
193 lines
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//Embedded C++ Library
//Copyright (c) Hitachi,Ltd. 1997
//Licensed material of Hitachi,Ltd
// Embeded C++ Class Library Header <ios>
// File: ios
// Purpose: Definition of class ios
// Create: 1997.09.20 Rev. 1.0
#ifndef _IOS_
#define _IOS_
class streambuf;
class ostream;
typedef long POS_T;
typedef long INT_T;
typedef long SZ_T;
typedef long OFF_T;
typedef OFF_T streamoff;
typedef SZ_T streamsize;
typedef INT_T int_type;
typedef POS_T pos_type;
typedef OFF_T off_type;
class ios_base {
typedef long fmtflags;
static const fmtflags boolalpha;
static const fmtflags dec;
static const fmtflags fixed;
static const fmtflags hex;
static const fmtflags internal;
static const fmtflags left;
static const fmtflags oct;
static const fmtflags right;
static const fmtflags scientific;
static const fmtflags showbase;
static const fmtflags showpoint;
static const fmtflags showpos;
static const fmtflags skipws;
static const fmtflags unitbuf;
static const fmtflags uppercase;
static const fmtflags adjustfield;
static const fmtflags basefield;
static const fmtflags floatfield;
typedef int iostate;
static const iostate badbit;
static const iostate eofbit;
static const iostate failbit;
static const iostate goodbit;
typedef int openmode;
static const openmode app;
static const openmode ate;
static const openmode binary;
static const openmode in;
static const openmode out;
static const openmode trunc;
typedef int seekdir;
static const seekdir beg;
static const seekdir cur;
static const seekdir end;
class Init;
fmtflags flags() const {return (fmtflags)fmtfl;}
fmtflags flags(fmtflags);
fmtflags setf(fmtflags) ;
fmtflags setf(fmtflags, fmtflags);
void unsetf(fmtflags);
char fill() const {
return (char)fillch;
char fill(char);
int precision() const {
return prec;
streamsize precision(streamsize);
streamsize width() const {return wide;}
streamsize width(streamsize);
// static int xalloc() {return index++;} // Not implemented
// long & ipword(int); // Not implemented
// long * &pword(int); // Not implemented
~ios_base(){} // destructor
// callbacks -- exposition only
enum event {
typedef void (*event_callback)(event, ios_base&, int index);
void register_callback(event_callback fn, int index);
static bool sync_with_stdio(bool sync = true){ return true; }
class Init{
static int init_cnt;
void _ec2p_init_base();
void _ec2p_copy_base(ios_base &);
static const fmtflags _fmtmask;
static const iostate _statemask;
fmtflags fmtfl; // format flag
streamsize prec; // number of after floating point
streamsize wide; // field width
char fillch; // fill charactor
// static int index; // exposition only
// long *iarray; // exposition only
// void **parray; // exposition only
class ios : public ios_base {
// Types:
// typedef INT_T int_type;
// typedef POS_T pos_type;
// typedef OFF_T off_type;
operator void*() const {
return (void*)!fail();
bool operator!() const{return (bool)fail();}
iostate rdstate () const{return (iostate)state;}
void clear(iostate = goodbit);
void setstate(iostate);
bool good() const {return (bool)(state==goodbit);}
bool eof() const {return (bool)(state&eofbit);}
bool fail() const {return (bool)(state&(badbit|failbit));}
bool bad() const {return (bool)(state&badbit);}
iostate exceptions() const; // exposition only
void exceptions(iostate); // exposition only
ios(streambuf *sbptr){ // Constructor
virtual ~ios(){}; // Destructor
ostream *tie() const {return tiestr;}
ostream *tie(ostream*);
streambuf *rdbuf() const{return sb;}
streambuf *rdbuf(streambuf*);
ios & copyfmt(const ios &);
void init(streambuf*);
streambuf *sb; // pointer to streambuf object
ostream *tiestr; // pointer to ostream object
int state; // status
ios_base & boolalpha(ios_base&);
ios_base & noboolalpha(ios_base&);
ios_base & showbase(ios_base&);
ios_base & noshowbase(ios_base&);
ios_base & showpoint(ios_base&);
ios_base & noshowpoint(ios_base&);
ios_base & showpos(ios_base&);
ios_base & noshowpos(ios_base&);
ios_base & skipws(ios_base&);
ios_base & noskipws(ios_base&);
ios_base & uppercase(ios_base&);
ios_base & nouppercase(ios_base&);
ios_base & internal(ios_base&);
ios_base & left(ios_base&);
ios_base & right(ios_base&);
ios_base & dec(ios_base&);
ios_base & hex(ios_base&);
ios_base & oct(ios_base&);
ios_base & fixed(ios_base&);
ios_base & scientific(ios_base&);