2019-07-17 19:08:32 +02:00

137 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/make -f
# Default Makefile for fxSDK add-ins. This file was probably copied there by
# the [fxsdk] program.
# Configuration
include project.cfg
# Compiler flags
cf := -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib -Wall -Wextra \
-fstrict-volatile-bitfields $(CFLAGS)
cf-fx := $(cf) -m3 -DFX9860G
cf-cg := $(cf) -m4-nofpu -DFXCG50
# Linker flags
lf-fx := $(LDFLAGS) -Tfx9860g.ld -lgint-fx -lgcc -Wl,-Map=build-fx/map
lf-cg := $(LDFLAGS) -Tfxcg50.ld -lgint-cg -lgcc -Wl,-Map=build-cg/map
dflags = -MMD -MT $@ -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MP
cpflags := -R .bss -R .gint_bss
g1af := -i "$(ICON_FX)" -n "$(NAME)" --internal="$(INTERNAL)"
g3af := -n basic:"$(NAME)" -i uns:"$(ICON_CG_UNS)" -i sel:"$(ICON_CG_SEL)"
# File listings
null :=
filename := $(subst $(null) $(null),-,$(NAME))
elf = $(dir $<)$(filename).elf
bin = $(dir $<)$(filename).bin
target-fx := $(filename).g1a
target-cg := $(filename).g3a
# Source files
src := $(wildcard src/*.c)
assets-fx := $(wildcard assets-fx/**/*)
assets-cg := $(wildcard assets-cg/**/*)
# Object files
obj-fx := $(src:%.c=build-fx/%.o) $(assets-fx:assets-fx/%=build-fx/assets/%.o)
obj-cg := $(src:%.c=build-cg/%.o) $(assets-cg:assets-cg/%=build-cg/assets/%.o)
# Additional dependencies
deps-fx := $(ICON_FX)
deps-cg := $(ICON_CG_UNS) $(ICON_CG_SEL)
# All targets
all :=
ifneq "$(wildcard build-fx)" ""
all += all-fx
ifneq "$(wildcard build-cg)" ""
all += all-cg
# Build rules
all: $(all)
all-fx: $(target-fx)
all-cg: $(target-cg)
$(target-fx): $(obj-fx) $(deps-fx)
sh3eb-elf-gcc -o $(elf) $(obj-fx) $(cf-fx) $(lf-fx)
sh3eb-elf-objcopy -O binary $(cpflags) $(elf) $(bin)
fxg1a $(bin) -o $@ $(g1af)
$(target-cg): $(obj-cg) $(deps-cg)
sh3eb-elf-gcc -o $(elf) $(obj-cg) $(cf-cg) $(lf-cg)
sh3eb-elf-objcopy -O binary $(cpflags) $(elf) $(bin)
mkg3a $(g3af) $(bin) $@
# C sources
build-fx/%.o: %.c
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
sh3eb-elf-gcc -c $< -o $@ $(cf-fx) $(dflags)
build-cg/%.o: %.c
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
sh3eb-elf-gcc -c $< -o $@ $(cf-cg) $(dflags)
# Images
build-fx/assets/img/%.o: assets-fx/img/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -i $< -o $@ name:img_$(basename $*)
build-cg/assets/img/%.o: assets-cg/img/%
@ echo -ne "\e[31;1mWARNING: image conversion for fxcg50 is not "
@ echo -ne "supported yet\e[0m"
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -i $< -o $@ name:img_$(basename $*)
# Fonts
build-fx/assets/fonts/%.o: assets-fx/fonts/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -f $< -o $@ name:font_$(basename $*) $(FONT.$*)
build-cg/assets/fonts/%.o: assets-cg/fonts/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -f $< -o $@ name:font_$(basename $*) $(FONT.$*)
# Cleaning and utilities
# Dependency information
-include $(shell find build* -name *.d 2> /dev/null)
build-fx/%.d: ;
build-cg/%.d: ;
.PRECIOUS: build-fx build-cg build-fx/%.d build-cg/%.d %/
@ rm -rf build*
distclean: clean
@ rm -f $(target-fx) $(target-cg)
install-fx: $(target-fx)
p7 send -f $<
install-cg: $(target-cg)
@ while [[ ! -h /dev/Prizm1 ]]; do sleep 1; done
@ mount /dev/Prizm1
@ rm -f /mnt/prizm/$<
@ cp $< /mnt/prizm
@ umount /dev/Prizm1
@- eject /dev/Prizm1
.PHONY: all all-fx all-cg clean distclean install-fx install-cg