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#! /usr/bin/make -f
# gint project Makefile
include Makefile.cfg
# Project variables
# Modules
modules-gint = bopti clock core display events gray keyboard mmu rtc \
screen tales timer
modules-libc = ctype setjmp stdio stdlib string time
# Targets
target-lib = libgint.a
target-std = libc.a
target-g1a = gintdemo.g1a
target-dbg = gintdbg.g1a
# Tools
cc = sh3eb-elf-gcc
as = sh3eb-elf-as
ar = sh3eb-elf-ar
ob = sh3eb-elf-objcopy
wr = g1a-wrapper
# Flags for gint
lib-cflags = -m3 -mb -nostdlib -I include -ffreestanding -std=c11 -Os \
-Wall -Wextra @gcc.cfg -g0
# Demo application (could be done better)
demo-src = $(notdir $(wildcard demo/*.[cs]))
demo-dep = $(wildcard demo/*.h)
demo-icon = demo/icon.bmp
demo-res = $(notdir $(wildcard demo/resources/*))
demo-obj = $(patsubst %,build/demo_%.o,$(demo-src) $(demo-res))
demo-elf = build/gintdemo.elf
demo-bin = build/gintdemo.bin
demo-ldflags = $(demo-cflags) -T demo/gintdemo.ld -L. -lgint -lc -lgcc
demo-cflags = -m3 -mb -nostdlib -I include -ffreestanding -std=c11 -Os \
-Wall -Wextra
# Debugger application (displays past diagnostics without running gint)
debug-src = $(notdir $(wildcard debug/*.[cs]))
debug-dep = $(wildcard debug/*.h)
debug-icon = debug/icon.bmp
debug-obj = $(debug-src:%=build/debug_%.o)
debug-elf = build/gintdbg.elf
debug-bin = build/gintdbg.bin
debug-ldflags = $(debug-cflags) -T debug/addin.ld -L debug -lfx -lgcc
debug-cflags = -m3 -mb -nostdlib -ffreestanding -I debug/include -I \
include -std=c11 -Os -Wall -Wextra
# Specific objects
2017-02-25 20:10:48 +01:00
obj-lib-spec = build/display_font_system.bmp.o
obj-std-spec =
# Configuration files
config = gcc.cfg
ifeq ($(wildcard $(config)),)
$(error "Configuration files are missing. Did you ./configure ?")
# Target folder
folder := $(shell fxsdk --folder)
ifndef folder
$(error "Could not get the fxSDK storage folder. Did you install fxSDK \
# Automatic variables
# Modules are subfolders of src/.
modules = $(modules-gint) $(modules-libc)
define n
# This is a newline character.
# Module-scope variables.
$(foreach mod, $(modules), $(eval \
mod-$(mod)-c = $(notdir $(wildcard src/$(mod)/*.c)) $n\
mod-$(mod)-asm = $(notdir $(wildcard src/$(mod)/*.s)) $n\
mod-$(mod)-src = $$(mod-$(mod)-c)$$(mod-$(mod)-asm) $n\
mod-$(mod)-obj = $$(patsubst %,build/$(mod)_%.o,$$(mod-$(mod)-src)) \
# Target-scope variables.
obj-std = $(foreach mod,$(modules-libc),$(mod-$(mod)-obj)) $(obj-std-spec)
obj-lib = $(foreach mod,$(modules-gint),$(mod-$(mod)-obj)) $(obj-lib-spec)
# Dependencies.
hdr-dep = $(wildcard include/*.h include/*/*.h)
# Rule templates
# C source file template:
# $1 module name
# $2 filename
# $3 dependencies
define rule-c-source
build/$1_$2.o: src/$1/$2 $3 $(config)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[34;1msrc \u00bb\e[0m cc $$<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(cc) -c $$< -o $$@ $(lib-cflags)
# Asm source file template:
# $1 module name
# $2 filename
define rule-asm-source
build/$1_$2.o: src/$1/$2 $(config)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[34;1msrc \u00bb\e[0m as $$<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(as) -c $$< -o $$@
# Version management
# Retrieve version information.
version_string = $(shell cat version | sed 's/[-.]/ /g')
version_type = $(word 1,$(version_string))
version_major = $(word 2,$(version_string))
version_minor = $(word 3,$(version_string))
version_build = $(word 4,$(version_string))
# Make up the new version integer.
version_build_n = $(shell echo $$(($(version_build) + 1)))
version_letter = $(shell echo -n $(version_type) | sed -r 's/^(.).*/\1/')
version_symbol = $(shell printf '0x%02x%01x%01x%04x' "'$(version_letter)'" \
$(version_major) $(version_minor) $(version_build))
# Tell the linker to define the version symbol.
demo-ldflags += -Wl,--defsym,_GINT_VERSION=$(version_symbol)
debug-ldflags += -Wl,--defsym,_GINT_VERSION=$(version_symbol)
# Building
# Generic rules
all-lib: $(config) $(target-std) $(target-lib)
all: $(config) $(target-std) $(target-lib) $(target-g1a) $(target-dbg)
2016-11-11 10:43:13 +01:00
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mdir \u00bb\e[0m mkdir $@\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) mkdir -p $@
version: $(obj-std) $(obj-lib)
@ echo '$(version_type)-$(version_major).$(version_minor)-$(version_build_n)' > $@
2016-11-11 10:43:13 +01:00
$(obj-std) $(obj-lib) $(demo-obj): | build
$(target-std): $(obj-std) version
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mlib \u00bb\e[0m ar $@\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(ar) rcs $@ $(obj-std)
@ printf '\e[32;1mmsg \u00bb\e[0m Succesfully built libc ('
@ printf $$(stat -c %s $@)
@ printf ' bytes)\n\n'
$(target-lib): $(config) $(target-std) $(obj-lib) version
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mlib \u00bb\e[0m ar $@\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(ar) rcs $@ $(obj-lib)
@ printf '\e[32;1mmsg \u00bb\e[0m Succesfully built libgint ('
@ printf $$(stat -c %s $@)
@ printf ' bytes)\n\n'
$(target-g1a): $(config) $(target-std) $(target-lib) $(demo-obj)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mexe \u00bb\e[0m ld -o $(demo-elf)\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(cc) -o $(demo-elf) $(demo-obj) $(demo-ldflags)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mexe \u00bb\e[0m objcopy -o $(demo-bin)\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(ob) -R .comment -R .bss -O binary $(demo-elf) $(demo-bin)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mexe \u00bb\e[0m g1a-wrapper -o $@\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(wr) $(demo-bin) -o $@ -i $(demo-icon)
@ printf '\e[32;1mmsg \u00bb\e[0m Succesfully built demo application ('
@ printf $$(stat -c %s $@)
@ printf ' bytes)\n\n'
$(target-dbg): $(config) $(debug-obj)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mexe \u00bb\e[0m ld -o $(debug-elf)\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(cc) -o $(debug-elf) $(debug-obj) $(debug-ldflags)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mexe \u00bb\e[0m objcopy -o $(debug-bin)\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(ob) -R .comment -R .bss -O binary $(debug-elf) $(debug-bin)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[35;1mexe \u00bb\e[0m g1a-wrapper -o $@\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(wr) $(debug-bin) -o $@ -i $(debug-icon)
@ printf '\e[32;1mmsg \u00bb\e[0m Succesfully built debug application ('
@ printf $$(stat -c %s $@)
@ printf ' bytes)\n\n'
# Automated rules
$(foreach mod,$(modules), \
$(foreach source,$(mod-$(mod)-c), $(eval \
$(call rule-c-source,$(mod),$(source),$(hdr-dep)))) \
$(foreach source,$(mod-$(mod)-asm), $(eval \
$(call rule-asm-source,$(mod),$(source)))) \
# Specific rules
# Optimizing this one makes the interrupt handler raise illegal slot exception
# on rte; lds.l @r15+, mach. This is totally weird but I haven't understood
# why for now.
build/display_font_%.bmp.o: src/display/font_%.bmp
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[36;1mres \u00bb\e[0m fxconv $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) fxconv $< -o $@ --font -n $(<:src/display/font_%.bmp=gint_font_%)
# Demo application
build/demo_%.c.o: demo/%.c $(hdr-dep) $(demo-dep) $(config)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[34;1msrc \u00bb\e[0m cc $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(cc) -c $< -o $@ $(demo-cflags)
build/demo_%.s.o: demo/%.s $(config)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[34;1msrc \u00bb\e[0m as $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(as) -c $< -o $@
build/demo_font_%.bmp.o: demo/resources/font_%.bmp
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[36;1mres \u00bb\e[0m fxconv $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) fxconv $< -o $@ --font -n $(patsubst demo/resources/%.bmp,res_%,$<)
build/demo_%.bmp.o: demo/resources/%.bmp
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[36;1mres \u00bb\e[0m fxconv $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) fxconv $< -o $@ -n $(patsubst demo/resources/%.bmp,res_%,$<)
# Debug application
build/debug_%.s.o: debug/%.s $(config)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[34;1msrc \u00bb\e[0m as $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(as) -c $< -o $@
build/debug_%.c.o: debug/%.c $(hdr-dep) $(debug-dep) $(config)
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@ printf '\e[34;1msrc \u00bb\e[0m cc $<\n')
$(if $(VERBOSE),,@) $(cc) -c $< -o $@ $(debug-cflags)
# Cleaning and install
2016-11-11 10:43:13 +01:00
@ rm -rf build
mrproper: clean
@ rm -f $(target-g1a) $(target-lib) $(target-std)
@ rm -f $(config)
distclean: mrproper
2016-12-25 11:45:05 +01:00
install: $(target-std) $(target-lib)
mkdir -p $(folder)
install -m 644 $^ $(folder)
install -m 644 -T demo/gintdemo.ld $(folder)/linker.ld
mkdir -p $(folder)/gint
install -m 644 include/*.h $(folder)/gint
ifdef config_ext
install -m 644 include/extended/*.h $(folder)/gint
@ printf '\e[32;1mmsg \u00bb\e[0m All installed!\n'
install-demo: all
2016-12-25 11:45:05 +01:00
p7 send -f $(target-g1a)
install-debug: all
p7 send -f $(target-dbg)
2016-12-25 11:45:05 +01:00
.PHONY: all-lib all help
.PHONY: clean mrproper distclean
.PHONY: install install-demo install-debug