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2016-10-03 15:17:46 +02:00
*SHDSP Library
*Copyright (c) Hitachi,Ltd. 1998
*Licensed material of Hitachi,Ltd
* File: ensigdsp.h
* Purpose: Common
* Create: 1998.03.20 Rev. 1.0
** Copyright Ensigma Ltd. 1995
** Unauthorised copying or distribution of this software is prohibited.
** Version 1.0.
** ENSIGMA DSP Library
/* Constants */
#ifndef _ENSIGDSP
#define _ENSIGDSP
#define BIQUAD_SIZE 6 /* no. coefficients in an IIR biquad */
#define EDSP_OK 0
#define EDSP_BAD_ARG 1
#define EDSP_NO_HEAP 2
#define EFFTALLSCALE (-1L)
#define EFFTMIDSCALE 0x55555555L
#define EFFTNOSCALE 0x00000000L
#ifdef __cplusplus /*A-10-014-01*/
extern"C"{ /*A-10-014-01*/
#endif /*A-10-014-01*/
** Fourier transforms
int FftComplex(short op_x[],
short op_y[],
const short ip_x[],
const short ip_y[],
long size,
long scale);
int FftInComplex(short data_x[],
short data_y[],
long size,
long scale);
int FftReal(short op_x[],
short op_y[],
const short ip[],
long size,
long scale);
/* int ip_is_x);*/
int FftInReal(short data_x[],
short data_y[],
long size,
long scale,
int not_sure_about_ip_format);
int IfftComplex(short op_x[],
short op_y[],
const short ip_x[],
const short ip_y[],
long size,
long scale);
int IfftInComplex(short data_x[],
short data_y[],
long size,
long scale);
int IfftReal(short op_x[],
short op_y[],
const short ip_x[],
const short ip_y[],
long size,
long scale,
int op_is_x_scratch_is_y);
int IfftInReal(short data_x[],
short data_y[],
long size,
long scale,
int not_sure_about_op_format);
int InitFft(long max_size);
void FreeFft(void); /*A-10-015-01*/
int LogMagnitude(short output[],
const short ip_x[],
const short ip_y[],
long no_elements,
float fscale);
** These three variables are for the internal use of the library FFT
** functions only. They should not be accessed by user programs.
extern long max_fft_size;
extern short *twtble;
** Window functions
int GenBlackman(short data[], long N);
int GenHamming(short data[], long N);
int GenHanning(short data[], long N);
int GenTriangle(short data[], long N);
** Filters. The coefficients must be supplied in X and the workspace in Y.
** If it is straightforward we can support the opposite, ie Xworkspace and
** Ycoeff.
int FreeFir(short **Yworkspace, long order);
int InitFir(short **Yworkspace, long order);
int InitIir(short **Yworkspace, long no_sections);
int FreeIir(short **Yworkspace, long no_sections); /*A-10-015-01*/
int InitDIir(long **Yworkspace, long no_sections);
int FreeDIir(long **Yworkspace, long no_sections); /*A-10-015-01*/
int InitLms(short **Yworkspace, long order);
int FreeLms(short **Yworkspace, long order); /*A-10-015-01*/
int Fir(short op[],
const short ip[],
long no_samples,
const short Xcoeff[],
long order,
int res_shift,
short *Yworkspace);
int Fir1(short *op_ptr,
short input,
const short Xcoeff[],
long order,
int res_shift,
short *Yworkspace);
int Iir(short op[],
const short ip[],
long no_samples,
const short Xcoeff[],
long no_sections,
short *Yworkspace);
int Iir1(short *op_ptr,
short input,
const short Xcoeff[],
long no_sections,
short *Yworkspace);
int DIir(short op[],
const short ip[],
long no_samples,
const long Xcoeff[],
long no_sections,
long *Yworkspace);
int DIir1(short *op_ptr,
const short input, /*98.01.09 C-10-005-01 */
/* short input, 98.01.09 D-10-005-01 */
const long Xcoeff[],
long no_sections,
long *Yworkspace);
int Lms(short op[],
const short ip[],
const short ref[],
long no_samples,
short Xcoeff[],
long order,
int res_shift,
short mu,
short *Yworkspace);
int Lms1(short *op_ptr,
short input,
short ref_op,
short Xcoeff[],
long order,
int res_shift,
short mu,
short *Yworkspace);
** Convolution and Correlation
int ConvComplete(short op[],
const short ix[],
const short iy[],
long ix_size,
long iy_size,
int res_shift);
int ConvCyclic(short op[],
const short ix[],
const short iy[],
long size,
int res_shift);
int ConvPartial(short op[],
const short ix[],
const short iy[],
long ix_size,
long iy_size,
int res_shift);
int Correlate(short op[],
const short ix[],
const short iy[],
long ix_size,
long iy_size,
long no_corr,
int x_is_larger,
int res_shift);
int CorrCyclic(short op[],
const short ix[],
const short iy[],
long size,
int reverse,
int res_shift);
** Miscellaneous
int GenGWnoise(short output[], long no_samples, float variance);
int MinI(short **min_ptr, short buffer[], long buff_len, int src_is_x);
int MaxI(short **max_ptr, short buffer[], long buff_len, int src_is_x);
int PeakI(short **peak_ptr, short buffer[], long buff_len, int src_is_x);
int Mean(short *mean_ptr, const short buffer[], long buff_len, int src_is_x);
int Variance(long *variance_ptr,
short *mean_ptr,
const short buffer[],
long buff_len, int src_is_x);
int VectorMult(short dest[],
const short matrixX[],
const short matrixY[],
long length,
int res_shift);
int MatrixMult(void *matrix3,
const void *matrixX,
const void *matrixY,
long m,
long n,
long p,
int res_shift, int dest_is_x);
int MsPower(long *pow_ptr, const short input[], long buff_size, int src_is_x);
int CopyXtoY(short y[], const short x[], long n);
int CopyYtoX(short x[], const short y[], long n);
int CopyToX(short x[], const short src[], long n);
int CopyToY(short y[], const short src[], long n);
int CopyFromX(short src[], const short x[], long n);
int CopyFromY(short src[], const short y[], long n);
int Limit(short data[], long no_elements, int data_is_x);
#ifdef __cplusplus /*A-10-014-01*/
} /*A-10-014-01*/
#endif /*A-10-014-01*/