
174 lines
3.7 KiB

#include "wings.h"
#include "display.h" // bopti.h => images // tales.h => fonts
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "gray.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#define SIZE_MAP_X 512
#define SIZE_MAP_Y 512
#define MAX_PLANES 3
Plane planes[MAX_PLANES]; // number of planes in the map except us
//planes are controlled by the AI
extern image_t plane;
extern image_t img_menu;
extern image_t cloud;
/* plane direction
7 0 1
6 plane 2
5 4 3
int main()
return 1;
void init()
unsigned char i;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLANES; i++)
planes[i].x = 10 + 16 * i;
planes[i].y = 12;
planes[i].dir = i;
planes[i].life = 100;
void menu()
unsigned char menu = 0;
unsigned int key = 0;
dimage(0, 0, &img_menu);
drect(67 + menu * 19, 10 + menu * 27, 100 + menu * 19, 25 + menu * 27, color_invert);
key = getkey();
switch (key)
case KEY_UP : case KEY_DOWN : menu = !menu; break;
case KEY_EXE :
if (!menu)
game(); break;
else return 1;
case KEY_EXIT : return 1;
void update_frame(unsigned int *dir)
static unsigned char i;
static short decalx = 0, decaly = 0;
static int count = 0;
gimage_part(56, 24, &plane, 16*(*dir), 0, 16, 16); // our plane
case 0 : decaly++; break;
case 1 : decalx--; decaly++; break;
case 2 : decalx--; break;
case 3 : decalx--; decaly--; break;
case 4 : decaly--; break;
case 5 : decalx++; decaly--; break;
case 6 : decalx++; break;
case 7 : decalx++; decaly++; break;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLANES; i++)
gimage_part(planes[i].x + decalx, planes[i].y + decaly, &plane, 16*planes[i].dir, 0, 16, 16);
gimage(10 + decalx, 10 + decaly, &cloud);
int game()
int dir = 0;
unsigned char fire = 0; // fire disable
unsigned char sum = 0;
int *keys = NULL;
unsigned char i;
timer_t *timer = NULL;
timer = timer_create(40, 0);
timer_attach(timer, update_frame, &dir);
gray_start(); // gray engine running
init(); // initialisation
multigetkey(keys, 3, 500);
sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
case KEY_UP : case KEY_DOWN : case KEY_LEFT : case KEY_RIGHT :
sum += keys[i]; // to know which replay keys pressed
case KEY_SHIFT : fire = 1; break; // fire enable
case KEY_EXIT :
gray_stop(); // gray engine stopped
timer_stop(timer); //virtual timer stopped
return 1; // good bye, see you soon
/* we determine the direction of the plane*/
case KEY_UP : dir = 0; break;
case KEY_UP + KEY_RIGHT : dir = 1; break;
case KEY_RIGHT : dir = 2; break;
case KEY_DOWN + KEY_RIGHT : dir = 3; break;
case KEY_DOWN : dir = 4; break;
case KEY_DOWN + KEY_LEFT : dir = 5;break;
case KEY_LEFT : dir = 6; break;
case KEY_UP + KEY_LEFT : dir = 7; break;