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# --------------------------------------------------
# Compylateur (Version dev)
# By Sha-Chan~ 
# from April to June 2020
# Code provided with licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
# For more informations about licence :
# --------------------------------------------------
# ==================================================
# Objects code
# ==================================================
# --- Tokens --- #
class Token():
def __init__(self, token_type = "", token_value = ""):
self.type = token_type
self.value = token_value
class TokenList():
def __init__(self):
self.index = 0
self.list = list()
def add(self, token):
def next(self):
self.index += 1
if self.index < len(self.list):
return self.list[self.index]
return Token()
def generate(self):
for i in self.list: print((i.type, i.value))
# --- Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) --- #
class Node():
def __init__(self, node_type, node_value, *sub_node):
self.type = node_type
self.value = node_value
self.sub_node = list(sub_node)
def add_node(self, *sub_node):
for i in sub_node: self.sub_node.append(i)
def gen(self):
return self.type, self.value, self.sub_node
def AST_gen(node, tab = 0):
for i in node:
print(tab * " " + "{0} : {1}".format(i.gen()[0], i.gen()[1]))
if i.gen()[2]: AST_gen(i.gen()[2], tab + 1)
# --- Parser --- #
class Parser():
def __init__(self, l_token):
self.l_token = l_token
self.token_ahead = l_token.list[0]
def expect(self, target = []):
last = self.token_ahead
self.token_ahead =
if target != [] and last.type not in target:
raise SyntaxError("This operand was not expected : '{0}' (for dev : {1})".format(last.value, target))
return last
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
def expr(self): return self.sum()
def atome(self, minus = False):
atm = self.expect(["VAR", "NUM", "LPAR", "MINUS"])
if atm.type == "MINUS": return self.atome(not minus)
elif atm.type == "VAR":
2020-06-18 08:16:50 +02:00
if self.token_ahead.type == "LPAR":
return Node("Function", atm.value, *self.fct())
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
if minus: return Node("Operation", "--", Node("Variable", atm.value))
else: return Node("Variable", atm.value)
elif atm.type == "NUM":
return Node("Number", (atm.value, -atm.value)[minus])
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
e = self.expr()
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
if minus: return Node("Operation", "--", e)
else: return e
2020-06-18 08:16:50 +02:00
def fct(self):
param = list()
while self.token_ahead.type != "RPAR":
if self.token_ahead.type in ("VAR", "NUM", "MINUS"):
param.append(Node("Parameter", "#{}".format(len(param)+1), self.expr()))
else: self.expect(["COMMA", "RPAR"])
return param
2020-06-06 14:43:29 +02:00
def sum(self):
2020-06-06 16:02:25 +02:00
atomes = [self.product()]
while self.token_ahead.type in ("PLUS", "MINUS"):
operator = self.expect()
atome_after = self.product()
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
atomes.append((atome_after, Node("Operation", "-", atome_after))[operator.type == "MINUS"])
2020-06-06 16:02:25 +02:00
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
return (Node("Operation", "+", *atomes), atomes[0])[len(atomes) == 1]
2020-06-06 16:02:25 +02:00
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
def product(self):
atomes = [self.exp()]
2020-06-06 16:02:25 +02:00
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
while self.token_ahead.type in ("MULTI", "DIVI"):
operator = self.expect()
atome_after = self.exp()
atomes.append((atome_after, Node("Operation", "1/", atome_after))[operator.type == "DIVI"])
2020-06-06 14:43:29 +02:00
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
return (Node("Operation", "*", *atomes), atomes[0])[len(atomes) == 1]
2020-06-06 14:43:29 +02:00
def exp(self):
atome_1 = self.atome()
2020-06-06 14:43:29 +02:00
if self.token_ahead.type != "EXP":
return atome_1
op = self.expect()
atome_2 = self.atome()
2020-06-06 14:43:29 +02:00
return Node("Operation", op.value, atome_1, atome_2)
# ==================================================
# Lexer
# ==================================================
# --- Main function --- #
def lexer(prgm_src):
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
token = {
for i in {"=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "+", "-", "/", "*", "^", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", '"', "\n", ",", ";"}:
prgm_src = prgm_src.replace(i, " " + i + " ")
word = [i for i in prgm_src.lower().split(" ") if i != ""]
l_token = TokenList()
index, undef = 0, bool()
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
while index < len(word):
undef = True
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
for target in token.keys():
name = token[target]
if word[index] in target and lexer_detect(word, index, target):
l_token.add(Token(name, target))
undef = False
index += len(target)
if undef and word[index] == "\"":
l_token, index = text_detecter(word, index, l_token)
elif undef:
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
if word[index].isdigit():
l_token.add(Token("NUM", eval(word[index])))
l_token.add(Token("VAR", word[index]))
index += 1
2020-06-10 17:53:03 +02:00
return l_token
# --- Secondary functions --- #
def lexer_detect(word, index, target):
return not 0 in [target[i] == word[i + index] for i in range(len(target))]
return 0
def text_detecter(word, index, l_token):
txt = word[index]
index += 1
while word[index] != '"':
txt = txt + " " + word[index]
index += 1
l_token.add(Token("TEXT", txt + ' "'))
return l_token, index + 1
# ==================================================
# Parser
# ==================================================
# --- Main function --- #
def parser(l_token):
par = Parser(l_token)
ast = Node("Programm", "")
2020-06-06 14:43:29 +02:00
return ast
# --- Secondary functions --- #
# (empty for the moment)
# ==================================================
# Miscellaneous functions
# ==================================================
def compylateur(code):
l_token = lexer(code)
print("--- Tokens ---")
ast = parser(l_token)
print("\n\n--- AST ---")