
184 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Utility to make the set binary files. """
import os, shutil
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from fontcharacter import Reference
# ---
# Function for encoding.
# ---
def tobytes(num, length):
return num.to_bytes(length, byteorder='big', signed=False)
def charbytes(char):
return tobytes(char, 2) if char > 0xFF else tobytes(char, 1)
def make_pool(pool):
# TODO: make this function optimize space, some day?
bdata = b''
offsets = []
for data in pool:
offsets += [len(bdata)]
bdata += bytes(data)
return bdata, offsets
def encode_set(ref, fset):
global args
bheader = bytes()
blead = bytes()
bchars = bytes()
bdata = bytes()
# Prepare characters data
leading = {}
char_count = 0
dchars = []
pool = []
for char_id, (code, char) in enumerate(fset['characters'].items()):
char_count = char_id + 1
# Check if we should inherit.
if char['_pr'] > 0:
char = ref.get(char['inherit'])['characters'][code]
# Check the leader.
lead = code >> 8
if not lead in leading:
leading[lead] = char_id
# Get the multi size, feed the pool if needed.
mul_sz = 0
if char.get('multi') and char['multi']:
mul = b''.join(map(charbytes, char['multi']))
pool += [mul]
mul_sz = len(mul)
# Get the unicode size, feed the pool if needed.
uni_sz = 0
if not args.no_unicode and char.get('unicode') and char['unicode']:
uni = ''.join(map(chr, char['unicode'])).encode('utf-8')
pool += [uni]
uni_sz = len(uni)
# Get the CAT token size, feed the pool if needed.
cat_sz = 0
# Get the Newcat token size
newcat_sz = 0
# Get the CTF token size
ctf_sz = 0
# Get the Casemul token size
casemul_sz = 0
# Add all of these elements to the chars data tab.
dchars += [{
'code': code,
'mul_sz': mul_sz,
'uni_sz': uni_sz,
'cat_sz': cat_sz,
'newcat_sz': newcat_sz,
'ctf_sz': ctf_sz,
'casemul_sz': casemul_sz
# Make the pool.
bdata, offsets = make_pool(pool)
# Prepare pool.
offsets = iter(offsets)
for char in dchars:
ent = tobytes(char['code'], 2) + tobytes(char['mul_sz'], 1) \
+ tobytes(char['uni_sz'], 1) + tobytes(char['cat_sz'], 1) \
+ tobytes(char['newcat_sz'], 1) + tobytes(char['ctf_sz'], 1) \
+ tobytes(char['casemul_sz'], 1)
# Offsets
ent += tobytes(next(offsets) if char['mul_sz'] > 0 else 0, 4)
if not args.no_unicode:
ent += tobytes(next(offsets) if char['uni_sz'] > 0 else 0, 4)
if not args.no_cat:
ent += tobytes(next(offsets) if char['cat_sz'] > 0 else 0, 4)
if not args.no_newcat:
ent += tobytes(next(offsets) if char['newcat_sz'] > 0 else 0, 4)
if not args.no_ctf:
ent += tobytes(next(offsets) if char['ctf_sz'] > 0 else 0, 4)
if not args.no_casemul:
ent += tobytes(next(offsets) if char['casemul_sz'] > 0 else 0, 4)
bchars += ent
# Correct the leading.
for lead in fset['leading']:
if not lead in leading:
leading[lead] = char_count
# Make the leading tab.
for lead, off in leading.items():
ent = bytes([lead, 0]) + tobytes(off, 2)
blead += bytes(ent)
# Make the flags.
flags = 0x1F
if args.no_unicode: flags &= ~0x01
if args.no_cat: flags &= ~0x02
if args.no_newcat: flags &= ~0x04
if args.no_ctf: flags &= ~0x08
if args.no_casemul: flags &= ~0x10
# Make the checksum.
csum = (sum(blead) + sum(bchars) + sum(bdata)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
# Make the lengths.
datalen = len(bdata)
filesize = 32 + len(blead) + len(bchars) + datalen
# Finish making the main header.
bheader = bytes(list(map(ord, "CASIOFC\x7F")) + [0x01]) \
+ tobytes(len(leading), 1) + tobytes(char_count, 2) \
+ tobytes(flags, 1) + tobytes(0, 1) + tobytes(0, 2) + tobytes(0, 4) \
+ tobytes(csum, 4) + tobytes(filesize, 4) + tobytes(datalen, 4)
return bheader + blead + bchars + bdata
# ---
# Main function.
# ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
ap = ArgumentParser(description="FONTCHARACTER reference binary generator")
ap.add_argument('--no-unicode', help='No Unicode equivalents?',
ap.add_argument('--no-cat', help='No CAT tokens?', action="store_true")
ap.add_argument('--no-newcat', help='No Newcat tokens?',
ap.add_argument('--no-ctf', help='No CTF tokens?', action="store_true")
ap.add_argument('--no-casemul', help="No Casemul tokens?",
ap.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='The output directory path.',
default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'generated_sets'))
ap.add_argument('--refpath', help='The reference path.',
args = ap.parse_args()
# Obtain the reference.
ref = Reference(args.refpath)
# Make the directory.
if os.path.isdir(args.output):
elif os.path.exists(args.output):
# For each set, make the file.
for set_name, set_val in map(lambda x: (x, ref.get(x)), ref.list()):
with open(os.path.join(args.output, set_name + '.set'), 'wb') as f:
f.write(encode_set(ref, set_val))
# End of file.