# FONTCHARACTER reference formats To know more about the project itself, and what these formats are, see `README.md`. There are a few formats used by the present FONTCHARACTER reference: - The source format: not meant to be used in other projects. It is the format in which the humans write the reference. It is not versioned itself, as it is linked to the same commits and reference project versions; - The binary formats: these are meant to be used in other projects. They are versioned, and the version is present in the file so it can be identified by the decoder, which then decides if it uses it or if it just spits "Unknown version". To use files under the binary formats, the installed generated files will probably be in a common folder such as `/usr/share/casio/fontcharacter/*.set` on a Unix-like OS such as any GNU/Linux distribution or MacOS/OS X, or `C:\Program Files\CASIO\FONTCHARACTER\*.set` under Microsoft Windows (yet to be confirmed). The formats themselves are described under the `formats/` folder, see `formats/SOURCE.md` for the source format, and `formats/BINARYx.md` for binary formats, where `x` represents the version number.