# Asci (1.8.1) class Asci: def __init__(self, maps, entities, events_mapping, keys_mapping, behaviors=None, screen_width=21, screen_height=6): # Load maps and entities self.maps = [Map(*i) for i in maps] self.entities = {} entity_id = 0 for i in entities: if not i[0]: i[0] = entity_id entity_id += 1 if i[0] in self.entities: raise KeyError("'{}' is already a registered entities".format(i[0])) else: self.entities[i[0]] = Entity(*i) # Custom functions self._legend = list(events_mapping.keys()) self._game_events_mapping = [events_mapping[i] for i in self._legend] self._game_keys_mapping = {key: keys_mapping[key] for key in keys_mapping if not key in (1, 2, 3, 5)} # Custom entities behavior self._behaviors = {"permanent": permanent, "stand by": stand_by, "follow": follow, "walk between": walk_between, "walk to": walk_to, "follow by player": follow_by_player} if behaviors: for i in behaviors: self._behaviors[i] = behaviors[i] # Screen initialisation self.screen = Screen(screen_width, screen_height) self.current_map = None def _looked_case(self, direction): if direction == 1: # Left return self.data[2] - 1, self.data[3] elif direction == 3: # Right return self.data[2] + 1, self.data[3] elif direction == 5: # Up return self.data[2], self.data[3] - 1 elif direction == 2: # Down return self.data[2], self.data[3] + 1 return self.data[2], self.data[3] def _cell_test(self, direction): if direction == 1: if self.data[2] - 1 < 0: return -1 else: cell = self.screen.get_cell(self.data[2] - 1, self.data[3]) if direction == 3: if self.data[2] + 1 >= self.map_width: return -1 else: cell = self.screen.get_cell(self.data[2] + 1, self.data[3]) if direction == 5: if self.data[3] - 1 < 0: return -1 else: cell = self.screen.get_cell(self.data[2], self.data[3] - 1) if direction == 2: if self.data[3] + 1 >= self.map_height: return -1 else: cell = self.screen.get_cell(self.data[2], self.data[3] + 1) cell_patterns = self._legend for pattern_index in range(len(cell_patterns)): if cell in cell_patterns[pattern_index]: return pattern_index return -1 def _keyboard(self, key, interaction=True): # Interaction while moving if key in (1, 3, 5, 2): cell_test = self._cell_test(key) # Move if cell_test == len(self._legend) - 1: if key == 1: self.data[2] -= 1 if key == 3: self.data[2] += 1 if key == 5: self.data[3] -= 1 if key == 2: self.data[3] += 1 # Change map elif interaction and cell_test == len(self._legend) - 2: new_map, self.data[2], self.data[3] = self._get_map(key) if self.data[1] != new_map: self._change_map(new_map) # Interaction elif interaction and cell_test >= 0: self._interaction(key, cell_test) # Custom functions elif key in self._game_keys_mapping: self.screen.clear() self._game_keys_mapping[key](self.data, self.stat) def _get_map(self, direction): current_coords = self._looked_case(direction) for coords in self.current_map.coords: if coords[:2] == current_coords: return coords[2], coords[3], coords[4] return self.data[1], self.data[2], self.data[3] def _change_map(self, new_map): # Update map id and data old_map, self.data[1] = self.data[1], new_map self.current_map = self.maps[self.data[1]] self.current_map.entities = {} # Update entities for i in self.entities: entity = self.entities[i] if entity.map_id == old_map and entity.behavior == "follow": entity.pos_x = entity.pos_y = -1 entity.map_id = new_map if entity.map_id == new_map: self.current_map.entities[i] = entity # Update screen configuration self.screen.set_world(self.current_map.map_data) self.map_width, self.map_height = self.screen.get_map_size() def _interaction(self, direction, cell_content): x, y = self._looked_case(direction) data_copy = [self.data[0], self.data[1], x, y, self.data[4]] # Get the event event = self._game_events_mapping[cell_content](data_copy, self.stat, self.current_map.entities, self._get_entity_id(x, y)) if type(event) == tuple: quest, event = event else: quest = "main" # data modification self.data[0] = data_copy[0] if self.data[1] != data_copy[1]: self._change_map(data_copy[1]) if data_copy[2] != x: self.data[2] = data_copy[2] if data_copy[3] != y: self.data[3] = data_copy[3] if not event: return event = read_event(self.data, event, quest) # XP and stat modification self.data[0][quest] += event.xp for index, value in event.stat: self.stat[index] += value # Display and get answer if event.text: answer_selected = convert(self.screen.display_text(event.text), True) if event.answer and (0 < answer_selected <= event.answer): self.data[0][quest] += answer_selected self._interaction(direction, cell_content) def _get_entity_id(self, x, y): for entity in self.current_map.entities.values(): if entity.pos_x == x and entity.pos_y == y: return entity.entity_id # Mainloop def mainloop(self, end_game, stat=None, data=None, routine=None, player="@", door="^", walkable=" ", exit_key=9, multi_move="."): if exit_key in self._game_keys_mapping: raise ValueError("'{}' is already assigned to a function.".format(exit_key)) # Load save ; data = [XP, map_id, x, y] if not stat or type(stat) != list: self.stat = [100] else: self.stat = stat if not data: self.data = [{"main": 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0] else: self.data = [data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], 0] # Configuration self._legend.append(door) self._legend.append(walkable) self._change_map(self.data[1]) self.screen.load_data(self.data) key = 0 while key != exit_key and self.stat[0] > 0 and self.data[0]["main"] < end_game: # Update the map self.screen.set_screen() # Compute the player's and entities' positions data_copy = self.data[:] for entity in self.current_map.entities.values(): self._behaviors[entity.behavior](entity, data_copy, self.stat, self.screen, walkable) if entity.map_id == self.data[1] and (0 <= entity.pos_x - self.data[2] + 10 < self.screen.screen_width) and (0 <= entity.pos_y - self.data[3] + 3 < self.screen.screen_height): self.screen.set_cell(entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y, entity.symbol) self.screen.set_cell(self.data[2], self.data[3], player) # Display map, get the key and update key buffer key = convert(self.screen.display()) if not key: key = self.data[4] else: self.data[4] = key # Multi-move and key gestion if type(key) == str and key[0] == multi_move: key = key[1:] for k, r in get_multi_move(key): for _ in range(r): self._keyboard(k, False) self.screen.set_screen() self.data[4] = k else: self._keyboard(key) # Launching the game routine if routine: data_copy = self.data[:] routine(data_copy, self.stat) if self.stat[0] <= 0: self.stat[0] = 100 return self.stat, self.data[:-1] # Classes used by Asci class Screen: def __init__(self, screen_width=21, screen_height=6): # Screen configuration self.screen_width = screen_width self.screen_height = screen_height self._on_screen = [[" " for _ in range(screen_width)] for _ in range(screen_height)] self._asci_data = [] def load_data(self, data): self._asci_data = data def get_map_size(self): return self.map_width, self.map_height def set_world(self, world): self._world = [[char for char in line] for line in world.split("\n")[1:]] self.map_width = max([len(line) for line in self._world]) self.map_height = len(self._world) def set_screen(self): x = self._asci_data[2] - 10 ; y = self._asci_data[3] - 3 for x_map in range(x, x + self.screen_width): for y_map in range(y, y + self.screen_height): self._on_screen[y_map - y][x_map - x] = " " if 0 <= x_map < self.map_width and 0 <= y_map < self.map_height: try: self._on_screen[y_map - y][x_map - x] = self._world[y_map][x_map] except: pass def display(self, return_input=True): for line in self._on_screen: print("".join(line)) if return_input: return input(">") def clear(self): print("\n" * self.screen_height) def display_text(self, string): paragraphs = [i for i in text_formater(string) if i] nb_par = len(paragraphs) for index in range(nb_par): self.clear() print(paragraphs[index]) if index + 1 == nb_par: return input(">") else: input() def set_cell(self, x, y, value): x = x - (self._asci_data[2] - 10) y = y - (self._asci_data[3] - 3) if 0 <= x < self.screen_width and 0 <= y < self.screen_height: self._on_screen[y][x] = value def get_cell(self, x, y): x = x - (self._asci_data[2] - 10) y = y - (self._asci_data[3] - 3) if 0 <= x < self.screen_width and 0 <= y < self.screen_height: return self._on_screen[y][x] else: return " " class Event: def __init__(self, xp, text, answer=0, *stat): self.xp = xp self.text = text self.answer = answer self.stat = stat class Map: def __init__(self, map_data, *coords): self.map_data = map_data self.coords = coords self.entities = {} class Entity: def __init__(self, entity_id, symbol, map_id, x, y, behavior, *args): self.entity_id = entity_id self.symbol = symbol self.map_id = map_id self.pos_x = x self.pos_y = y self.behavior = behavior self.args = list(args) def change_behavior(self, new_behavior): if self.behavior != "permanent": self.behavior = new_behavior def teleport(self, map_id, x, y): if self.behavio != "permanent": self.map_id, self.pos_x, self.pos_y = map_id, x, y # Functions used by Asci def convert(string, force_int=False): try: return int(string) except: if force_int: return 0 else: return string def text_formater(string, screen_width=21, screen_height=6): def line_formater(string, screen_width): string_result = "" while len(string) > screen_width: stop_index = screen_width while stop_index > 0 and not string[stop_index].isspace(): stop_index -= 1 if not stop_index: stop_index = screen_width string_result += string[:stop_index].strip() + "\n" string = string[stop_index:].strip() return string_result + string def paragraph_formater(lines, screen_height): paragraphs = "" while len(lines) >= screen_height: paragraphs += "\n".join(lines[:screen_height]) + "\n\n" lines = lines[screen_height:] return paragraphs + "\n".join(lines) lines = [] for line in string.split("\n"): for formated_line in line_formater(line, screen_width).split("\n"): lines.append(formated_line) return paragraph_formater(lines, screen_height).split("\n\n") def read_event(data, event, quest): if not quest in data[0]: data[0][quest] = 0 if type(event) == dict: if data[0][quest] in event: event = event[data[0][quest]] else: event = event["base"] if type(event) != list: raise TypeError("event is of type {} instead of list".format(type(event))) return Event(*event) def get_multi_move(key): if "," in key: result = [] for k in key.split(","): if "*" in k: k = k.split("*") result.append((convert(k[0]), convert(k[1]))) else: result.append((convert(k), 1)) return result elif "*" in key: key = key.split("*") return [(convert(key[0]), convert(key[1]))] else: return [(convert(k), 1) for k in key] # Extra functions def print_text(text, min_value=0, max_value=0, default_value=0): paragraphs = [i for i in text_formater(text) if i] nb = len(paragraphs) for index in range(nb): print("\n" * 7) print(paragraphs[index]) if index + 1 == nb and (min_value or max_value or default_value) and min_value <= max_value: result = input(">") try: result = int(result) except: result = default_value if not (min_value <= result <= max_value): result = default_value return result else: input() def stand_by(entity, data, stat, screen, walkable): pass def permanent(entity, data, stat, screen, walkable): pass def follow(entity, data, stat, screen, walkable): if entity.pos_x == entity.pos_y == -1: entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y = data[2], data[3] elif data[4] in (1, 2, 3, 5): if entity.args: walkable += entity.args[0] cases = ((data[2] + 1, data[3]), (data[2], data[3] - 1), (data[2] - 1, data[3]), 0, (data[2], data[3] + 1))[data[4] - 1] if not (0 <= cases[0] < screen.map_width and 0 <= cases[1] < screen.map_height): entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y = data[2], data[3] elif screen.get_cell(cases[0], cases[1]) in walkable: entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y = cases def walk_between(entity, data, stat, screen, walkable): frame = (entity.args[0] + 1) % len(entity.args[1]) new_x, new_y = _walk_engine(entity, frame) if screen.get_cell(new_x, new_y) in walkable: entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y = new_x, new_y entity.args[0] = frame def walk_to(entity, data, stat, screen, walkable): frame = entity.args[0] if len(entity.args[1]) == frame: entity.behavior = "stand by" entity.args = [] return new_x, new_y = _walk_engine(entity, frame) if screen.get_cell(new_x, new_y) in walkable: entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y = new_x, new_y entity.args[0] += 1 def follow_by_player(entity, data, stat, screen, walkable): frame = entity.args[0] if len(entity.args[1]) == frame: entity.behavior = "stand by" entity.args = [] return new_x, new_y = _walk_engine(entity, frame) if abs(data[2] - new_x) < 5 and abs(data[3] - new_y) < 3 and screen.get_cell(new_x, new_y) in walkable: entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y = new_x, new_y if (new_x, new_y) == entity.args[1][frame]: entity.args[0] += 1 def _walk_engine(entity, frame): delta_x, delta_y = list(map(lambda x,y: y - x, (entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y), entity.args[1][frame])) new_x = entity.pos_x new_y = entity.pos_y if delta_x: new_x += abs(delta_x) // delta_x if delta_y: new_y += abs(delta_y) // delta_y return new_x, new_y