ML_VRAM(3) ========== Thomas "Cakeisalie5" Touhey :Email: :man source: libmonochrome :man manual: libmonochrome manual NAME ---- ML_VRAM - Video RAM and Display Driver management functions from libmonochrome SYNOPSIS -------- [source,c] ---- #include char* ML_vram_address(); void ML_clear_vram(); void ML_clear_screen(); void ML_display_vram(); ---- DESCRIPTION ----------- libmonochrome uses natively a double-buffering technique : the user program draws on a working space, the VRAM, and when he finished drawing the frame, this frame is sent to the Display Driver so it can appear on the screen. ML_vram_adress is a system call that returns the address of the VRAM allocated by the system. It is mainly meant for internal purposes, but if you want to use the VRAM directly, you can use it. ML_clear_screen sends a bunch of zeros to the Display Driver so the screen content gets erased, but the VRAM stays as it is. ML_clear_vram does the opposite : it clears the VRAM content while leaving the screen's one. ML_display_vram sends the VRAM content to the Display Driver, so it can appear on the screen. SEE ALSO -------- libmonochrome(3)