *height, int *line)
** This function returns the size of any simple TeX element, based on its parameters. Detects if the parameter is plain
** text, command or any complex expression.
** Any call to TeX_sizeSimple() needs at least one level of subsequent calls to TeX_sizeComplex() if the element is a
** command that has at least one parameter.
** Otherwise, TeX_sizeSimple() will return a fixed size without calling any subroutine.
int w=0, h=0, l=0; // These variables will contain the properties of the element.
int *tw, *th, *tl; // These variables store temporary data needed for comparison between parameters.
char *name; // This pointer will save the value of element to know which command was used.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the element to find the parameters.
char *parameter; // This pointer will contain dynamically-allocated temporary data -- a parameter.
int param; // Contains the number of parameters the command use. Not used if element is plain text.
int i, x; // An incremental loop counter, and just a stupid variable.
// Testing if the element is only plain text.
if(*element != '\\')
if(width) *width = (Txt_Width(TEX_FONT)+1)*strlen(element)-1;
if(height) *height = Txt_Height(TEX_FONT);
if(line) *line = Txt_Height(TEX_FONT)>>1;
// Otherwise, the element is obviously a command.
name = element+1;
param = TeX_getParamNumber(element+1);
while(*element != '{') element++;
// Allocating memory to store the properties of parameters.
tw = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
th = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
tl = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
// Processing each parameter.
// Getting the next parameter of the detected command.
next = TeX_getParameter(element);
parameter = TeX_extract(element+1,next);
// Getting the size of the parameter.
// Freeing the temporary data and preparing the next iteration.
element = next+1;
// Debugging data.
// debug("\n** data for simple expression \"%s\":\n",name-1);
// for(i=0;i<param;i++) debug("** tw[%d]=%d, th[%d]=%d, tl[%d]=%d\n",i,tw[i],i,th[i],i,tl[i]);
// Determining the properties of the command using the properties of the parameters.
if(!strncmp(name,"frac",4)) w=(tw[0]>tw[1]?tw[0]:tw[1])+2, h=th[0]+th[1]+3, l=th[0]+1;
else if(!strncmp(name,"sum", 3)) x=(tw[0]>tw[1]?tw[0]:tw[1]), w=(x>8?x:8), h=th[0]+th[1]+11, l=th[0]+4;
else if(!strncmp(name,"sqrt",4)) w=tw[0]+6, h=th[0]+3, l=tl[0]+2;
else if(!strncmp(name,"vec", 3)) w=tw[0], h=th[0]+4, l=tl[0]+4;
else w=-1, h=-1, l=-1;
if(width) *width = w;
if(height) *height = h;
if(line) *line = l;
// Freeing the allocated data.
char *TeX_getElement(char *expr)
** This function returns a pointer to the end of the first element pointed to by expr. If *expr is '\\', the element is
** considered as a command and TeX_getElement() returns a pointer to the character just after the '}' closing the command.
** In any other cases, the element is supposed to be plain text and TeX_getElement() returns a pointer to the first '\\'
** opening a command.
char *next = expr;
// Looking for any '\\' as first character.
// Getting the number of parameters for the detected command.
const int param = TeX_getParamNumber(expr+1);
int c,i;
// Determining the end of each parameter based on sublevel elements.
if(*next=='{') c++;
if(*next=='}') c--;
if(*next=='}' && !c) break;
// If element is plain text, the next element is the first command found.
else while(*next!='\\' && *next) next++;
return next;
char *TeX_getParameter(char *com)
** This function returns a pointer to the end of the first parameter foud at com. It follows a simple parameter : the
** parameters begins with the first '{' and ends at the '}' which is at level 0, to handle subcommands in parameters.
char *end; // Will be returned. Contains the address of the closing '}'.
int c=0;
// Positioning com on the first '{' (spaces handling).
while(*com != '{') com++;
end = com;
if(*end=='{') c++;
if(*end=='}') c--;
if(*end=='}' && !c) break;
return end;
char *TeX_extract(char *begin, char *end)
** This function returns a pointer to a dynamically-allocated memory block the contains the copied data found between the
** pointers got as arguments.
** Returns NULL if any error occur.
char *data; // Will be allocated.
int length = end-begin; // Length of data to be copied.
int i; // Incremental loop counter.
// Allocating data to store a copy of the memory block.
data = calloc(length+1,1);
if(!data) return NULL;
// Copying the memory block and returning the resulting pointer.
for(i=0;i<length;i++) *(data+i) = *(begin+i);
*(data+length) = 0;
return data;
int TeX_getParamNumber(char *expr)
** This function returns the number of parameters used by a defined command given as only parameter.
** Returns 0 if the command is unknown.
// Constant 2-parameters commands.
if(!strncmp(expr,"frac",4)) return 2;
if(!strncmp(expr,"sum", 3)) return 2;
// Constant 1-parameter commands.
if(!strncmp(expr,"sqrt",4)) return 1;
if(!strncmp(expr,"vec", 3)) return 1;
// Other commands that don't use any parameter.
return 0;
void TeX_drawComplex(char *expr, int x, int y)
** This function draws the complex expression expr at point (x;y) on the screen. The is the mainly used function of the
** program.
int w; // These variable will contain the width of the element being drawn.
int baseline; // This integer will contain the baseline of the whole expression.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the expression with expr.
char *element; // This pointer will contain dynamically-allocated temporary data -- the text of an element.
// Getting copied data of the next element in the pointer element.
next = TeX_getElement(expr);
element = TeX_extract(expr,next);
// Getting the properties of the found element and drawing it.
// Freeing the allocated memory and preparing the next iteration.
expr = next;
x += w+1;
// A pixel of spacing was added for each element, but the last one didn't need one.
w -= 1;
void TeX_drawSimple(char *element, int x, int l)
** This function draw the simple element at the given position on the screen, defined by the baseline.
#define setPixel(x,y,v) setPixel(x,y,v,Txt_VRAM)
extern char *Txt_VRAM; // Needed for using setPixel().
char *name = element+1; // Saving the element address before changing.
char *next; // This pointer will parse the element to find the parameters.
char **parameters; // This pointer will contain the parameters.
int *tw, *th, *tl; // These variables store temporary data needed for comparison between parameters.
int w,h,b; // Contain the properties of the element.
int param; // Contains the number of parameters of the detected command.
int i,j; // Incremental loop counters.
debug("Baseline of \"%s\" is %d.\n",element,b);
// Cheking if the element is plain text.
if(*element != '\\')
// Otherwise, the element is obviously a command.
name = element+1;
param = TeX_getParamNumber(element+1);
while(*element != '{') element++;
// Allocating memory to store the properties of parameters.
tw = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
th = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
tl = calloc(TEX_MAXP,4);
parameters = calloc(TEX_MAXP,sizeof(char *));
// Processing each parameter.
// Getting the next parameter of the detected command.
next = TeX_getParameter(element);
parameters[i] = TeX_extract(element+1,next);
// Getting the size of the parameter.
// Preparing the next iteration.
element = next+1;
// Drawing the element depending on the detected command.
for(j=0;j<w;j++) setPixel(x+j,l,1);
else if(!strncmp(name,"sum",3))
for(j=0;j<8;j++) setPixel(x+(w>>1)+j-4,l-4,1), setPixel(x+(w>>1)+j-4,l+4,1);
for(j=1;j<4;j++) setPixel(x+(w>>1)-j,l-j,1), setPixel(x+(w>>1)-j,l+j,1);
else if(!strncmp(name,"sqrt",4))
for(j=0;j<h;j++) setPixel(x+2,l-tl[0]-2+j,1);
for(j=2;j<w;j++) setPixel(x+j,l-tl[0]-2,1);
else if(!strncmp(name,"vec",3))
for(j=0;j<w;j++) setPixel(x+j,l-tl[0]-3,1); j-=2;
else setPixel(x,l-b,1);
// Finally freeing the allocated data.
for(i=0;i<param;i++) free(parameters[i]);