.text .global _start .type _start,@function .stabs "crt0.S",100,0,0,_start .stabs "int:t(0,1)=r(0,1);-32768;32767;",128,0,0,0 .stabs "_start:F(0,1)",36,0,1,_start _start: ; R14 always contains memory base address (0) ldi r14,0 ; Set the USER and SYSTEM stack pointers. ldi r0, 0 ; zero arguments ldi r1, 0 mvtc r0, psw ; select SPI and set it ldi sp, _stack ldi r10, 0x8000 ; select SPU/FP and set it mvtc r10, psw || ldi r11, 0; clear stack frame ldi sp, _stack - 0x200 ldi r13, 0 ; Clear the BSS. Do it in two parts for efficiency: longwords first ; for most of it, then the remaining 0 to 3 bytes. ldi r2, __bss_start ; R2 = start of BSS ldi r3, _end ; R3 = end of BSS + 1 sub r3, r2 ; R3 = BSS size in bytes mv r4, r3 srli r4, 2 ; R4 = BSS size in longwords (rounded down) loop1: cmpeqi r4, 0 ; more longords to zero out? brf0t.s endloop1 ; nope st2w r0, @r2+ ; yep, zero out another longword subi r4, 1 ; decrement count bra.l loop1 ; go do some more endloop1: and3 r4, r3, 3 ; get no. of remaining BSS bytes to clear loop2: cmpeqi r4, 0 ; more bytes to zero out? brf0t.s endloop2 ; nope stb r0, @r2 ; yep, zero out another byte addi r2, 1 ; bump address subi r4, 1 ; decrement count bra.s loop2 ; go do some more endloop2: ; Call main, then stop simulator st r11, @-sp st r13, @-sp mv r11, sp bl main bl exit stop .Lstart: .size _start,.Lstart-_start .stabs "",36,0,0,.Lstart-_start .section .stack _stack: .long 1